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WP Starter Theme

This theme is mostly based off of Sage 10, so refer there more most the documentation.



We leverage the theme.json file native to WordPress to automatically create our color palette and some other stuff like typography.

Added Vue + Components

JQuery has been removed and replaced with Vue 3. So Vue components should be used in place of any complex JQuery you might've otherwise have used.

Some basic components have been included like a Modal and a SlideOver that have been integrated from TailwindUI. That's a good place to start if you want to integrate more components.


There is a Shortcode loader class included that is called in the app/helpers.php file. Use this to load more shortcodes if necessary.

One shortcode, component is already included which simply renders a blade component. Simple but pretty useful to avoid repition between your theme and the content management of WordPress.


Some extra styling was been provided to give you a head start.

In the header we've provided drop down menus and a mobile navigation with button toggle.

Our typography has been aliased to WordPress's naming convention so they remain synced with our theme and the block editor headings.

Google Fonts has also been preloaded in app/helpers.php