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Evolving the behavior of a simple food-seeking unit on a grid with genetic programming.

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Evolving the behavior of a simple food-seeking unit on a grid with genetic programming.


Requires gradle to run. Clone this repo and then enter gradle run. A GP run will process, and the most fit individual will be simulated in a panel.


UnitGP is my (poorly named) educational project. It consists of a simulation and a genetic programming module that generates functions for use as the brains of an 'insect' being modeled in the simulation.

The simulation is an approximation of an insect looking for food. Placed on a grid, this simple bug must find food or slowly starve. Each tick of the sim, the insect can decide to move to a neighboring cell. To help make this decision, the insect is able to see what is in those four cells.

The decision process of the ant could be thought of as a simple chain of decisions. If we see something in one direction, we could either move that direction, or perhaps go down another path, and check some other direction.

Such simple, binary chains of conditionals can be represented as a tree. We start at the root, evaluate some state, and then choose between two paths.

For example, we could have the following tree. Starting at the root, the unit evaluates the condition, and chooses a branch. Each of these branches can be either a new condition to evaluate, or a movement.

Basic Tree

This project aims to find an optimal tree, that efficiently finds food in the simulation, by mimicking the process of evolution through natural selection. Genetic programming evolves possible solutions by treating the decision trees as genomes. We can select and recombine these trees to generate new, possible solutions.


  • Max depth in crossover
  • Generation proportional mutation
  • Abstract Function and Terminal sets.
  • Torodial Grid

What Is Genetic Programming?

Genetic programming is a distinct method of generating a procedure. Normally, a procedure is hand crafted to solve a problem. We write software to meet a requirement, we implement a specific algorithm to accomplish a set task.
Typically, these things are done in a direct manner. The problem is reasoned about, and the procedure is crafted and tested until it does what it needs.

Instead, Genetic Programming generates a procedure by imitating the process of natural selection. A population of individuals is created, each one representing an attempt at solving the problem. Each individual would be some possible procedure.

These individuals are then evaluated. Their procedures are used in the context of their problem, and assigned some fitness value. The fitness is then used as a core parameter in selecting a new generation of individuals. Each iteration, hopefully, this new population will get closer and closer to containing an optimal solution.


It is important to select a measure of fitness that is gradual and positive.
Gradual implies that a small change in behavior should lead to a small change in fitness. Positive implies that a 'good' individal should have a larger fitness than a 'bad' individual.

Choosing a measure of fitness that meets these two constraints is difficult.

In my simulation, the fitness of an individal is the total number of food found. The presence of the random function, and the method by which food is place introduce some variability in the fitness, but this is smoothed out by taking an average of the food gathered over a set number of runs.

Genetic Operations

Having a measure of fitness enables us to evaluate individuals for selection. Selection is the process by which a new population of individuals is built.

Two main processes are used to do this; reproduction and crossover.


Reproduction is the selection of some individuals to be directly represented in the next generation. These individuals are copied, usually directly, but occasionally with some small mutation in their 'genome'.

This provides some pressure for the best individuals to always contribute to the next generation. However, always selecting the top individuals may lead to stagnation. To combat this possible stagnation, a process of fitness proportional selection is used. The chance for an individual to reproduce, or be copied into the next generation is random, but weighted by its fitness.

Another name for this is 'Roulette Wheel' selection. We can imagine the individuals in a population all being an area on a roulette wheel, the area being proportional to their fitness. Selecting an individual is a matter of spinning the wheel.

Wheel Example

It may seem like a small detail, but using proportional selection instead of always choosing from the best individuals is a core element of genetic algorithms. Without it, populations can stagnate early on, settling on some good, but not optimal solution. In the early stages of 'evolution', variety is the biggest asset, even if that means occasionally selecting a poor individual over a fit one.

Koza, and Coley both discuss this. Chapters K# and C# detail the mathematical importance of fitness proportional selection on the survival of good schemas within a population.


The second method of selection is crossover. In this, two parent individuals are selected (with fitness proportional selection) and used as source material for two new individuals. A cut node is selected at random in each parent, and swapped between the two, creating two new trees. These two new individuals are added to the population.

Crossover Example

There are many other genetic operations, all with specific goals for adding complexity, variety, or control to a GP run. One major operation is mutation.


Mutation acts on a tree by traversing it (visiting every node) and at every node checking a random number against a probability of mutation. This value is usually set to be very low, on the order of tenths of a percent. When a node hits this random chance, it 'mutates'.

The method of mutation can vary, but the simplest form is to just replace that node in the tree with another random possible function or terminal.

TODO - Example

There are a huge variety of more complex mutation operations. Some switch the child branches, some replace functions with only terminals. The simplicity of the functions chosen in this project limit the variety of mutation operations available.


The Java implementation centers around Expressions. This base class represents a nominal expression in a tree. For this project, I chose to keep all possible functions as binary functions returning integers. This is a pretty huge simplification but one of the amazing properties of GP is its ability to synthesize complexity from simple elements.

I'll quickly outline the main packages, and what their classes are doing to expressions. I think this provides a nice outline of the program.

expression Package

Contains the base Expression class, and the various classes representing the functions. These classes represent the nodes in the trees.

simulation Package

Contains the actual simulation logic. Responsible for taking an Indivdual, and evaluating its root Expression to determine a fitness.

unitgp Package

The main UnitGP class contains the logic for the actual GP operation, responsible for building an initial population of individuals/expressions. The ExpressionBuilder class is responsbile for returning new expression trees.

Choosing Expressions

A total of 9 expressions are encoded by the UnitGP classes. Their implementation described later. The functions take Expressions as parameters, which may be nested expressions, or terminals. The terminals are expressions that end the execution of the procedure, they simply return a result. This set can be considered closed if we assume all expressions return a value representing a direction. All functions evaluate either to a terminal representing a value, or to another expression that in turn should evaluate to a terminal.


Expressions in Java

These nine expressions are implemented in three classes, each extending the base expression class.

public class Expression {
  public Expression truebranch;
  public Expression falsebranch;

  /* ... */
  //All the base classes @Overwrite these methods.  
  public int eval( int[] state ){ ... }
  public String print(){ ... }

public class IFDIR extends Expression {
  private int direction;
  /* ... */
  public IFDIR(d){ direction = d }; //This covers the 4 If-Expressions

public class MOVE  extends Expression {
  private int direction;
  /* ... */
  public MOVE(d){ direction = d }; //This covers the 4 Move-Expressions

public class RAND extends Expression { ... }  

The four if-expressions are implemented with the IFDIR class. A direction field is set that determines what neighbor the method is checking. This value is set by the ExpressionBuilder when a tree is first built, and can be changed by the mutation operation during selection.

The four move-expressions are implemented in a similar manner with the MOVE class.

Finally, the RAND class exists mirrors the above, but with no direction field.

All three classes maintain fields that point to child expressions. The IFDIR and RAND classes will have non-null pointers. The MOVE class will have null links. This makes sense, given that they are the terminal expressions.

The eval( int[] state) method works as a traversal of the expression tree. Each class implements this eval method. Upon calling it, the class then evaluates a child branch (RAND, IFDIR) or simply returns a value (MOVE).

Once a set of classes is instantiated and linked, the Individual class just needs to hold a pointer to the root of that linked tree.

Then to evaluate, we simply call eval() on its root, passing along the state. This occurs in the GridSimulation class, which contains the logic specific to the simulation of the unit. Below we see an overview of the state being passed to the unit during evaluation.

//from the Individual class
public int evaluate( int[] state ){
  //Evaluates the given expression using the state provided.
  return root.eval(state);
//from the GridSimulation class - while updating a unit within the simulation
int[] state;
state = getState();
switch( i.evaluate(state) ){
  //Move the Unit

In addition to eval(), the Expression interface defines a print() method. This is basically the same in all function classes, recursivly printing the expression and its parameters.

Genetic Programming!

Now that we have a structure, and a representation of it in code, we can begin to look at implementing the actual operations performed in the Genetic Programming paradigm.

I'll break this apart into three sections: 1. Initializing the population 2. Evaluating the population
3. Selecting the population


The population undergoing adaptation is just a list of objects, each one holding a reference to an Expression and some value representing the fitness of the individual. In the current implementation, multiple fields are tracked for an Individual that all represent the fitness after some transformation. These have their uses and will be explored later. For now just know an individual tracks its expression root, and its fitness.

To create the initial set of these individuals, we need a way to generate s-expressions. Enter the ExpressionBuilder class. This object contains methods that return s-expressions using either the Full or Grow methods of tree building.

Both methods operate by recursively adding new nodes to a tree. At each step the expression added to the tree is selected randomly from either the set of function expressions, or terminal expressions.

In the Full method, as long as the current depth is less than the max depth, the expression selected will always come from the set of function expressions. Once the depth hits the max depth, all expressions are selected from the terminal set. This builds full trees (in our case, full binary trees) of expressions, thus giving the method its name.

The Grow method creates a new random tree in a similar manner to Full, but when at a depth less than the max depth, the expression may be selected from either the function or terminal sets. This leads to trees that may be full, but on average will not be.

int depth = 3;
ExpressionBuilder eb = new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression e_full = eb.getFullExpression( depth );
Expression e_grow = eb.getGrowExpression( depth );

Individual i = new Individual( e_full );

A good practice is to start with a population with variety in its depth, and 'fullness'. To accomplish this, a method known as Ramped Half and Half is implemented.

In Ramped Half and Half we divide the population into equally sized segments. Each segment represents a depth, starting at 2, and incrementing till the max initial depth. For each of these, half of the individuals are instantiated with expressions using the Full method, and have with the Grow method, with a depth equal to that of the segment depth.

This gives a good variety in the initial population. This is an asset in GP, as every individual, regardless of fitness or size, has a chance to contain valuable information about the search space. Too little variety at the start of a GP run can hinder the search of solutions, as a poor local optimum will quickly over take the stagnating population.

Full Method

Both methods build a tree recursively. A depth parameter is passed along at each method call, reduced by one each time. For the Full method, so long as this depth is above 0, we always select a Function node, or rather, we either add a IFDIR class, or a RAND class. Once depth hits 0, we add a Terminal node, in our case, an instance of the MOVE class.

Before returning a Function node, we must also generate trees representing the children. This is where the recursive method invocation occurs. The full_re( d ) method is called, with a decreased depth passed in.

private Expression full_re( int d ){
  Expression ret;
  if( d > 0 ){
    Expression t = full_re(d-1);
    Expression f = full_re(d-1);
    switch( rand.nextInt(2) ){
      case 0:
        ret = new IFDIR( rand.nextInt(4), t, f );
      case 1:
        ret = new RAND( t, f );
  } else {
    ret = new MOVE( rand.nextInt(4) );
  return ret;

Grow Method

The grow method is implemented in a similar manner, however instead of always returning a Function node for depths greater than 0, the method may also select a MOVE node.

private Expression grow_re( int d ){
  Expression ret;
  if( d > 0 ){
    if( rand.nextFloat() > 0.1f ){
      Expression t = full_re(d-1);
      Expression f = full_re(d-1);
      switch( rand.nextInt(2) ){
        case 0:
          ret = new IFDIR( rand.nextInt(4), t, f );
        case 1:
          ret = new RAND( t, f );
    } else {
      ret = new MOVE( rand.nextInt(4) );
  } else {
    ret = new MOVE( rand.nextInt(4) );
  return ret;


The simulation is contained in the GridSimulation class. This contains the logic for simulating an individual, and evaluating its fitness.

The world of the ant is represnted in code as a integer array. Values of 0,1,2 represent empty space, food, and the insect respectivly. Each tick of the simulation represents the unit moving on this grid. When updating its position, the unit can choose one of four directions to move, each one corresponding to the functions mentioned before.

During the update tick, the expression being evaluated will need to look at the state of the world around the unit. To do this, a vector of values is built, and passed to the expression tree being evaluated.

The graphic resprsentation of the simulation is done with a JPanel. The GridPanel class simply repaints the panel with the new state of the world every update loop.


Fitness Proportional Selection

To implement fitness proportional selection, I somewhat abused the sortability of a Comparable class. The Indivdual class extends Comparable. Doing this requires providing a compareTo() method. Each indivudals weightedFitness is used as the comparison value.

Since we track the collection in an ArrayList object we can easily use the Collections sort method on our population. The compareTo method just needs to be written such that a higher weightedFitness precedes a lower one.

The indivudals track fitness and weightedFitness seperatly. Doing this allows us to apply a random weight to the fitness, and store it for sorting. The combination of the weighting function, and the sort provides an easy implementation of FPS.


Reproduction happens in two steps, the first is selection. In this, a set percentage of the new population is filled by using FPS to choose old individuals to copy. The copying is a deep copy. All expression classes implement a copy() method that recursivly return copies of themselves and their branches.


Crossover was, by far, the hardest operation to implement. Cleaning it up is a huge next step.

Crossover produces new individuals in pairs. FPS is used to select a fresh pair of parents. Two traversals happen, one for each parent tree. During this traversal, a random die is rolled before continuing the traversal. If a small threshold is hit, then the node is selected as the 'cut node' for crossover.

This threshold needs to depend on the current depth in the tree. By having a small chance to select the node at lower depths, and a higher chance towards the bottom, we somewhat mimic resovour sampling. This better distributes the cuts about the trees.

When a node doesn't get selected, the traversal continues. One of the two branches is selected at random, pointers to a parent and current expression are updated, and the loop goes on.

Once two cut nodes are found, the pointers for the parents and the cut nodes are swapped. Some flags are tracked that remember which branch of the parent node should be replaced. Also, a check for a null parent is done to account for the root being selected as the cut node.



Expected Behavior

I had imagined that there is some optimum solution, atleast one that would behave very well. Take a decision tree like the following:


Always moving to available food, and then moving either up or right. This seems like it should easily outperform any random walk.

Interesting Results

Initially, there was a bug in my expression.copy() method that prevented the correct sub trees from being copied over during selection. While this had a huge negative impact on the resulting individuals, the simulation still managed to find some kind of local optimum. Populations of "line walkers" quickly converged. Each one was always some expression that reduced to just moving in a single at each timestep.

Once the copy bug was fixed, a larger variety of individuals evolved.

Reducing Solutions

For now, the optimal member of the population has behavior one would expect, when near a piece of food, it moves to it, when none are to be found, a random direction is selected. What is interesting is that this behavior can be encoded in a variety of trees, all varying in complexity, but simplifying to the same paradigm of "Move to food, else wander".


  • Koza-92 - Koza, John. "Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection". MIT Press, 1992.


Evolving the behavior of a simple food-seeking unit on a grid with genetic programming.






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