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Release to

Ryan Meier edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Deployment of a new plugin version to is now handled by our CircleCI process.

Pre-release Updates

Before creating a release, create a pull request with the following details updated:

  1. Within readme.txt file.
    • Update Changelog section with new version details.
    • Set Stable tag: to the new version.
    • Update Tested up to: if needed.
    • Update Requires at least: if needed.
  2. Within the main plugin file wpengine-phpcompat.php, set the Version: to the new version.
  3. Run npm run readme to update the file from changes in the readme.txt file.

Create a Github Release

Creating a Github Release will trigger the CircleCI progress to update the subversion repository with the new release tag.

  1. Go to Draft new release.
  2. Create a new tag version and use the same version as the title.
  3. Fill out the release details.
  4. Click Publish release to create the release.

This will start the deploy process in CircleCI. You can view the pipelines in CircleCI.

What happens if there is an error?

If there is an error during deployment the tag will need to be deleted and re-created. Updating the tag will not work in CircleCI.

To delete the release/tag run git push --delete origin tagname locally. This will delete the release/tag. Now the same release can be re-created after the problem has been fixed.