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=== Random image gallery with fancy zoom ===
Contributors:, gopiplus
Donate link:
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Tags: Random, image, gallery, fancy, zoom
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: 9.8
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
This plug-in which allows you to simply and easily show random image anywhere in your template files or using widgets with onclick fancy zoom effect.

== Description ==

Check official website for live demo [](

Live demo : [Live demo](		 	
More information : [More information](			 		
User comments and suggestion : [User comments and suggestion](			 	
About author : [About author]( 	

The Random image gallery with fancy zoom plug-in which allows you to simply and easily show random image any where in your template files or using widgets with on-click fancy zoom effect. You can upload the original images directly into the folder or you can set the existing image folder location; this plugin will automatically generate the perfect thumbnail image based on the mentioned width.This plugin is very useful to showcase images randomly to user. Best practice is don’t use the default image location to store your images.

What is fancy zoom script? Fancy zoom is a simple, modest script used to overlay images on the current page. click and see the demo you will get understand.

**Features of this plugin**   	

* Simple and easy installation.
* This will create thumbnail image.
* Display one image on random order.
* Fancy zoom effect on mouse click.

**Plugin configuration**

Method 1

Drag and Drop the Widget : Go to widget page under Appearance tab, Drag and drop R I G W F Z widget into your side bar. its very easy.

Method 2

Add directly in the theme : Use this code `<?php if (function_exists (rigwfz_show)) rigwfz_show(); ?>` to add the gallery to your Theme files.

Method 3

Short code for posts and pages: Copy and paste the given short code into pages or posts. `[random-fanzy-zoom]`

= Translators =

* English (en_EN) - [Gopi Ramasamy](
* Polish (pl_PL) - [Abdul Sattar](

== Installation ==

**Installation instruction and configuration**  

[Installation instruction and configuration](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

**Q1. Plugin setting link?**

**Q2. Thumbnail not display?**

**Q3. Where to change the thumbnail width?**

**Q4. Close button not display in light box effect?**

**Q5. Where to upload my images?**

== Screenshots ==

1. Front end without light box.

2. Front end with light box.

3. Admin setting page.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =

First version

= 2.0 =

Tested up to 3.0

= 3.0 =

Tested up to 3.1.2

= 4.0 =

JavaScript added w3c standard 
Tested up to 3.2.1

= 5.0 =

Tested up to 3.3

= 6.0 =

Now the plug-in updated with jquery FancyZoom
Tested up to 3.4

= 7.0 =

Tested up to 3.4.1
Java script loaded by using the wp_enqueue_scripts hook (instead of the init hook)
Slight change in the short code, Please find the new short code for your gallery.

= 8.0 =

New demo link,

= 8.1 =

Tested up to WordPress 3.5
Avoid registering the alternate jQuery.
From this version we are using existing wordpress jQuery.

= 9.0 =

Tested up to 3.6

= 9.1 =

Small change in the admin layout.
Added some security feature.

= 9.2 =	 

1. Tested up to 3.8
2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. 
Plugin *.po file (random-image-gallery.po) available in the languages folder.

= 9.3 =	 

1. Tested up to 3.9

= 9.4 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.0

= 9.5 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.1

= 9.6 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.2.2

= 9.7 =	

1. Tested up to 4.3

= 9.8 =	

1. Tested up to 4.3.1
2. Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

First version

= 2.0 =

Tested up to 3.0

= 3.0 =

Tested up to 3.1.2

= 4.0 =

JavaScript added w3c standard 
Tested up to 3.2.1

= 5.0 =

Tested up to 3.3

= 6.0 =

Now the plug-in updated with jquery FancyZoom
Tested up to 3.4

= 7.0 =

Tested up to 3.4.1
Java script loaded by using the wp_enqueue_scripts hook (instead of the init hook)
Slight change in the short code, Please find the new short code for your gallery.

= 8.0 =

New demo link,

= 8.1 =

Tested up to WordPress 3.5
Avoid registering the alternate jQuery.
From this version we are using existing wordpress jQuery.

= 9.0 =

Tested up to 3.6

= 9.1 =

Small change in the admin layout.
Added some security feature.

= 9.2 =	 

1. Tested up to 3.8
2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. 
Plugin *.po file (random-image-gallery.po) available in the languages folder.

= 9.3 =	 

1. Tested up to 3.9

= 9.4 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.0

= 9.5 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.1

= 9.6 =	 

1. Tested up to 4.2.2

= 9.7 =	

1. Tested up to 4.3

= 9.8 =	

1. Tested up to 4.3.1
2. Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs.