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Step 3: Creating a Drive Subsystem

Now that our drive is characterized, it is time to start writing our robot code proper. As mentioned before, we will use the :ref:`command-based <docs/software/commandbased/what-is-command-based:What Is "Command-Based" Programming?>` framework for our robot code. Accordingly, our first step is to write a suitable drive :ref:`subsystem <docs/software/commandbased/subsystems:Subsystems>` class.

The full drive class from the RamseteCommand Example Project (Java, C++) can be seen below. The rest of the article will describe the steps involved in writing this class.

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 5-
         :lineno-start: 5

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Header)
      :sync: C++ (Header)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 5-
         :lineno-start: 5

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 5-
         :lineno-start: 5

Configuring the Drive Encoders

The drive encoders measure the rotation of the wheels on each side of the drive. To properly configure the encoders, we need to specify two things: the ports the encoders are plugged into, and the distance per encoder pulse. Then, we need to write methods allowing access to the encoder values from code that uses the subsystem.

Encoder Ports

The encoder ports are specified in the encoder's constructor, like so:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 31-43
         :lineno-start: 31

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 17-18
         :lineno-start: 17

Encoder Distance per Pulse

The distance per pulse is specified by calling the encoder's setDistancePerPulse method. Note that for the WPILib Encoder class, "pulse" refers to a full encoder cycle (i.e. four edges), and thus will be 1/4 the value that was specified in the SysId config. Remember, as well, that the distance should be measured in meters!

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 65-66
         :lineno-start: 65

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 32-33
         :lineno-start: 32

Encoder Accessor Method

To access the values measured by the encoders, we include the following method:


The returned velocities must be in meters! Because we configured the distance per pulse on the encoders above, calling getRate() will automatically apply the conversion factor from encoder units to meters. If you are not using WPILib's Encoder class, you must perform this conversion either through the respective vendor's API or by manually multiplying by a conversion factor.

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 90-97
         :lineno-start: 90

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 88-91
         :lineno-start: 88

We wrap the measured encoder values in a DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds object for easier integration with the RamseteCommand class later on.

Configuring the Gyroscope

The gyroscope measures the rate of change of the robot's heading (which can then be integrated to provide a measurement of the robot's heading relative to when it first turned on). In our example, we use the Analog Devices ADXRS450 FRC Gyro Board, which was included in the kit of parts for several years:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 45-46
         :lineno-start: 45

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Header)
      :sync: C++ (Header)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 134-135
         :lineno-start: 134

Gyroscope Accessor Method

To access the current heading measured by the gyroscope, we include the following method:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 178-185
         :lineno-start: 178

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 76-78
         :lineno-start: 76

Configuring the Odometry

Now that we have our encoders and gyroscope configured, it is time to set up our drive subsystem to automatically compute its position from the encoder and gyroscope readings.

First, we create a member instance of the DifferentialDriveOdometry class:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 48-49
         :lineno-start: 48

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Header)
      :sync: C++ (Header)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 137-138
         :lineno-start: 137

Then we initialize the DifferentialDriveOdometry.

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 69-71
         :lineno-start: 69

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 19
         :lineno-start: 19

Updating the Odometry

The odometry class must be regularly updated to incorporate new readings from the encoder and gyroscope. We accomplish this inside the subsystem's periodic method, which is automatically called once per main loop iteration:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 74-79
         :lineno-start: 74

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 38-43
         :lineno-start: 38

Odometry Accessor Method

To access the robot's current computed pose, we include the following method:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 81-88
         :lineno-start: 81

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 84-86
         :lineno-start: 84


Before running a RamseteCommand, teams are strongly encouraged to deploy and test the odometry code alone, with values sent to the SmartDashboard or Shuffleboard during the DriveSubsystem's periodic(). This odometry must be correct for a RamseteCommand to successfully work, as sign or unit errors can cause a robot to move at high speeds in unpredictable directions.

Voltage-Based Drive Method

Finally, we must include one additional method - a method that allows us to set the voltage to each side of the drive using the setVoltage() method of the MotorController interface. The default WPILib drive class does not include this functionality, so we must write it ourselves:

.. tab-set::

   .. tab-item:: Java
      :sync: Java

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: java
         :lines: 119-129
         :lineno-start: 119

   .. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
      :sync: C++ (Source)

      .. remoteliteralinclude::
         :language: c++
         :lines: 49-53
         :lineno-start: 49

It is very important to use the setVoltage() method rather than the ordinary set() method, as this will automatically compensate for battery "voltage sag" during operation. Since our feedforward voltages are physically-meaningful (as they are based on measured identification data), this is essential to ensuring their accuracy.


RamseteCommand itself does not internally enforce any speed or acceleration limits before providing motor voltage parameters to this method. During initial code development, teams are strongly encouraged to apply both maximum and minimum bounds on the input variables before passing these values to setVoltage() while ensuring the trajectory velocity and acceleration are achievable. For example, generate a trajectory with a little less than half of the Robot's maximum velocity and limit voltage to 6 volts.