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LA4K is a from-scratch logging API for Kotlin Multiplatform. It contains two main parts:

  1. la4k-api, which libraries use to log events in an agnostic manner.
  2. Any one of the bridges which applications use to forward those events to a logging implementation.

For Libraries

Libraries reference la4k-api in the same manner regardless of what Kotlin backend they target:


repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")

dependencies {


repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

dependencies {

With the module added to your project, you can continue on to the la4k-api module documentation.

For Applications

If an application has a dependency that uses la4k-api, then a bridge can be imported into the application to have logging messages from the dependency properly forwarded. Bridges are currently hosted in the same Bintray repo as la4k-api and with matching version numbers.

Note that if no bridge has been activated then logging events will simply be discarded.


When running on the JVM, LA4K uses the Java Service Provider Interface to connect the API to a single bridge. As such, the chosen bridge need only be in the classpath during startup. If more than one bridge is present, the last one discovered will be used.

The following bridges are available for the JVM:

Module Gradle Syntax
la4k-console implementation("org.la4k:la4k-console:0.5.0")
la4k-jul implementation("org.la4k:la4k-jul:0.5.0")
la4k-log4j2 implementation("org.la4k:la4k-log4j2:0.5.0")
la4k-slf4j implementation("org.la4k:la4k-slf4j:0.5.0")
la4k-test implementation("org.la4k:la4k-test:0.5.0")


When running on Android, LA4K uses the Java Service Provider Interface to connect the API to a single bridge. As such, the chosen bridge need only be in the classpath during startup. If more than one bridge is present, the last one discovered will be used.

The following bridge is available for Android:

Module Gradle Syntax
la4k-android implementation("org.la4k:la4k-android:0.5.0")


When it comes to JavaScript, la4k-api provides the org.la4k.activateBridge function for activating a bridge of choice. It can only be called once and must be called before any logging statement is made by la4k-api.


The following bridges are available for the browser:

Module Gradle Syntax Activation
la4k-console implementation("org.la4k:la4k-console:0.5.0") activateBridge(org.la4k.test.ConsoleBridge())
la4k-test implementation("org.la4k:la4k-test:0.5.0") activateBridge(org.la4k.test.TestBridge())


The following bridges are available for NodeJS:

Module Gradle Syntax Activation
la4k-console implementation("org.la4k:la4k-console:0.5.0") activateBridge(org.la4k.test.ConsoleBridge())
la4k-test implementation("org.la4k:la4k-test:0.5.0") activateBridge(org.la4k.test.TestBridge())
la4k-winston implementation("org.la4k:la4k-winston:0.5.0") activateBridge(org.la4k.test.WinstonBridge())


Different portions of this project are placed under different licenses:

Component License SPDX ID
Library Apache License 2.0 Apache-2.0
Documentation Apache License 2.0 Apache-2.0
Build scripts Public Domain CC0-1.0
Unit tests Public Domain CC0-1.0


Logging API for Kotlin







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