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Helfy: An AI-powered Recipe App (Govhack 2023 Project)

Helfy is an educational AI-powered recipe app designed to empower New Zealanders to reduce carbon emissions at the individual and community level.

You can input a recipe idea or your favorite ingredients, and Helfy's AI will whip up a fresh recipe with sustainability insights.

Key Features:

Low Carbon Recipes:

Helfy suggests recipes that are centered around low carbon footprint ingredients. It takes into consideration the local production, seasonality, and transportation of the food items.

Pantry Inventory System:

Users can input what they have in their pantry, and Helfy will generate recipes based on these ingredients, minimizing waste, and reducing the need for transportation.

Community Engagement:

The app allows local communities to upvote and share the best recipes. Allowing more people to find the best low carbon recipes.

Educational Content:

Helfy educates users on the carbon footprint of various foods in the recipe, helping them make conscious decisions about what to eat.

Personalized Meal Planning:

Based on users' preferences, and dietary requirements, Helfy crafts personalized recipes that are both delicious and environmentally responsible.

Integration with Local Markets:

Helfy can suggest locally sourced ingredients and point users to nearby farmers' markets or community-supported agriculture, reducing the carbon footprint of food transportation.

Helfy's Mission:

To engage New Zealand households in the global fight against climate change by providing an accessible and intelligent platform to reduce carbon emissions through informed food choices.