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writeameer edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 5 revisions

(Growing list of PowerShell samples in source )

Load the NRightAPI.dll assembly from the current working directory:

[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile((Get-Location).Path + “\NRightAPI.dll”)
  1. Instantiate NRightAPI using RS Accout number
    $api = new-object RightClient.NRightAPI($account)

Use the Login() method to authenticate against RightScale. This will create a session cookie that will be used in subsequent REST requests to RightScale:
  • Login to RightScale

    As an example, retrieve all your RightScripts in your account using the “right_scripts.xml” REST resource:

    $response = $api.GetRequest(“right_scripts.xml”,$null)

    The RightScripts are received as part of the HTTP response body. Output the rightscripts from the HTTP response using the DisplayRestResponse() method:

  • Clone this wiki locally