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Crafting light switches, request consoles, telescreens, and ticket ma…
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…chines (tgstation#72859)

## About The Pull Request
Breaking down tgstation#72371 because it's... unreasonably large.
So this PR adds recipes for light switches, request consoles,
telescreens, and ticket machines. Ticket machine frame by Kryson.

You can't print all of the telescreens, like the head of staff ones, but
the general department ones can be printed in their respective

## Why It's Good For The Game
Wallening compliance, and more of me on my shit breaking down long

## Changelog
:cl: Tattle, Kryson
qol: light switches, request consoles, telescreens, and ticket machines
can now all be printed from lathes

Co-authored-by: tattle <>
  • Loading branch information
dragomagol and tattle committed Jan 23, 2023
1 parent 4c1b8a5 commit d74ae43
Show file tree
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Showing 12 changed files with 490 additions and 186 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions code/__HELPERS/
Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(WALLITEMS_INTERIOR, typecacheof(list(
Expand All @@ -237,16 +236,17 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(WALLITEMS_INTERIOR, typecacheof(list(

// Wall mounted machinery which are visually coming out of the wall.
// These do not conflict with machinery which are visually placed on the wall.
180 changes: 0 additions & 180 deletions code/game/machinery/computer/
Expand Up @@ -241,184 +241,4 @@
network = list("mine", "auxbase", "vault")
circuit = null


name = "\improper Telescreen"
desc = "Used for watching an empty arena."
icon = 'icons/obj/stationobjs.dmi'
icon_state = "telescreen"
icon_keyboard = null
layer = SIGN_LAYER
network = list("thunder")
density = FALSE
circuit = null
light_power = 0

icon_state = initial(icon_state)
if(machine_stat & BROKEN)
icon_state += "b"
return ..()

name = "entertainment monitor"
desc = "Damn, they better have the /tg/ channel on these things."
icon = 'icons/obj/status_display.dmi'
icon_state = "entertainment_blank"
network = list()
density = FALSE
circuit = null
var/icon_state_off = "entertainment_blank"
var/icon_state_on = "entertainment"

MAPPING_DIRECTIONAL_HELPERS(/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment, 32)

. = ..()
RegisterSignal(src, COMSIG_CLICK, PROC_REF(BigClick))

// Bypass clickchain to allow humans to use the telescreen from a distance

balloon_alert(usr, "there's nothing on TV!")

INVOKE_ASYNC(src, TYPE_PROC_REF(/atom, interact), usr)

///Sets the monitor's icon to the selected state, and says an announcement
/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment/proc/notify(on, announcement)
if(on && icon_state == icon_state_off)
icon_state = icon_state_on
icon_state = icon_state_off

/// Adds a camera network ID to the entertainment monitor, and turns off the monitor if network list is empty
/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment/proc/update_shows(is_show_active, tv_show_id, announcement)

network |= tv_show_id
network -= tv_show_id

notify(network.len, announcement)

/// A button that adds a camera network to the entertainment monitors
name = "thunderdome showtime button"
desc = "Use this button to allow entertainment monitors to broadcast the big game."
device_type = /obj/item/assembly/control/showtime
req_access = list()
id = "showtime_1"

. = ..()
var/obj/item/assembly/control/showtime/ours = device = id

name = "showtime controller"
desc = "A remote controller for entertainment monitors."
/// Stores if the show associated with this controller is active or not
var/is_show_active = FALSE
/// The camera network id this controller toggles
var/tv_network_id = "thunder"
/// The display TV show name
var/tv_show_name = "Thunderdome"
/// List of phrases the entertainment console may say when the show begins
var/list/tv_starters = list("Feats of bravery live now at the thunderdome!",
"Two enter, one leaves! Tune in now!",
"Violence like you've never seen it before!",
"Spears! Camera! Action! LIVE NOW!")
/// List of phrases the entertainment console may say when the show ends
var/list/tv_enders = list("Thank you for tuning in to the slaughter!",
"What a show! And we guarantee next one will be bigger!",
"Celebrate the results with Thundermerch!",
"This show was brought to you by Nanotrasen.")

is_show_active = !is_show_active
say("The [tv_show_name] show has [is_show_active ? "begun" : "ended"]")
var/announcement = is_show_active ? pick(tv_starters) : pick(tv_enders)
for(var/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment/tv in GLOB.machines)
tv.update_shows(is_show_active, tv_network_id, announcement)

name = "\improper Research Director's telescreen"
desc = "Used for watching the AI and the RD's goons from the safety of his office."
network = list("rd", "aicore", "aiupload", "minisat", "xeno", "test", "toxins")

name = "research telescreen"
desc = "A telescreen with access to the research division's camera network."
network = list("rd")

name = "\improper Chief Engineer's telescreen"
desc = "Used for watching the engine, telecommunications and the minisat."
network = list("engine", "singularity", "tcomms", "minisat")

name = "\improper Chief Medical Officer's telescreen"
desc = "A telescreen with access to the medbay's camera network."
network = list("medbay")

name = "vault monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the vault's camera network."
network = list("vault")

name = "bomb test site monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the bomb test site's camera."
network = list("ordnance")

name = "engine monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the engine's camera network."
network = list("engine")

name = "turbine monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the turbine's camera."
network = list("turbine")

name = "interrogation room monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the interrogation room's camera."
network = list("interrogation")

name = "prison monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the permabrig's camera network."
network = list("prison")

name = "auxiliary base monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the auxiliary base's camera."
network = list("auxbase")

name = "minisat monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the minisat's camera network."
network = list("minisat")

name = "\improper AI upload monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the AI upload's camera network."
network = list("aiupload")

name = "bar monitor"
desc = "A telescreen that connects to the bar's camera network. Perfect for checking on customers."
network = list("bar")


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