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Barnabas Szirmay edited this page Feb 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Redmine Gamification Wiki - How To

How to resolve "Invalid authentication details" errors?

If you get this error message: redmine.exceptions.AuthError: Invalid authentication details, the problem is probably with the credentials that you use, e.g. username and password is incorrect. The easiest way to debug this is not from Python.

Option 1. Try to open the Redmine REST API from the browser. Just simple type this URL in the browser:


The browser should now prompt for basic authentication and if correct credentials are given it should show a JSON file.

Option 2. If you feel more comfortable with curl, the following should return a JSON to you as well:

curl -v -k -X GET -u username:password https://redmine.yourcompany/projects/yourproject.json

The -v stands for verbose and will print headers and stuff. The -k means ignore SSL certificate problems and the -u enables basic authentication.