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Pritunl Client GitHub Action

Test Connection

Establish a Pritunl VPN connection using the Pritunl Client that supports OpenVPN and WireGuard modes on GitHub Actions.

This utility helps you with tasks like automated internal endpoint testing, periodic backups, and anything that requires private access inside the corporate infrastructure using Pritunl VPN Enterprise Servers.




The configuration is declarative and relatively simple to use.

- uses: nathanielvarona/pritunl-client-github-action@v1
    # Pritunl Profile File (Required)
    # Type: Wrapping String (Base64 format)
    profile-file: ''

    # Profile Pin (Optional)
    # Type: String (Numerical value)
    # If not supplied, which defaults no Pin.
    profile-pin: ''

    # VPN Connection Mode (Optional)
    # Type: String (Choices ['ovpn' or 'wg'])
    # If not supplied, which defaults to 'ovpn'.
    vpn-mode: ''

    # Pritunl Client Version (Optional)
    # Type: String (Numerical dot separated identifiers)
    # For example, using the later version `1.3.3477.58`.
    # If not supplied, which defaults to the latest version from Prebuilt Apt Repository.
    client-version: ''

    # Start the Connection (Optional)
    # Type: Boolean
    # If not supplied, which defaults to `true`. 
    # If `true` the VPN connection starts within the setup step.
    start-connection: ''

Kindly check the section Working with Pritunl Profile File on converting tar binary to base64 file format for the profile-file input.


We have different example scenarios; any combination is possible as long the required profile-file input is supplied.

Minimum Working Configuration

- name: Setup Pritunl Profile and Start VPN Connection
  uses: nathanielvarona/pritunl-client-github-action@v1
    profile-file: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_FILE }}

# Then your other steps down below.

- name: Your CI/CD Core Logic
  run: |
    #   * Integration Test,
    #   * End-to-End Test,
    #   * Endpoint Reachability Test,
    #   * Backup Tasks,
    #   * And more.

- name: Example Cypress E2E Test
  uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5
    working-directory: e2e

If the connection requires a PIN or Password

- name: Setup Pritunl Profile and Start VPN Connection
  uses: nathanielvarona/pritunl-client-github-action@v1
    profile-file: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_FILE }}
    profile-pin: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_PIN }}

Or using a Specific Version of the Client and a WireGuard for the VPN Mode

- name: Setup Pritunl Profile and Start VPN Connection
  uses: nathanielvarona/pritunl-client-github-action@v1
    profile-file: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_FILE }}
    profile-pin: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_PIN }}
    client-version: '1.3.3477.58'
    vpn-mode: 'wg'

And even Manually Controlling the Connection

- name: Setup Pritunl Profile
  id: pritunl-connection
  uses: nathanielvarona/pritunl-client-github-action@v1
    profile-file: ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_FILE }}
    start-connection: false

- name: Starting a VPN Connection Manually
  run: |
    pritunl-client start ${{ steps.pritunl-connection.outputs.client-id }} \
      --password ${{ secrets.PRITUNL_PROFILE_PIN }}

- name: Show VPN Connection Status Manually
  run: |
    sleep 10
    pritunl-client list

- name: Your CI/CD Core Logic
  run: |
    # Below is our simple example for VPN connectivity test.

    # Install Tooling
    sudo apt-get install -y ipcalc

    # VPN Gateway Reachability Test
    ping -c 10 \
        pritunl-client list \
          | awk -F '|' 'NR==4{print $8}' \
          | xargs ipcalc \
          | awk 'NR==6{print $2}'

- name: Stop VPN Connection Manually
  if: ${{ always() }}
  run: |
    pritunl-client stop ${{ steps.pritunl-connection.outputs.client-id }}

Working with Pritunl Profile File

The Pritunl Client CLI won't allow us to load profiles from the plain .ovpn file, and GitHub doesn't have a feature to upload binary files such as .tar for the GitHub Actions Secrets.

To store Pritunl Profile to GitHub Secrets, maintaining the raw state of the tar binary file, we need to convert it to base64 file format.

Here are the steps

1. Download the Pritunl Profile File obtained from the Pritunl User Profile Page

curl -sL https://vpn.domain.tld/key/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.tar \
  -o ./pritunl.profile.tar

2. Convert your Pritunl Profile File from tar binary to base64 data format.

base64 -w 0 ./pritunl.profile.tar > ./pritunl.profile.base64

3. Copy the base64 data.

For macOS:

cat ./pritunl.profile.base64 | pbcopy

For Linux:

# Using `xclip`
cat ./pritunl.profile.base64 | xclip -selection clipboard

# Using `xsel`
cat ./pritunl.profile.base64 | xsel --clipboard --input

Or open it with your favorite code editor:

code ./pritunl.profile.base64 # or,
vim ./pritunl.profile.base64

Then select the entire data and copy it to the clipboard.

4. Create a Secret and Paste the value from our clipboard.

Such as Secrets Key PRITUNL_PROFILE_FILE from the Examples.