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This project was creates off various example projects to get Play 2.4 working with Bootstrap, Bootswatch and Slick (with PostgreSQL)

It can be run using either activator or sbt, packaged using the sbt-native-packager, which includes zip, tarball and tar-gzip Java Applications, Docker Containers, Windows MSI installers and others.

###Frameworks/Tools Used:

###Development Requirements:

###Building the Codebase:

  • From the root folder containing the build.sbt file, the code can be compiled and tested with sbt clean compile test
    • Note: the application needs PostgreSQL running when using sbt run or when deploying the dist, but the unit test will use H2 In-Memory in PostreSQL compatability mode
  • Realtime development can be done using sbt run - this allows code to be hot-compiled and updated
    • Note: changes to config and build files should ideally be rebuilt by stopping the application Ctrl + D and running sbt clean run
  • You will need to update the slick.dbs.default.db entries in conf/application.conf to point to your PostgreSQL installation


  • Several methods are available thanks to the sbt-native-packager, the simplest being sbt dist, which will drop a self-contained zipped Java application in the target/universal folder
    • The zip file can be extracted onto any system running Java 8 JRE and started using the appropriate script in the bin directory. On Windows, should the batch file give an error, there is an alternative start.bat in the root folder.
    • By default, the config from conf/application.conf will be used, so make sure the settings for deploy are correct
    • Alternatively, new config files for other environments can be added to the conf folder, and used by adding -Dconfig.resource=conf/prod.conf to the command line when executing the packaged app
  • Another option is to use the sbt docker:publishLocal option if you have Docker installed. This will give you a container image to push to your Docker Hub Repo or Amazon ECR account
    • Using this option, the docker-compose.yml file is also useful for testing.
    • The ENTRYPOINT for the Dockerfile is the Java application, so parameters (such as conf override) can be passed in as CMDs.
  • You can create an installable MSI file for Windows using sbt windows:packageBin
    • This will install the zip package to a folder where the application can be run from. Running the MSI again allows an uninstall. This requires the WIX Toolset
    • Note: Installing the project in the C:\Program Files (x86)\ folder can cause issues where the application cannot create the RUNNING_PID file; recommended to install on the root of a drive, eg. C:\play-scala-bootstrap-slick-psql\
  • Following the config options here alternatives such as Debian PKG and Red-Hat RPM files can also be created


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