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=== Paginated Effects Gallery ===
Contributors: Nadeem Kelly
Donate link:
Tags: pagination, gallery, jQuery
Requires at least: 3.5.1
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 0.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

A simple, light and easy-to-use plugin that adds jQuery pagination to the standard wordpress gallery with cool jquery effects.

== Description ==

A simple, light and easy-to-use plugin that adds jQuery pagination to the standard wordpress gallery with cool jquery effects.


* Simple and easy to use
* Edit the number of thumbnails per page
* Change the number of paginated links to show
* Allows you to use jquery animation effects when navigating through gallery pages. 
* Effects included: Blind, Bounce, Clip, Drop, Explode, Fade, Fold, Highlight, Puff, Pulsate, Scale, Shake, Size, Slide
* Change the animation speed
* Apply to just one or many galleries on your website

Once you are happy with your gallery animations, edit the CSS to get your desired visuals for the pagination links.

* Now includes the jQuery UI project

== Installation ==


* In the admin panel plugins page click Add New
* Search for Paginated Effects Gallery
* Find Paginated Effects Gallery in the list an click Install Now
* Click OK when prompted
* Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
* Add the shortcode [peg] to each page where you have a gallery for it to be paginated


* Extract to your wp-content/plugins directory
* Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
* Add the shortcode [peg] to each page where you have a gallery for it to be paginated


* In the wordpress backend navigate to Settings->Paginated Effects
* Tweak the options to your preference and hit the save button
* Remember to add the shortcode [peg] to each page where you have a gallery that needs to have pagination

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

This section will be updated when there is sufficient feedback for the plugin.

== Screenshots ==

1. The Paginated Effects Gallery in action. Edit the CSS and style the pagination to be super slick.

2. The options associated with the plugin. Toggle the settings to get your desired look.

3. Add the shortcode [peg] to each page where you have a gallery for it to be paginated

== Changelog ==

= 0.1 =
* Initial release

= 0.2 =
* Fixed bug for displaying multiple galleries on the same page

= 0.3 =
* Fixes for deprecated jQuery calls

= 0.4 =
* Fixes for users experiencing problems with the effects settings
* Included jQuery UI project