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=== WP Ultimate Recipe ===
Contributors: BrechtVds
Donate link:
Tags: recipe, ingredients, food, nutrition, nutritional, cooking, seo,
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Everything a Food Blog needs. Beautiful SEO friendly recipes, print versions, visitor interaction, ...

== Description ==

[WP Ultimate Recipe]( is a user friendly plugin for adding recipes to any of your posts and pages. Want to see it all in action? Take a look at our [demo website]( and [video lessons](

This first [video lesson]( offers an introduction to WP Ultimate Recipe:


**Your visitors will love WP Ultimate Recipe**. They will be able to adjust the servings, print the recipe, find other recipes using a specific ingredient, share your recipe, ... Try it out today and you'll never want another recipe plugin again!

An overview of the WP Ultimate Recipe features:

*   Use shortcodes or the "Insert Recipe" button to add **multiple recipes to any of your posts and pages**.
*   Ingredients, course types, cuisines and ratings are all **taxonomies** related to your recipe. This means that you can display these in a nice tag cloud widget.
*   Add **photos** to any step of the recipe.
*   Just click the printer icon to **print an image-less version** of the recipe.
*   This plugin is **fully responsive**. That means that your recipes will look good on any device.
*   Uses microdata optimised for **Google Recipe search**.
*   Easily **translatable**, already available in English, Dutch, Swedish and many others
*   Let visitors **adjust the ingredient quantities** for more or less servings
*   Add a **recipe index** to any post or page
*   Structure your ingredients and instructions in **groups** (e.g. icing and cake batter)
*   Visitors can **share your recipes**
*   **Full text search** for your recipes
*   Integration with **BigOven**, **Food Fanatic** and **Chicory** possible

We also have a [WP Ultimate Recipe Premium version]( which offers the following features:

*   Create your own unique recipe template with the **Template Editor**
*   Automatically retrieve **Nutritional Information** for your recipes
*   Add your own **custom fields** to your recipes
*   Let your **users submit** recipes
*   User menus with a **shopping list generator**
*   Have your visitors save their **Favorite Recipes**
*   Create **custom tags** for your recipes
*   Advanced **recipe index** features
*   Nice **recipe grid** to show and filter your recipes
*   **Import EasyRecipe and EasyRecipe Plus** recipes
*   **Import ReciPress** recipes
*   **Import Ziplist** recipes
*   **Import FDX** recipes (Living Cookbook, ...)
*   **Import from and to XML**
*   Custom **ingredient links** (great for affiliate marketing)
*   Let your **users rate your recipes**
*   Advanced usage of **WP categories and tags**
*   Dynamically switch between **Imperial and Metric units**
*   A selection of **Premium Widgets**
*   More **share buttons** available

Feel free to contact us if any features are missing.
You can find more information at [](

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `wp-ultimate-recipe` directory (directory included) to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Add recipes using the menu on the left

== Frequently asked questions ==

= How does feature X work? =

Check out our [WP Ultimate Recipe demo website]( for an overview of all the free and premium features. If you want to see it all in action, take a look at [our video lessons](

= Do you offer any support? =

Yes! We pride ourselves on offering awesome support and almost always answer support questions within 24 hours. Send us an email at []( whenever you have a question or suggestion!

= What is WP Ultimate Recipe Premium? =

[WP Ultimate Recipe Premium]( is a paid add-on to the free WP Ultimate Recipe plugin (this one!). You can get started with the free plugin and switch to the Premium version whenever you're ready without losing any data. Or just keep using the free version forever if you don't need the advanced features. We will always keep the free version around.

= Where can I find more information? =


== Screenshots ==

1. Example recipe for Pasta Pesto. Get an overview of all its features at [](
2. Example admin page for the Pasto Pesto recipe.
3. Recipes are added as a custom post type to your WordPress backend and can be handled just like normal posts. Your recipes can be categorized and tagged however you want it.
4. WP Ultimate Recipe comes with an extensive settings page to adjust everything to your liking. But the plugin works great out of the box as well.
5. The WP Ultimate Recipe shortcode editor can be used to easily add recipes and other functionality to posts or pages. Just click on the Chef's Hat icon.
6. The shortcode editor is easy to use and will automatically generate the correct shortcode for the recipe you want.
7. Add a nice Recipe Index to any page or post with a simple shortcode.
8. Recipe ingredients (and cuisines, courses, ...) are custom taxonomies and can therefore be used in lots of different widgets, like the Tag Cloud widget you see here.
9. Clicking on the Print Button will allow your visitors to print the recipe in a paper-friendly format without any layout or photos.
10. WP Ultimate Recipe automatically formats your data so it can be picked up by Google Recipe Search and others. Great for SEO!

== Changelog ==

= 2.4 =
* Feature: Yummly partner integration, enable the Yum button in the settings
* Feature: Tooltip for Print button
* Improvement: Better metadata for the Recipe Image
* Improvement: Better way of handling the searchable content
* Improvement: Output cook and prep time meta when using hours
* Improvement: New Food Fanatic button
* Fix: Excerpts on archive pages when there is no post content
* Fix: Don’t output link color when “Output Inline CSS” is disabled
* Fix: Shortcode Editor not working properly in some themes
* Fix: Serve Pinterest button image statically to prevent HTTPS issues

= 2.3.2 =
* Fix: for the previous fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.

= 2.3.2 =
* Fix: for the previous fix

= 2.3.1 =
* Fix: Better way of handling the full text search

= 2.3 =
* Feature: Full text search for recipes
* Feature: New partner integration with Chicory
* Setting: What to use for the recipe image title tag
* Fix: Password Protection now hides the recipe box as well
* Fix: Yandex resultPhoto metadata
* Fix: Usage of Ratings taxonomy

= 2.2.3 =
* Improvement: Plugin works in different directory names
* Fix: Shortcode Editor button in text editor
* Fix: Recipe Template compatibility with Twenty Fifteen theme

= 2.2.2 =
* Improvement: Setting to choose the source for the instruction images title tag

= 2.2.1 =
* Feature: Advanced ability to use plugin in minimal mode on certain pages
* Improvement: Better thumbnails for instruction images
* Improvement: Possibility to add Yandex resultPhoto meta field
* Improvement: Memory use of recipe templates
* Fix: Load Google Fonts over https when necessary

= 2.2 =
* Improvement: Better handling of fractions in ingredient quantities
* Improvement: Compatibility with Term Management Tool
* Fix: Better compliance for metadata

= 2.1.8 =
* Feature: BigOven integration
* Feature: Food Fanatic integration
* Feature: Support for YARPP
* Fix: JS error when using the minified assets
* Fix: PHP Warning on first time activation
* Fix: White screen on first time activation
* Fix: Template compatibility with new Twenty Fifteen theme

= 2.1.7 =
* Fix: Problem with template conditions

= 2.1.6 =
* Feature: Ability to chat with us from your Settings or FAQ page
* Fix: Issue in minified JS file causing problems on some websites

= 2.1.4 =
* Fix: Problem with adjustable servings
* Fix: Use of non-gzipped minified assets to avoid PHP problems

= 2.1.3b =
* Fix: Bug in minified JS file

= 2.1.3 =
* Feature: Minified JS and CSS assets for improved page load speed
* Improvement: Better page load speed when using the Custom CSS setting
* Improvement: New default recipe and print template optimised for RTL languages
* Improvement: Ability to change sharing buttons language in the settings
* Improvement: Setting to disable the Recipe Archive page
* Fix: Issue when using decimal values as the serving size

= 2.1.2 =
* Feature: Compatibility with the Subscribe2 plugin
* Feature: Compatibility with the Paid Memberships Pro plugin
* Fix: Recipe Title will take over Post Title when intentionally left blank
* Fix: Memory issue for shortcode editor when having a large amount of recipes
* Fix: Improved CPU load should increase site speed

= 2.1.1 =
* Improvement: Serving size doesn't need to be a number anymore (but still recommended!)
* Fix: Recipe images alt tag problem
* Fix: Compatibility problem with some front-end templating tools

= 2.1.0 =
* Feature: New FAQ page with Getting Started information
* Feature: WPML Configuration file for multilingual support
* Setting: Output recipes in RSS Feed
* Improvement: Use alt and title tags as defined by user for instruction and recipe images
* Improvement: New icon for Shortcode Editor and settings
* Fix: Issue with saving settings
* Fix: Recipe Notes styling of hr tag and image alignment
* Fix: Ability to use strong and italic text in instructions again
* Fix: Apply shortcodes in print template
* Fix: Problem with buttons in settings after changing websites

= 2.0.10 =
* Improvement: Show recipe rating in metadata
* Fix: Title tag for recipe instruction images

= 2.0.9 =
* Fix: All dashes are now treated as ranges for calculations
* Fix: Recipe box for multipage posts
* Fix: Recipe_title metadata problem in some cases
* Fix: Recipe excerpt on archive pages
* Fix: Correct WPML language when using ajax calls
* Fix: WPML adjacent posts fix
* Fix: Instruction images lightbox link
* Fix: Only hide thumbnails in the loop to not mess with widgets

= 2.0.8 =
* Fixed CSS and JS problem on settings page for some users
* Fixed recipe metadata
* New hook: wpurp_query_posts_loop_check
* New hook: wpurp_recipe_content_loop_check

= 2.0.7 =
* Fixed 'Force CSS Style' setting for link colors
* Include translations in external folder if present
* New RSS feed template
* Tested WordPress 4.0 compatibility
* New hook: wpurp_check_for_shortcode

= 2.0.6 =
* Translation updates
* Fix for recipe thumbnail resizing in some themes
* Fixed metadata
* Sharing buttons overflow fix
* Updated VafPress to latest version
* Improved Recipe Notes styling
* RTL support on recipe print page
* New hook: wpurp_query_posts

= 2.0.5 =
* CSS table fix

= 2.0.4 =
* Fixed settings page bug

= 2.0.3 =
* Fixed problems with print version
* Added multiple plugin hooks
* Keep fractions after changing serving size

= 2.0.2 =
* Fix for RTL languages

= 2.0.1 =
* Translation fix
* Recipe Index fix for non-latin letters

= 2.0 =
* Language updates
* Default template will be more consistent in different themes
* Completely restructured code of the core plugin allows for easier modifications and faster development
* Clarifications for the correct way of entering ingredients
* Demo Recipe included to show the correct way of entering recipes
* Added setting to add Recipe Shortcode Editor to other custom post types
* Possibility to adjust the mobile breakpoint, based on recipe box width
* Advanced setting to remove the recipe slug in URLs

= 1.0.12 =
* WordPress 3.9 compatibility (just increased the version number, everthing was already compatible)
* Language updates
* Plugin now supports custom fields and publicize shortlinks
* Fix: Recipes respect the <!--more--> tag now

= 1.0.11 =
* Ability to add custom CSS from the recipe settings
* Premium: Customize the print template (add your own logo!)
* Premium: Import plain text recipes (beta version)
* Premium: Ability to reset User Ratings
* Premium: Ability to define minimum # votes before sharing the user rating with search engines

= 1.0.10 =
* A couple of bugfixes and added settings

= 1.0.9 =
* Free text field for the recipe times. Not limited to minutes anymore
* Premium: Extended shortcode options for the Recipe Grid
* Fix: Media queries
* Fix: Premium unit conversion works better

= 1.0.8 =
* Recipes now support Jetpack Publicize feature
* Added French translations
* Premium: Advanced Unit Conversion settings, many improvements
* Premium: Redesigned User Menus feature: dynamically change serving size per ingredient, group ingredients, change unit system, ...
* Premium: Only show tags and categories that actually have recipes in the Recipe Grid

= 1.0.7 =
* Fix: format: added author and fixed whitespaces
* Fix: Share buttons layout
* Fix: Migration error
* Fix: Recipe Notes newlines
* Premium: Multiselect for recipe grid

= 1.0.6 =
* Fix: Recipe notes newlines work now
* Fix: AutoSuggest ingredient should hide now
* Fix: Recipes as posts integration fixes
* Premium: Convert between Imperial and Metric units
* Premium: List all recipes by author

= 1.0.5 =
* Recipes as posts fix

= 1.0.4 =
* Various bug fixes

= 1.0.3 =
* Bug fix related to recipes as posts

= 1.0.2 =
* Bug fix for those who disabled recipe sharing

= 1.0.1 =
* Use your recipes just like normal posts
* Contact support directly from Recipe Admin page
* General Bug Fixes

= 1.0.0 =
* Structure your ingredients and instructions in groups
* Make your images clickable (use it in combination with a lightbox plugin!)
* Disable ingredient links
* Shareable recipes (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus & Pinterest)

= 0.0.22 =
* Use default WP categories and tags to organize your recipes
* Added "Passive Time"

= 0.0.21 =
* New admin settings page
* New shortcode generator when editing posts or pages
* Various bug fixes

= 0.0.20 =
* Bug fixes
* WordPress 3.8 compatibility

= 0.0.19 =
* Bug Fixes for Premium version

= 0.0.18 =
* CSS Fixes
* Thumbnail fixes
* Recipe display fixes

= 0.0.17 =
* Bugfixes
* Translatable slugs
* Fixed print button in Chrome

= 0.0.16 =
* Added recipe notes field
* Fixed default terms
* Random recipe shortcode: [ultimate-recipe id=random]

= 0.0.15 =
* Fixes display issue

= 0.0.14 =
* Getting everything ready for the premium version

= 0.0.13 =
* Fixed problems with localization, should work with Codestyling Localization now

= 0.0.12 =
* New instruction images uploader for anyone with WP 3.5 or higher (highly recommended)

= 0.0.11 =
* Fixed printing for IE

= 0.0.10 =
* Fixed print button for recipes that are loaded through ajax

= 0.0.9 =
* New setting allows you to show the full recipe in the archives instead of the excerpt

= 0.0.8 =
* Added ultimate-recipe-index shortcode for showing (wait for it...) a recipe index

= 0.0.7 =
* Had to change version because of technical SVN problem

= 0.0.6 =
* Adjustable recipe servings
* Fixed bug with instruction photos

= 0.0.5 =
* Fixed css bug
* Upcoming update will add new features

= 0.0.4 =
* CSS fixes for better compatibility with more themes

= 0.0.3 =
* Possible to enter fractions (or actually just anything) as amounts

= 0.0.2 =
* CSS fixes to ensure compatibility with more themes
* Fixed image source that pointed to an external source

= 0.0.1 =
* Very first version of this plugin

== Upgrade notice ==

= 2.4 =
Some esssential improvements and bug fixes for the best recipe plugin

= 2.3.2 =
Update if you were using WP Ultimate Recipe 2.3.1 or 2.3.2

= 2.3.2 =
Update if you were using WP Ultimate Recipe 2.3.1

= 2.3.1 =
Update to fix the Full Text Search feature

= 2.3 =
A few great new features for WP Ultimate Recipe

= 2.2.3 =
Update to fix the shortcode editor button in the text editor

= 2.2.2 =
Tiny upgrade for the free version

= 2.2.1 =
Update to improve memory usage of recipe templates

= 2.2 =
Update recommended to keep up with the best recipe plugin

= 2.1.8 =
Update when experiencing JS issues

= 2.1.7 =
Update highly recommended

= 2.1.6 =
Be sure to update if you're experiencing JavaScript issues

= 2.1.4 =
Update recommended. A few bug fixes

= 2.1.3b =
Update required when using the minified assets

= 2.1.3 =
WP Ultimate Recipe has improved page load speeds after this update.

= 2.1.2 =
Update highly recommended. Improvements to CPU and memory load of the plugin.

= 2.1.1 =
Update if you're experiencing problems with the current version. New feature for Premium: import Ziplist recipes.

= 2.1.0 =
A few fixes and improvements for the free version. Major update for WP Ultimate Recipe Premium.

= 2.0.10 =
Tiny update. Improves recipe metadata with recipe rating

= 2.0.9 =
Fix release, no new features

= 2.0.8 =
Update to fix your recipe metadata

= 2.0.7 =
Another fine WP Ultimate Recipe release

= 2.0.6 =
Update to get the latest and greatest recipe & food plugin

= 2.0.5 =
Update not necessary if your recipes look fine

= 2.0.4 =
Update to fix the recipe settings page

= 2.0.3 =
Update to fix the print version of your recipes

= 2.0.2 =
Update for RTL websites

= 2.0.1 =
Update recommended if your website is not in English

= 2.0 =
Important: If you are using WP Ultimate Recipe Premium you should just download WP Ultimate Recipe Premium 2.0 and install that, the core plugin is NOT needed anymore.
Everyone else can safely update to the latest and greatest WordPress recipe plugin!

= 1.0.12 =
A tiny WP Ultimate Recipe upgrade

= 1.0.11 =
Another WP Ultimate Recipe upgrade

= 1.0.10 =
Upgrade for some tiny improvements

= 1.0.9 =
Upgrading is fun

= 1.0.8 =
Upgrade for improvements

= 1.0.7 =
Upgrade for bug fixes and a new premium feature

= 1.0.6 =
Upgrade for bug fixes and new premium features

= 1.0.5 =
Upgrade if you use recipes as posts

= 1.0.4 =
Upgrade to get rid of some nasty bugs

= 1.0.3 =
Upgrade if you use recipes as posts

= 1.0.2 =
Upgrade if you disable recipe sharing

= 1.0.1 =
Upgrade if you want to use your recipes just like posts

= 1.0.0 =
Major release, update now!

= 0.0.22 =
Upgrade for some new settings

= 0.0.21 =
Upgrade for a new fancy admin page

= 0.0.20 =
Upgrade for WordPress 3.8 compatibility and some bugfixes

= 0.0.19 =
Upgrade necessary for premium users

= 0.0.18 =
Update for some bug fixes

= 0.0.17 =
Update for some bug fixes and extra translation options

= 0.0.16 =
Update for new recipe notes feature

= 0.0.15 =
Update if you have issues with displaying recipes

= 0.0.14 =
Update if you want to use the Premium version

= 0.0.13 =
Update to fix translation issues

= 0.0.12 =
Update to fix image uploading

= 0.0.11 =
Update to fix printing for IE

= 0.0.10 =
Update if you are using ajax to load your recipes

= 0.0.9 =
Update if you want to be able to show the full recipe instead of the excerpt

= 0.0.8 =
Update if you want to use the index feature

= 0.0.7 =
Update broken 0.0.6 version

= 0.0.6 =
Update to fix bug with instruction photos.

= 0.0.5 =
Update to fix css bug.

= 0.0.4 =
Update if you have styling problems with your theme.

= 0.0.3 =
Possible to enter fractions (or actually just anything) as amounts.

= 0.0.2 =
Previous version mistakenly pointed to an external image source.

= 0.0.1 =
First version, no upgrades needed.