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WRAITH: Wireless Reconnaissance And Intelligent Target Harvesting.

"You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed."


Attack vectors, rogue devices, interfering networks are best visualized and identified over time. Current tools i.e. Kismet, Aircrack-ng and Wireshark are excellent tools but none are completely suitable for collecting and analyzing the 802.11 environment over a period of time without that is, implementing a custom interface.

While originally intending to develop such a custom interface to one or more Kismet based sensors, Wraith evolved. Kismet did not offer enough information, Wireshark offered too much. Wraith is an attempt to develop a toolsuite that eases the collection, collation and analysis of temporal 802.11 data in order to provide administrators with the ability to view their network(s) from a bird's eye view and drill down as necessary to a single device. Wraith allows the user to decide what data to view, how to view it and 'when' to view it.


  • linux (tested on 3.13.x kernel)
    • NOTE: some cards i.e. rosewill usb nics were not fully supported through iw on earlier 3.13.x kernels
  • Python 2.7
  • postgresql 9.x (tested on 9.3.5)
  • pyscopg > 2.6
  • mgrs 1.1
  • PyRIC 0.1.3

3. MODULES: Currently consists of three main components/modules: Wifi, Iyri and

the GUI and three secondary modules: utils, widgets, and nidus.

a. wifi (v 0.0.5): 802.11 network interface objects and functions

Objects/functions to manipulate wireless nics and parse 802.11 captures.


  • Currently Supported: 802.11a\b\g
  • Partially Supported: 802.11n
  • Not Supported: 802.11s\y\u\ac\ad\af

b. iryi (v 0.2.1): Wraith Sensor

Iryi is a 802.11 sensor consisting of an optional radio (shama), and a mandatory radio (abad). 802.11 packets are stored in a circular buffer, parsed and inserted in the database. Any geolocational data is also stored (if a gps device is present).

NOTE: In earlier versions < 0.1.x, Iyri did not handle database writes/updates. Rather this was handled by an additional module colocated on the same system as database that the sensor would pass data to. It was with great relunctance that I removed this 'mediator', and moved database functionality directly to the sensor, primarily for two reasons:

  • it would restrict wraith to a single platform i.e. expanding to a central database and multiple sensors will be very difficult.
  • sensors could no longer be used on 'minimal' systems i.e. routers and other embedded systems However, there were two primary reasons for doing so:
  • I wanted to push more autonomy and intelligence into the sensor which would require the sensor to parse out radiotap and mpdu (no point in doing this twice)
  • frames (as strings) were being passed through multiple connection, queues and sockets before they eventually made their way to the mediator causing a major delay in processing

d. wraith-rt: GUI

At present the gui provides limited functionality and is very much in the developlmental stage. The gui can be used to:

  • start/stop services: Postgresql, Iyri
  • configure Wraith, Iyri
  • view current sessions, current wirless nics and Iyri's log
  • fix database errors, delete all entries in database
  • RF math & land nav conversions, RF math calculations

e. utils: utility functionality

Provides various functions used throughout wraith. See Architecture section for further information.

f. widgets: gui super classes

Defines a graphic suite based on Tkinter/ttk where a set of non-modal panels operate under the control of a master panel and execute tasks, display information independently of or in conjuction with this panel and other panels. (Think undocked windows).

g. nidus: database

Provides the Postgresql database schema, nidus.sql.

4. ARCHITECTURE/HEIRARCHY: Brief Overview of the project file structure

  • wraith: Top-level package
  • initialize the top-level
  • the main Panel gui
  • child panels
  • wraith.conf gui configuration file
  • LICENSE software license
  • this file
  • CONFIGURE.txt setup details
  • TODO todos for each subpackage
  • widgets: gui subpackage
    • icons: icons folder
    • initialize widgets subpackage
    • defines Panel and subclasses for gui
  • utils: utility functions
    • initialize utils subpackage
    • timestamp conversion functions
    • land navigation utilities
    • various cmdline utilities for testing processes
    • pcap writer
    • validation and reporting functionality
    • oui/manuf related functions
  • data: data folder
    • oui.txt tab seperated oui manufacturer file
  • standards: initialize standards subpackage
    • radiotap parsing
    • IEEE 802.11 MAC (MPDU) parsing
    • contstants for 802.11u (not currently used)
    • 802.11 channel, freq utilities
    • mcs index functions
  • nidus: database schema
    • initialize nidus subpackage
    • nidus.sql database definition
  • iyri: subpackage for wraith sensor
    • initialize iyri package
    • iyri.conf configuration file for iyri
    • iyri.log.conf configuration file for iyri logging
    • primary module
    • defines several constants used by iryi
    • GPS device handler
    • radio controler
    • radio scanner
    • data collation and forwarding
    • Thresher process for parsing/writing frames
    • iyrid iyri daemon


Wireless Reconnaissance And Intelligent Target Harvesting







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