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=== Juiz Social Post Sharer ===
Contributors: CreativeJuiz
Donate link:
Tags: social, twitter, google, facebook, digg, stumbleupon, linkedin, pinterest, viadeo, weibo, vkontakte, post, share
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 1.3.8

Add buttons after your posts to allow visitors share your content (includes no JavaScript mode).

== Description ==

Add buttons after your posts to allow visitors share your content (includes no JavaScript mode).
Select your favorites social networks among a little list. Display an optional sharings counter.

**You can donate to support**

* [Donate what you want with Paypal](
* [Flattr this thing!](,Social,Share,Buttons,Network,Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin&category=software)

**Please, use the support forum to tell me bugs encountered, and be patient**

Social networks supported:

* Digg
* Facebook 
* Google+
* LinkedIn
* Mail
* Pinterest
* StumbleUpon
* Twitter
* Viadeo
* Weibo
* VKontakte

Options plugin:

* 8 graphic templates available
* Choose from all available networks
* Open links in a new window (deactivated by default)
* Choose to display only the social network icon
* Add your Twitter account name to add "via" during a share
* Choose to display buttons only on certain type of post
* Choose to hide buttons only on certain posts directly in the edit page (metabox).
* Choose to display buttons at the bottom, the top of the content, or both (or just with shortcode)
* Customize mail texts (subject and body)
* Display a sharings counter (optional and in beta)
* Some hooks are available for markup customization (or add some things)
* A hook is available and offer you the opportunity to add the bouton you need
* Use shortcode <code>[juiz_sps]</code> or <code>[juiz_social]</code> where you want
* Use template function <code>juiz_sps()</code> or <code>get_juiz_sps()</code> in your code

Languages available:

* Deutsch (thank to [Dennis Schmitz]( "Dennis Schmitz's website")!)
* English
* French
* Japanese (thank to [半月 (Hangetsu)]( "Hangetsu's website")!)
* Russian (thank you [Fandia]( "Fandia's website")!)
* Serbian (thank to [Borisa Djuraskovic]( "Borisa Djuraskovic's website")!)
* Spanish (thank to [Roberto Castiñeira]( "Roberto Castiñeira's website")!)
* Turkish (thanks to [Hakaner]( "His website")!)

<strong>Full <a href="">Documentation</a> available</strong>.

This tool relies on third-party applications (API), so if you say "it's broken", please tell me why ;)




Ajoutez des boutons après vos publications pour permettre aux visiteurs de partager votre contenu (inclus un mode sans JavaScript)

Sélectionnez vos réseaux sociaux favoris parmis une petite liste.

**Merci d'utiliser le forum de support si vous rencontrez un bogue, et soyez patients.**

**Vous pouvez donner pour aider au développement**

* [Faire un don avec Paypal](
* [Utiliser Flattr](,Social,Share,Buttons,Network,Twitter,Facebook,Linkedin&category=software)

Les réseaux sociaux supportés :

* Digg
* Facebook 
* Google+
* LinkedIn
* Mail
* Pinterest
* StumbleUpon
* Twitter
* Viadeo
* Weibo
* VKontakte

Options du plugin :

* 8 thèmes graphiques de base
* Faites votre choix parmi tous les réseaux disponibles
* Ouverture des liens dans une nouvelle fenêtre (désactivé par défaut)
* Choix de n'afficher que l'icône du réseau social
* Ajout du pseudo Twitter pour ajouter la mention "via" lors d'un partage
* Choix du type de contenu bénéficiant des boutons
* Choix des posts où les boutons de partage ne doivent pas s'afficher directement dans la page concernée (activé pour les types de posts qui utilisent les boutons uniquement, logique...)
* Choix de l'emplacement des boutons, avant, après le contenu, ou les deux. (ou juste le shortcode)
* Personnalisez les textes du mail (sujet et corps)
* Affichez un compteur de partage (optionnel et en beta)
* Quelques hooks sont disponibles pour modifier le markup HTML (ou ajouter des choses)
* Un hook est disponible pour ajouter les boutons que vous souhaitez
* Utilisez le shortcode <code>[juiz_sps]</code> ou <code>[juiz_social]</code> où vous le souhaitez
* Utilisez la fonction de template <code>juiz_sps()</code> ou <code>get_juiz_sps()</code> dans votre code

Langues disponibles :

* Allemand (merci à [Dennis Schmitz]( "Site web de Dennis Schmitz") !)
* Anglais
* Espagnol (merci à [Roberto Castiñeira]( "Site web de Roberto Castiñeira's") !)
* Français
* Japonais (merci à [半月 (Hangetsu)]( "Site web de Hangetsu") !)
* Russe (merci à [Fandia]( "Site web de Fandia") !)
* Serbe (merci à [Borisa Djuraskovic]( "Borisa Djuraskovic's website") !)
* Turc (merci à [Hakaner]( "Son site web") !)

<strong><a href="">Documentation</a> complète disponible !</strong>.

Cet outil dépend d'applications tierces (API), donc si vous notez le plugin comme étant cassé ou fonctionnant mal, merci de me dire pourquoi, car ça n'est pas forcément entièrement ma faute ;)

== Installation ==

You can use one of both method :

**Installation via your Wordpress website**

1. Go to the **admin menu 'Plugins' -> 'Install'** and **search** for 'Juiz Social Post Sharer'
1. **Click** 'install' and **activate it**
1. (optional) Configure the Plugin in **Settings**

**Manual Installation**

1. **Download** the plugin (it's better :p)
1. **Unzip** `juiz-social-post-sharer` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. **Activate the plugin** through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. It's finished !

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Find a complete documentation on <a href="">this official documentation</a>

= The text shared by default is very ugly, something like "Share the post "YOUR POST TITLE" FacebookTwitterGoogle+E-mail [SOME OTHER WORDS]"? =
You certainly activated the buttons in the top of your post. It's your choice, but in this case, you need to improve by yourself the SEO-description of your article/page. You can try using the <a href="">WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast</a>. 

= Can I add a "Like" ou "Google +1" button with this plugin? =
Yes, but not with the page options of this plugin. You need to use a hook to add an item in your buttons list.
See the `juiz_sps_before_first_item` or `juiz_sps_after_last_item` hook in <a href="">the documentation</a>. 

= I have a fatal error or a 500 server error since update to 1.2.3 =
Yes, you surely use pinterest button. It's a bug, update to 1.2.4.
Thank you.

= I can't just use shortcode by deactivating all the checkbox display option in admin option page? since 1.2.0 =
Yes, it's a bug, please, use the plugin version 1.2.2. 

= New style is not visible? =
Please update to 1.1.3

= Some options are not visible (if it's not the first installation, but an update of the plugin) =
Deactivate and reactivate the plugin to force the options rebuild.

== Screenshots ==

1. Themes available
2. After a post
3. The new 1.3.0 Black theme and sharings counter
4. The metabox to hide buttons on a post
5. Both new themes: Brands Colors & Material Design

== Other plugins ==

**Try the new plugin <a href="">User Log-in by email</a>**
Find my plugins at <a href=""></a>

== Changelog ==

= 1.3.8 =
* Better Viadeo support
* Should include a better HTTPS support
 * Thanks to [evelyette]( and [Adam](

= 1.3.7 =
* **Tested up to WordPress 4.1.1**
* New style "Brands Colors" available (7 themes available now)
* New themes and "Black" theme by Fandia support Retina and HDPI screens (font-icons)
* Some little bugs in other styles fixed
* RTL languages compatibility
* Note: Plurk, Appnet and Flattr buttons should coming...

= =
* Russian Translation update (Thank you [Fandia]( "Fandia's website")!) 
* Tested in WordPress 4.0
* New plugin icons
* Style 6 URL update (Fandia's website, sorry :p)

= 1.3.6 =
* Some page admin improvements
* **Fixes**
 * Notice PHP removed (thanks to [Daniel Roch](
 * Some other improvements (thanks to [Julien Maury](

= 1.3.5 =
* Readme.txt updated
* **Translation**
 * New Japanese support, thank you [半月 (Hangetsu)]( "Hangetsu's website")!
 * New Serbian support, thank you [Borisa Djuraskovic]( "Borisa Djuraskovic's website")!

= 1.3.4 =
* We lose our nice version number :/
* **Fixes**
 * bug fix on e-mail button when post title use HTML tags (XSS - Thank you [Julio](
 * bug fix on hidden sentence when post title use HTML tags (XSS - Thank you [Julio](
* **New**
 * Spanish translation by [Roberto Castiñeira]( "Roberto Castiñeira's website")! Thank you guy!

= =
* WordPress 3.9.x compatibility
* **Bug fixes**
 * remove PHP Warning in some cases in post/page/cpt edit pages
 * remove notice error in translation ([more info]( "WordPress forum support"))
 * remove notice in debug mode and with Pinterest option activated ([more info]( "WordPress forum support"))
* **Improvements**
 * Add "title" parameter for Weibo API (thank you Aili!)
 * HTML tag for "total count" is customizable (it was an LI element)
 * New hook `juiz_sps_share_name_for_[network]` to adjust networks name-text ([more info](
 * New hook `juiz_sps_use_default_css` to remove default CSS request (you can use your own CSS)
 * New in Shortcode : use the `url` parameter to share "permalink", "siteurl" or "customurl" instead of current URL
 * New in Template function : use the $url_to_share parameter to share "permalink", "siteurl" or "customurl" instead of current URL
* **New**
 * Counters option: display sub-totals only, total only or both
 * Deutsch translation by [Dennis Schmitz]( "Dennis Schmitz's website")

= 1.3.3 = 
* Bug fix for Tony's style buttons (lake of rules for VK social network)
* Bug fix for Facebook counters (little JS error)
* Readme updated

= 1.3.2 =
* Bug fix when your theme has wp_autop activated on your content (thank you [Jérémy](

= 1.3.1 =
* Typo fix on CSS files (Metro styles only)
* Bug fix on Pinterest button when target option is activated (find on Firefox by [synthview](

= 1.3.0 =
* New feature: choose directly in the edit page of a post if you want to hide buttons (just a box to check)
* New feature: optional counter available (needs JavaScript) - CSS improved for that - Note it's in beta test
* New feature: optional "force Pinterest sniffing for image" feature (needs JavaScript)
* New: russian network VKontakte
* New: black style by [Fandia]( "Fandia's website")!
* Translation: new Turkish language (thanks to [Hakaner]( "His website")!)
* Translation: new Russian language (thanks to [Fandia]( "Fandia's website")!)
* New hook: `juiz_sps_intro_phrase_text` to help you change (see [the documentation]( "Official Documentation"))
* New hook: `juiz_sps_hide_intro_phrase` (see [the documentation]( "Official Documentation"))
* New hook: `juiz_sps_share_text_for_[network]` (see [the documentation]( "Official Documentation"))

= 1.2.4 =
* IMPORTANT: bug fix for Pinterest button's users (thanks to <a href="">jamesdodd</a>)
* IMPORTANT: hook juiz_sps_the_permalink replaced by juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink
* New hook: `juiz_sps_the_shared_permalink_for_[network]` (see [the documentation]( "Official Documentation"))

= 1.2.3 =
* Removes new Facebook API because of the complexity of use for the user (old API always works)

= 1.2.2 =
* New: Facebook and Pinterest new API integrated
* New hook to remove `rel="nofollow"` on links
* New hook to customize container element (div by default)
* New hook to remove intro sentence, or its container tag
* New: to perform customization, you can use %%title%% (insert the post title), %%siteurl%% (insert the site URL) or %%permalink%% (insert the post URL) variables
* Bug fix: you can now use shortcode or template function only by choosing option "I'm a ninja, I want to use the shortcode only!"
* Translation updates (French, English)

= 1.2.1 =
* [juiz_sps] shortcode added (you now have [juiz_social] and [juiz_sps])
* CSS improvement for themes not really well thought ;)

= 1.2.0 =
* New social networks available : weibo
* CSS improvement
* Documentation available! (see the bottom of settings page)
* New hooks and template functions available (see [the documentation]( "Official Documentation"))

= 1.1.4 =
* New choice: displaying button on all lists of articles (blog, archive, tag, search result, etc.)
* Admin page improvement
* New dynamic classes on HTML generated code
* Partial [documentation]( "Official Documentation") available with plugin (see the footer links)

= 1.1.3 =
* Bug fix on new style

= 1.1.2 =
* New hook for developper (can now hook shared url)
* Styles : New optionnal style for buttons (thanks to <a href="">Tony</a>)
* Styles : bug correction for Chrome
* Styles : little margin added before and after line of buttons

= 1.1.1 =
* Styles bug correction

= 1.1.0 =
* Add your Twitter account name to add "via" during a share
* Choose to display button only on certain type of post
* Choose to display button at the bottom, the top of the content, or both
* Some hooks are available for markup customization (or add some things)
* Customize mail texts (subject and body)

= 1.0.1 =
* Performance enhancement (thank you <a href="">Julio</a>)
* Some typos corrected

= 1.0.0 =
* The first beta version

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.3.0 =
Major update, new features and some optimization. You need it!

= 1.2.2 =
Several bug fixes, you can update ;)

= 1.1.0 =
Some new things, update it :)

= 1.0.0 =
Try it ;)