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##GitHub Repository < >

##GitHub Pages < >


The Monkees have sponsored development of this web site as a convenient means by which their fan base may follow the group. The site provides news about the band including their current schedule of performances, and nostaligic video, audio samples and photos for those that want to reminise about their youth or become collectors of memorabilia.

Through this web site, fans may request a live performance by the band, purchase original and new merchandise, and also register an email address for periodic email updates. Finally, it provides convenience links to social media sites where more information about the band is available.


This web site is for fans that want to maintain or renew their interest in The Monkees. Key user stories are:

(1) As an end user, I want to observe The Monkees' concert schedule to see when they are in my area and to purchase tickets.

(2) As an end user, I want to schedule the band as the live entertainment for my daighter's wedding.

(3) As an end user, I want to follow breaking news about The Monkees through regular email updates.

(4) As The Monkees business manager, I want to track location information about fans and use it as input in scheduling live performances.

(5) As an end user, I want to reminisce about my youth by looking at old photos, listening to song audio and seeing a video.

(6) As an end user, I want to order original and new collectable merchandise about the band.

(7) As The Monkees business manager, I want a way of communicating with fans through their personal email in order to directly sell to them.

(8) As The Monkees business manager, I want to share exceprts of newly released songs to stimulate fans interest and music purchases.

Link to the Visual Studio wire frame file in the repository is < /wireframe/Milestone-1-Wireframe-1-0.vsdx >


Feature 1 - allows end users to view photos by clicking the web page and clicking the photo by name.

Feature 2 - allows end users to listen to audio by clicking the web page and clicking the audio by name.

Feature 3 - allows end users to watch a video by clicking the

Feature 4 - allows end users to see The Monkees performance calender simply by entering the landing page.


Feature 5 - the logic that enables end users to register their email address in order to receive periodic updates about the band.

Feature 6 - the logic that enables end users to purchase merchandise.

Feature 7 - the logic that enables end users to complete a reques form for the band's services.


This web site is being developed with AWS Cloud9 web based IDE, HTML, CSS, Twitter's Bootstrap library and Font Awesome icons. It is uploaded to GitHub and deployed using GitHib Pages.


All pages of this web site have been tested and verified. Unimplemented features such as button functionality and the software behind each button has also been tested to ensure that it does not contain fatal errors.

Test 1 Passed - end users can see The Monkees schedule on the landing page.

Test 2 Passed - end users can look at old photos and listen to song audio.

Test 3 Passed - end users can jump from the landing page to any other pages in this web site, and jump from one web page to another.

Test 4 Passed - end user on a mobile phone sees a different photo and text links instead of buttons that appear on the pages when the end user is accessing the site through a desktop computer.

Test 5 Passed - end user on a mobile phone does not see photos on the audio, video and photo web pages.

There is a bug when end users attempt to play the historical video about the band from the PC. AWS Cloud 9 reports that the file is too large. It seems to work on GitHub pages though.

Request a Concert form - the user enters their email address and a detailed request.

Merchandise form - the user enters their meail address, password, mailing address, credit card information, and selects merchandise.

Email form - the user click the button and enters their email address and password.


The project was developed using AWS Cloud9 IDE which is web based. The developer created a local GitHub repository and periodically saved the project files to it. At the end of the project, the developer created a project on GitHub and uploaded the web site to that location. To test the project in a deployment, the developer set up GitHub Pages and associated the uploaded project with it.

To run the web site locally, the developer used the cloud 9 Preview function for each page. Preview opens a window and displays the image in it. For simplicity, the developer readily changed the size by placing the cursor on the left side of the simulated screen window and moving it either left or right.

When pages were more robust, the developer clicked the upper right icon which opened a inspect function. Inspect mode enabled the developer to test the image on simulated devices with various screen sizes, view the code and


No text in this web site was copied from another source.


The photos used in this site were obtained either from <> or the Internet.


I received inspiration for this project from The Code Institute.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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