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How to use
Special blueprint node
Tips and Tricks
Known Issues
ECharts Option object and plugin Option object correspondence table


This plugin integrates ECharts into Unreal Engine, based on UMG controls, ECharts version 5.4.4, which can realize most of the charting effects of ECharts.
1, support the use of blueprint nodes to dynamically create ECharts Option
2, support the use of Json strings directly ECharts Option
3, support for some of the ECharts Extension ( such as: Baidu map extension )
4, support for ECharts click, dbclick, mouseover events , when an event occurs you can receive the Json string of the event in the blueprint to get the event type and data ( more event support is being added )
5, support DispatchAction, you can use the blueprint to control ECharts.
6. Support ECharts background transparency
7, support for EChats theme


1, copy the plugin to the project Plugins directory


2, if you need to refer to other Javascript files (for example: Baidu map extension), copy the js file to the plugin's Source\ThirdParty\ECharts directory



All the files in the Source\ThirdParty\ECharts directory of the plugin will be copied to the output directory when the project is packaged. image

If the program flashes after packaging, see the Known Issues section at the end of this document.

How to use

1. Add the ECharts Widget control to the UMG.


2. Set the properties of the ECharts Widget control.

Enable Transparent: background transparency
Extension Script Files: extra js script files loaded on ECharts page (can be the name of js file in Source\ThirdParty\ECharts directory or online url address, see example: 6_BaiduMap)
Theme Json String: Json string of the Theme used by ECharts.
Events: ECharts events to be received, blueprint will receive the corresponding event Json string.

3. Setting Option for ECharts Widget in Blueprint

There are two ways to set Option for ECharts Widget.
Method 1: Construct the Json string of the Option directly, and set the string to the ECharts Widget, see the example: 1_RawJsonString
Method 2: Create and set Option object by blueprint, set the Option object to ECharts Widget, see example: 2_BlueprintOption
Note: When setting Option for an ECharts Widget, the two methods can be used in conjunction with each other to realize flexible and complex Option settings, see example: 8_KLine

4. Receive ECharts events in blueprints

If ECharts Widget's properties of the event checked, when the event occurs in ECharts you can receive the event's json string in the blueprint , which contains the event type and related data, see example: 3_Event

5, Using DispatchAction to control ECharts, see example: 4_Action

Call DispatchAction function of a ECharts Widget in blueprint to pass in the Json string of the action.

6. Dynamic Creation of ECharts Option Objects via Blueprint Node Description

This plugin ported the vast majority of the objects in the ECharts Option, you can create and set these objects on demand to construct a complex Option structure in blueprint.
In the image above, a tooltip object is first created, with a trigger property setted, then an axis pointer is created, with a type property setted, then the axis pointer object is set to the tooltip, and finally the tooltip object is set to the Option. You can create your custom Option object in this way. example: 8_KLine.

When an attribute of an object is set, only the corresponding attribute string will be generated in the final Option. for example, in the above figure, only the axisPointer object will generate a Json object string in the tooltip: axisPointer: {type:' cross'} and other properties will not. This enables the merge operation of options in ECharts, so that you can use both Option object and Json string to set the ECharts widget’s option .

The attribute names of the structure of the object in the Option ported to the plugin are consistent with those in js. These object's properties and input values please refer to the ECharts official documentation (except for a particularly flexible way to write the attributes, such as: series's markPoint data, the object is not refined, you need to use the full string settings, example: 8_Kline.

In order to achieve flexible input of attribute values ​​like in js, all non-object attributes of option object in the plugin are string type (example: the left attribute of legend can be entered as 20, '20%', 'left', 'center', 'right', etc.), so if the value of the attribute is string type, you need to use single quotes when setting it.
image image image image image

Because there are a lot of objects with the same name in the Option of ECharts, for example: many of objects have attribute named data, some of them have the same data structure (xAxis and yAxis), while others are different. In order to reduce the number of objects in the ported plugin. Objects with the same name are summarized during migration. Different structures generate a corresponding object in the plugin. If multiple structures have the same name, an index number will be added after the name to distinguish them. For example, Echarts Option has 25 data objects with different structures, after porting, there ar 25 data objects from EChartsOption_data0 to EChartsOption_data24. The data object in xAxis and yAxis use UEChartsOption_data1, whereas the data object in the pie of the series use UEChartsOption_data5. refer to EChartOption object and plugin Option object correspondence table for the complete correspondence.

As you can see in the figure below, in the "Set data" node of yAxis, data is an array of type EChartsOption_data1

Special blueprint node

1, SetOption and SetOptionJsonString

AdditionalScript in the node can set additional js script, the script's position in web page is before the ECharts setOption, you can use it to add the data and function definition of js and call it in Option. The added data and function definitions are global variables and can be accessed if SetOption is called again, see examples: 6_BaiduMap and 8_KLine.

The SetOption node returns the Json string of the final generated Option (with AddtionalScript)


Run the example

Open the level "Content\Example\ExampleMap" in the plugin, run the level, and click the corresponding button to view ecah example

Example (more examples added)

Set EChartsWidget directly using Option's Json string.

Dynamically create an Option object using a blueprint, then use the Option object to set the EChartsWidget.

Checks the ECharts event you needed and receives the data of the event in the blueprint.

Controls the ECharts via the DispatchAction blueprint node of the EChartsWidget using the action's Json string.

Set the background of ECharts to transparent

The official ECharts example: Air Quality in Major Cities - BaiduMap, loads the ECharts BaiduMap extension js file and uses additionalScript to set additional required js data and code when setting the Option of the EChartsWidget.

This example directly uses the AK of the Baidu map api in the ECharts example (, please change it to your own AK.

Set ECharts Theme Json string for EChartsWidget.

The official example of ECharts: ShangHai Index, using both Json string and Option object to set the Option of EChartsWidget.

Tips and Tricks

As with ECharts, the plugin can set up Option on demand, and when you need to update the Option, you only need to set the part that needs to be updated.

For example: 1, separate the style part and data part of Option, the style part is set only once, the data part can be set when there is a change in the data.
2、Set some of the attributes that can not be set with Option object, use Json string to set them.

ECharts cannot be displayed correctly after setting Option object.

You can get the string returned by the blueprint SetOption node and copy it to the Web version of ECharts for error analysis (if it is a plugin bug, please leave a message or send an email for feedback).

Determine the name of the object to be created

For example: when you need to create a data object in blueprint, if you are not sure which UEChartsOption_data, you can first create a "Set Data" node, then check the type of object you need, and then create a node that constructs that object type, or refer to the correspondence table.

Known issues

1. Controls do not respond when hidden and then shown again.

If there are more than 5 ECharts Widget controls running at the same time (including the engine built-in WebBrowser control), only 5 controls respond after the control is hidden and then displayed, this is a bug of the engine WebBrowser plugin, see: This bug is backlogged, please vote for UE to fix this bug earlier.

The temporary solution is modify the size of the control and then restore it before resuming the display of the control.

2. The packaged program cannot run.

If the project is a pure blueprint project, the plugin runs normally in the editor, but the program flashes back after packing, and the log shows the following error:LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin 'WebBrowserWidget'. Aborting.. But the Web Browser plugin is enabled in the editor.

3. Get svg using jquery

The server needs to configure Access-Control-Allow-Origin* to avoid cors errors

The solution is to add an empty c++ class to the project:

ECharts Option object and plugin Option object correspondence table

ECharts Option Object and Plugin Option Object Correspondence Table


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