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ALPHA: FiveM character identity and selection


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Early stage character creation / selection resource for FiveM.



wtf_characters provides the UI and API for managing character selection. Your resource can use the API to get the currently selected character for a given player.

In your __resource.lua:

client_scripts {
    '@wtf_characters/lib/api.lua', -- be sure to include this before your scripts


server_scripts {

dependencies {

The API is all client side you don't need to manage callbacks or notifications between client and server scripts. The following functions can be used from within your client side lua:

--- in Config.lua
-- Useful for making uids relative to one another so you don't have characters
-- with uid 4 and another with 120, instead w/ the default offset it would be
-- uid 1004 and 1120-- i.e. same digits.
Config.IDOffset = 1000 -- you can set this to whatever number or 0 to not have an offset

--- WTF.GetCharacter returns the current player's character
-- This function may return nil if the player hasn't yet selected
-- their character to play. You can use this in your script after
-- you're sure they've entered the game. Use WTF.WaitForCharacter()
-- or WTF.OnCharacterSelect() in your resource's startup code.
-- This function is performant and can be included in game loops.
-- NOTE: don't hold on to a reference of this variable, if a player
-- changes their character you'll be holding on to old data.

--- WTF.WaitForCharacter()
-- This function returns the player's current character. The function
-- will wait to return until the player selects their character.
-- This is useful in the startup stage of your resource. You can call
-- this function and the code below will execute after the character is
-- selected.
-- You can optionally specify a `uid` parameter to lookup another character by
-- their UID. If you do not specify a `uid` then it assumes current player.
-- NOTE: this must be called within a Citizen.CreateThread(function() ... end)
-- Calling this function outside of any thread will result in an error.

--- WTF.OnCharacterSelect(callback)
-- Useful function used to react to player being selected (or reselected).
-- Pass a callback which receives `character` as an argument.
-- This function can be called outside of a thread.

--- WTF.RegisterCharacterEvent(event, callback)
-- You can register custom events that other resources can trigger for your
-- character. The `event` parameter is typically a string.
-- For example: wtf_banking may send an event "wtf_banking:receiveTransfer"
-- which allows you to register a callback to react whenever this event is
-- triggered.
-- The `callback` parameter receives a `data` argument with the event's data.
WTF.RegisterCharacterEvent(event, callback)

--- WTF.TriggerCharacterEvent(uid, event, data)
-- The counter to RegisterCharacterEvent. You can trigger character events for
-- other online characters, all you need is their character's `uid`.
-- The event is the name of the event you'd like to trigger
-- (i.e. in the last example, "wtf_banking:receiveTransfer") and
-- `data` is whatever data/object to send with the event
-- (i.e. { from = 1234, amount = 500 })
WTF.TriggerCharacterEvent(uid, event, data)

--- Character object
-- The character returned from the API has the following structure:
    uid, -- a unique id, use this to persist data related to this character

--- Example
-- This is an example client side lua:

        print("Character UID: " .. tostring(character.uid))
        print("Character firstName: " .. tostring(character.firstName))
        print("Character lastName: " .. tostring(character.lastName))

        print("We got money! " .. data.amount)

-- alternative to WTF.OnCharacterSelect(), here's WTF.WaitForCharacter()

        local character = WTF.WaitForCharacter()
        -- the script waits on the above line until character is selected
        print("Character UID: " .. tostring(character.uid))
        print("Character firstName: " .. tostring(character.firstName))
        print("Character lastName: " .. tostring(character.lastName))

        -- ... later on during the life of your resource

        while true do
            local character = WTF.GetCharacter() -- returns instantly
            -- e.g. render something

        -- You can always call WTF.WaitForCharacter() if you're unsure if
        -- the character is available. It will return instantly if it is.

        -- Example of triggering a character event
        local data = {from = 1234, amount = 500}
        WTF.TriggerCharacterEvent(1337, "wtf_banking:receiveTransfer", data)


  • Redis / wtf_redis
    • By default, wtf_characters, uses Redis and expects it to be running on the game server. See wtf_redis for more info.
    • The code was written to support additional backends (i.e. ESX), feel free to contribute if you'd like.

Download, Building and Installation

wtf_characters doesn't currently have a release. If you'd like to use it in its early stage you'll have to build it.


  • UI requirements

    • Node v8.15.1 (you can use a later version, but this was used for best compatability with FiveM)

    • yarn v1.15.2 (package manager, alternative to NPM, but you can use NPM if you'd like)

      # if you don't have yarn installed
      $ npm install -g yarn
      # from your resources folder
      $ cd "[wtf]/wtf_characters/ui-src"
      # install deps
      $ yarn
      # build
      $ yarn build
  • Redis

Getting the code

cd resources
git clone [wtf]/wtf_characters/
git clone [wtf]/wtf_redis/


ALPHA: FiveM character identity and selection








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