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=== WPB Accordion Menu or Category ===
Contributors: wpbean
Tags: wordpress accordion, wordpress accordion plugin, accordion wordpress, accordion plugin wordpress, collapsible menu jquery, accordion wordpress plugin, accordion widget wordpress, jquery menu accordion, accordion jquery menu, jquery sidebar menu, accordion menu wordpress, wordpress accordion menu plugin, accordion menu wordpress plugin, wordpress jquery accordion, wordpress category accordion, category accordion, woocommerce category accordion, ecommerce category accordion, wordpress collapse categories, Collapsing Categories List, Collapsing Categories, WooCommerce Collapsing Categories, wordpress accordion menu and category
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.2.4
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

WPB Accordion Menu or Category Plugin allow you to show WordPress menu or any category accordion with submenu / subcategory support.

== Description ==

WPB Accordion Menu or Category is a vertical accordion menu plugin. It allow you to show WordPress menu or any category accordion with submenu / subcategory support. It has icon picker support both for menu and category. So you can setup icons in accordion easily. Enable disable auto closing previously open accordion etc. Highly optimized for WooCommerce or any other ecommerce categories. Nice animation effects. Responsive and modern flat design.

>[DEMO](  |  [Support](  |  [Buy PRO Version](  |  [Screenshots](  |  [Documentation](

### Video Documentation:

### Plugin Features

* Category accordion.
* Custom taxonomy support.
* WooCommerce or any other ecommerce plugin compatible.
* Menu accordion.
* Multiple menu accordion support.
* Shortcode system, can be use anywhere ( widget, page or post ).
* Very light weight.
* Work with all Wordpress theme.
* Easy to use.
* Developer friendly & easy to customize.

### Pro Version Features

* Icon picker both for menu & categories.
* Two different widget for menu & category accordion. Categories / tags or any custom taxonomy items exclude form widget.
* Feature for choose any menu or theme location form menu widget. 
* Two different predefined theme or custom colors form settings.  
* Easy to use, light weight and many more.

== Installation ==

* Install it as a regular WordPress plugin

* Active the plugin.

* Use any shortcode to show your menu or categories accordion.

### Category shortcode example

[wpb_category_accordion taxonomy="category" 'orderby' = 'name' 'order' = 'ASC' 'show_count' = 'no' 'hide_empty' = 'yes']


* taxonomy : Default category or any registered taxonomy.

* orderby: Sort categories alphabetically, by unique Category ID, or by the count of posts in that Category. Valid values: ID, name, slug, count, term_group

* order: Sort order for categories (either ascending or descending). The default is ascending. Valid values: ASC, DESC

* show_count : Toggles the display of the current count of posts in each category. The default is false (do not show post counts). Valid values: no, yes

* hide_empty:  Toggles the display of categories with no posts. The default is true (hide empty categories). Valid values: yes, no

### Menu shortcode example

[wpb_menu_accordion menu="Menu Name"]


* menu: The menu that is desired; accepts (matching in order) id, slug, name
* theme_location: menu can be asign by theme location ( optional ).

== Frequently asked questions ==

= How can I change the background colors? =
You need to change little bit css code for that.

== Screenshots ==
1. WPB Accordion Menu or Category in action.
2. WPB Accordion Menu or Category collapsing.
3. Custom widget ( Pro version only ).

== Changelog ==

= version 1.01 =
* Cookie problem fixed

= version 1.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade notice ==