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./calibration/ --config calibration/config.json --iter 10

Workflow execution simulator used for simulation calibration experiments

Code tested with:

  • SimGrid master commit ID: 3863ea3407b8209a66dded84e28001f24225682c
  • WRENCH master commit ID: cb3befe95bf0f04052a8b37c37e0f8e1b0416428
  • Wfcommons master commit ID: 29c69989fe5701bc07eb66c0077531f60e8a4414
  • Boost: 1.80
  • Python: 3.9

How to invoke the simulator stand-alone

This simulator takes as input a single JSON file. An example input file is in data/sample_input.json. An invocation of the simulator could be:

./workflow-simulator-for-calibration data/sample_input.json

which will print three numbers of standard output formatted as A:B:C, where A is the simulated makespan computed by the simulator (in seconds), B is the actual makespan of the workflow, observed on a real platform (see data/sample_workflow.json), and C is the relative error between A and B computed as $C=\frac{\left| A - B \right|}{B}$.

How to calibrate the simulator


The calibration script is compatible with Python <= 3.9 and requires to install DeepHyper: to install DeepHyper as:

python3.9 -m pip install -r calibration/requirements.txt

Warning: Python 3.10 breaks several things and is not yet supported.

There are other dependencies. The script ./ installs EVERYTHING, and would be useful for you to see how to install missing dependencies on Ubuntu (including Python 3.9)

Running the calibration script without Docker

To launch a simple exploration with 10 iterations you can run:

./calibration/ --config calibration/config.json --iter 10

If you want to calibrate multiple for multiple workflows using $20$ cores on your machine, you can specify a list of workflows (which will override the workflow specified data/sample_input.json):

./calibration/ --config calibration/config.json --workflows seismology.json genome-250-50-10-0.json --iter 200 --cores 20

By default, the script will detect the number of physical cores and set up one worker per core.

Note that, when providing the flag --all, the script will perform two consecutive calibrations, one using Bayesian optimization (BO) and one using a naive random search (RS) approach.

The output should be similar to this:

=============== exp-55eb0d10da07 ===============
Best error:
	Bayesian Optimization    (BO): 1.375%
	Random Search - baseline (RS): 0.180% creates a directory named exp-{ID} (ID is a random UUID) that contains several files:

  • results.csv: This file contains a summary of the error reached for each method used. You also have a PDF plot with the same name;
  • best-bo.json: The best configuration found by the Bayesian Optimization process as a JSON;
  • bo.csv: This CSV file contains a line for each iteration ran by DeepHyper when using Bayesian Optimization with the objective function value (i.e., simulator makespan) and the parameters values (payloads and properties);
  • rs.csv: This file is similar to bo.csv except that it contains data from the exploration when using Random Search. You have to use the flag --all to generate this file. This method is used as baseline comparison for other methods.
  • best-rs.json: The best configuration found by the Random Search process as a JSON;

Note that you can re-run the simulator with the best configuration found by DeepHyper with ./workflow-simulator-for-calibration exp-{ID}/best-bo.json.

Running the calibration script with Docker

If you've installed everything on your host (e.g., by running the script), then you can just run as described above, and likely you don't need Docker.

If you have installed everything but the SimGrid/WRENCH/simulator, then you can tell the script to use the pre-built Docker image:

docker pull wrenchproject/workflow-calibration:latest
./calibration/ --docker --config calibration/config.json --iter 10

If you have installed nothing, then you can run everything in Docker:

docker pull wrenchproject/workflow-calibration:latest
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/home/wrench wrenchproject/workflow-calibration:latest ./calibration/ --config calibration/config.json --iter 10

How to read a configuration file

The field calibration_ranges defines, for each variable that can be calibrated (e.g., scheduling_overhead, payloads, etc), a range of possible values. For example batch_scheduling_algorithm can take three discrete values, max_num_concurrent_data_connections can range from 1 to 64. For some values like payloads, the values are ranging from $2^0$ to $2^20$ bytes.

Calibrate multiple workflows

Once the path in your config file config.json are correct, you can run ./ -d $(pwd) -c config.json. By default, the process will run 300 iterations per workflow without early stopping (i.e., process will not stop even if the objective does not improve) and will use all cores available (can be change with --cores X).

Creating calibration and simulation experiment scripts

calibration/ (which calls and calibration/ can be used to easily create custom calibration and simulation experiment scripts.
Experiment scripts should follow the below structure (typically steps 3, 4, and possibly 5 are written in a loop that iterates through the workflows in some manner):

  1. (Optional) Use the parse_arguments(args) function in calibration/ to get user arguments (e.g., the directory containing workflows). The arguments are parsed via ArgumentParser from argparse.
  2. Use the init_experiment(dir_wf, config_json, outfile, num_iter, timeout) function defined in calibration/ to intialize the run directory (where best_bo.json and best_rs.json files will be written to for each simulation) and dictionary structure for storing both calibration and simulation results.
  • Input:
    • dir_wf = directory containing workflows
    • config_json = config JSON file
    • outfile = output JSON file name
    • num_iter = maximum number of iterations used in (--iter)
    • timeout = maximum number of seconds used in (--deephyper-timeout)
  • Returns a tuple containing the initialized dictionary structure and run directory name
  1. Create two lists of workflows to calibrate on and simulate on, respectively. The file calibration/ defines various functions to assist in filtering a list of workflows based on various parameters (e.g., workflow name, number of tasks, etc.).

  2. Run the calibration and simulation experiements using calibrate_and_simulate(my_dict, my_dir, cali_list, sim_list, dir_wf, config_json, num_iter, timeout, until_success=True, max_attempts=20, keep=False, debug=True) defined in calibration/

  • Input:
    • my_dict = experiment dictionary
    • my_dir = directory to write best_bo.json and best_rs.json files
    • cali_list = list of workflow file names to calibrate
    • sim_list = list of workflows to simulate
    • dir_wf = directory containing workflows in wf_list
    • config_json = config JSON file
    • num_iter = maximum number of iterations
    • timeout = maximum number of seconds per calibration (i.e., with --all, we expect roughly twice the total timeout)
    • until_success = if true, will attempt to calibrate until success
    • max_attempts = the maximum number of attempts to calibrate (if until_sucess is false)
    • keep = if true, does not delete the exp-* directory for the calibration
    • debug = if true, prints debug statements
  1. Write the experiment dictionary to an outfile, e.g.,
with open(outfile, "w") as fp:
  fp.write(json.dumps(my_dict, indent=4))

Current experiment scripts

  • calibration/
    • Calibrate on everything fixed, except # of trials
    • Simulate on everything fixed, except # of tasks and trials
  • calibration/
    • Calibrate on fixed architecture, workflow, number of nodes, and number of tasks
    • Simulate on fixed architecture, workflow, and number of nodes
  • calibration/
    • Calibrate on fixed architecture, workflow, number of nodes, and number of tasks less than or equal
    • Simulate on fixed architecture, workflow, and number of nodes
  • calibration/
    • Calibrate on everything fixed, except # of tasks and trials
    • Simulate on everything fixed, except # of nodes, tasks, and trials



  • Kyle scripts
    • Push scripts to repo in the calibration/ directory
    • Make it so that the script includes the JSON calibration inline in the big result file, rather than reference some experiment hash
    • Add an option --keep-exp-directory to the script, by default, the exp directory is removed
    • Add "--timeout" argument to so that it's not longer harcoded to 5 minutes
    • Check that the timeout actually works as intended (i.e., timeouts even if passed a huge number of iterations)
    • If so, then just pass a huge number of iterations and just be time-out-based


  • Check that an n-node workflow JSON file lists n machines since that's what's used to create the platform

    • Answer: Not always
    • TODO:
      • Write a simple script to, e.g., replicate the machine that's listed n times?
      • Write another script to determine whether some run has run sequentially when it should have run in parallel
  • Preliminary results show that BO is about the same as RS, but it seems not as bad as dimentionality gets larger. Question: what's a good way to increase dimentionality?

    • Option #1: Allow for heterogeneous hosts. Issue: the workflow JSON file defines the number of nodes, and the input.json file only gives one host speed... there is some re-engineering that needs to happen here. [AFTER DISCUSSION WITH LOIC: THIS IS A NO GO!]
    • Option #2: Add back in all kinds of message payloads (is a bit artificial perhaps?) [WE'RE DOING IT]

Experimental ground truth data:

  • All executions are using 16 cores on each compute node on CC

Calibration experiments:

  • Pick simulator "versions": all_bare_metal/htcondor_bare_metal, submit_only/submit_and_compute_hosts, and one_link/many_links/one_link_then_many_links
    • VERSIONSIMPLE: all_bare_metal/submit_only/one_link
    • VERSIONCOMPLEX: htcondor_bare_metal/submit_and_compute_hosts/one_link_then_many_links
  • Buffer size: Experiment with it (calibrate it or not, as it impacts simulation time)
    • For now, it's being calibrated between 20MB and 30MB, which is weird
    • For next runs, let's fix it to 100MB
  • Non-overfitting experiments
    • Calibrate for one workflow application using n tasks, and see how good things are for more tasks
      • Subset of results:
    • Arch: HASWELL
    • #nodes: 4
    • workflows: chain, forkjoin, seismology, montage, genome
      • Question #1: How close is RS from BO for the VERSIONSIMPLE simulator and for VERSIONCOMPLEX?
        • Looks pretty close for VERSIONSIMPLE
    • Need to run it for VERSIONCOMPLEX
    • Plot on the x axis the calibration attempt sorted by increase %error for RS, and on the y axis the average %error (over all 5 trials) for RS and BO
      • If always close, then let's increase the ranges of, e.g., bandwidth
    • Calibrate for one workflow application using n nodes, and see how good things are for more nodes
    • Calibrate for one workflow using n nodes, and see how good things are for OTHER workflows using n nodes
    • There are other dimentions (number of tasks, data size)


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