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Matrices package (#111)
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GetLocalPlayer authored and Frotty committed Sep 14, 2018
1 parent 9adab57 commit 6e2851e
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Showing 4 changed files with 651 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions wurst/_handles/Effect.wurst
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package Effect
import NoWurst
import Vectors
import Matrices
import Colors
import Wurstunit

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ public function effect.setTime(real time)
public function effect.setOrientation(real yaw, real pitch, real roll)
BlzSetSpecialEffectOrientation(this, yaw, pitch, roll)

public function effect.setOrientation(mat3 matrix)
let euler = matrix.toEuler()
BlzSetSpecialEffectOrientation(this, euler.x, euler.y, euler.z)

public function effect.setYaw(real yaw)
BlzSetSpecialEffectYaw(this, yaw)

Expand Down
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions wurst/math/Matrices.wurst
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
package Matrices
import NoWurst
import public Vectors
import Maths
import ErrorHandling
import Wurstunit

/* Great thanks to for wide explanations. */

/** Matrix 2x2
00 01
10 11
Each column represents an axis in a rotation matrix.
public tuple mat2(real m00, real m01, real m10, real m11)

public constant ZERO22 = mat2(0, 0, 0, 0)

public constant IDENTITY22 = mat2( 1, 0,
0, 1)

tuple inverseresult22(bool success, mat2 matrix)

/** Matrix 3x3
00 01 02
10 11 12
20 21 22
Each column represents an axis in a rotation matrix.
public tuple mat3( real m00, real m01, real m02,
real m10, real m11, real m12,
real m20, real m21, real m22)

public constant ZERO33 = mat3(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

public constant IDENTITY33 = mat3( 1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1)

tuple inverseresult33(bool success, mat3 matrix)

/* =========== 2X2 MATRIX =========== */

public function mat2.op_plus(mat2 m) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 + m.m00, this.m01 + m.m01,
this.m10 + m.m10, this.m11 + m.m11)

public function mat2.op_minus(mat2 m) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 - m.m00, this.m01 - m.m01,
this.m10 - m.m10, this.m11 - m.m11)

public function mat2.op_minus(real scalar) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 - scalar, this.m01 - scalar,
this.m10 - scalar, this.m11 - scalar)

public function mat2.op_plus(real scalar) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 + scalar, this.m01 + scalar,
this.m10 + scalar, this.m11 + scalar)

public function mat2.op_mult(real scalar) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 * scalar, this.m01 * scalar,
this.m10 * scalar, this.m11 * scalar)

public function real.op_mult(mat2 m) returns mat2
return m * this

/** Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix*vect is not the same as vec*matrix. */
public function mat2.op_mult(vec2 v) returns vec2
return vec2(this.m00 * v.x + this.m01 * v.y, this.m10 * v.x + this.m11 * v.y)

/** Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix*vect is not the same as vec*matrix. */
public function vec2.op_mult(mat2 m) returns vec2
return vec2(this.x * m.m00 + this.y * m.m10, this.x * m.m01 + this.y * m.m11)

public function mat2.op_mult(mat2 m) returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00 * m.m00 + this.m01 * m.m10, this.m00 * m.m01 + this.m01 * m.m11,
this.m10 * m.m00 + this.m11 * m.m10, this.m10 * m.m01 + this.m11 * m.m11)

/** Returns matrix' column by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist. */
public function mat2.col(int index) returns vec2
vec2 result = ZERO2
switch index
case 0
result = vec2(this.m00, this.m10)
case 1
result = vec2(this.m01, this.m11)
error("Invalid call mat2.col. Index out of range.")
return result

/** Returns matrix' row by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist. */
public function mat2.row(int index) returns vec2
vec2 result = ZERO2
switch index
case 0
result = vec2(this.m00, this.m01)
case 1
result = vec2(this.m10, this.m11)
error("Invalid call mat2.row. Index out of range.")
return result

public function mat2.determinant() returns real
return this.m00 * this.m11 - this.m01 * this.m10

/** Flips the matrix over its main diagonale.
Result of transposing for rotation matrix is its inverse matrix. */
public function mat2.transpose() returns mat2
return mat2(this.m00, this.m10,
this.m01, this.m11)

/** Finds inverse matrix.
Returns tuple inverseresult22(bool success, mat2 matrix) where 'success' is true if the inverse matrix exists and 'matrix' is the inverse matrix.
If there's no inverse matrix 'success' is false and 'matrix' is zero matrix. */
public function mat2.inverse() returns inverseresult22
let d = this.determinant()
var inverse = inverseresult22(d.abs() > 0.002, ZERO22)
if d.abs().isBetween(0.998, 1.002)
inverse.matrix = this.transpose()
else if inverse.success
let tmp = mat2( this.m11, -this.m01,
-this.m10, this.m00)
inverse.matrix = 1 / d * tmp
return inverse

public function mat2.toString() returns string
return "Matrix 2x2\n{0} {1}\n{2} {3}".format(
this.m00.toString(), this.m01.toString(),
this.m10.toString(), this.m11.toString())

/** Creates rotation matrix from angle. */
public function angle.toRotation() returns mat2
return mat2(this.cos(), -this.sin(),
this.sin(), this.cos())

/** Creates scaling 2x2 matrix from a vector. */
public function vec2.toScaling() returns mat2
return mat2(this.x, 0,
0, this.y)

/* =========== 3X3 MATRIX =========== */

public function mat3.op_plus(mat3 m) returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00 + m.m00, this.m01 + m.m01, this.m02 + m.m02,
this.m10 + m.m10, this.m11 + m.m11, this.m12 + m.m12,
this.m20 + m.m20, this.m21 + m.m21, this.m22 + m.m22)

public function mat3.op_plus(real scalar) returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00 + scalar, this.m01 + scalar, this.m02 + scalar,
this.m10 + scalar, this.m11 + scalar, this.m12 + scalar,
this.m20 + scalar, this.m21 + scalar, this.m22 + scalar)

public function mat3.op_minus(mat3 m) returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00 - m.m00, this.m01 - m.m01, this.m02 - m.m02,
this.m10 - m.m10, this.m11 - m.m11, this.m12 - m.m12,
this.m20 - m.m20, this.m21 - m.m21, this.m22 - m.m22)

public function mat3.op_minus(real scalar) returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00 - scalar, this.m01 - scalar, this.m02 - scalar,
this.m10 - scalar, this.m11 - scalar, this.m12 - scalar,
this.m20 - scalar, this.m21 - scalar, this.m22 - scalar)

public function mat3.op_mult(real scalar) returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00 * scalar, this.m01 * scalar, this.m02 * scalar,
this.m10 * scalar, this.m11 * scalar, this.m12 * scalar,
this.m20 * scalar, this.m21 * scalar, this.m22 * scalar)

public function real.op_mult(mat3 m) returns mat3
return m*this

/** Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix*vect is not the same as vec*matrix. */
public function mat3.op_mult(vec3 v) returns vec3
return vec3(this.m00 * v.x + this.m01 * v.y + this.m02 * v.z,
this.m10 * v.x + this.m11 * v.y + this.m12 * v.z,
this.m20 * v.x + this.m21 * v.y + this.m22 * v.z)

public function vec3.op_mult(mat3 m) returns vec3
return vec3(this.x * m.m00 + this.y * m.m10 + this.z * m.m20,
this.x * m.m01 + this.y * m.m11 + this.z * m.m21,
this.x * m.m02 + this.y * m.m12 + this.z * m.m22)

public function mat3.op_mult(mat3 m) returns mat3
// row by row
return mat3(this.m00 * m.m00 + this.m01 * m.m10 + this.m02 * m.m20,
this.m00 * m.m01 + this.m01 * m.m11 + this.m02 * m.m21,
this.m00 * m.m02 + this.m01 * m.m12 + this.m02 * m.m22,

this.m10 * m.m00 + this.m11 * m.m10 + this.m12 * m.m20,
this.m10 * m.m01 + this.m11 * m.m11 + this.m12 * m.m21,
this.m10 * m.m02 + this.m11 * m.m12 + this.m12 * m.m22,

this.m20 * m.m00 + this.m21 * m.m10 + this.m22 * m.m20,
this.m20 * m.m01 + this.m21 * m.m11 + this.m22 * m.m21,
this.m20 * m.m02 + this.m21 * m.m12 + this.m22 * m.m22)

/** Returns matrix' column by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist. */
public function mat3.col(int index) returns vec3
vec3 result = ZERO3
switch index
case 0
result = vec3(this.m00, this.m10, this.m20)
case 1
result = vec3(this.m01, this.m11, this.m21)
case 2
result = vec3(this.m02, this.m12, this.m22)
error("Invalid call mat3.col. Index out of range.")
return result

/** Returns matrix' row by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist. */
public function mat3.row(int index) returns vec3
vec3 result = ZERO3
switch index
case 0
result = vec3(this.m00, this.m01, this.m02)
case 1
result = vec3(this.m10, this.m11, this.m12)
case 2
result = vec3(this.m20, this.m21, this.m22)
error("Invalid call mat3.row. Index out of range.")
return result

/** The sum of the main diagonal terms. */
public function mat3.trace() returns real
return this.m00 + this.m11 + this.m22

public function mat3.determinant() returns real
return this.m00 * (this.m11 * this.m22 - this.m12 * this.m21)
- this.m01 * (this.m10 * this.m22 - this.m12 * this.m20)
+ this.m02 * (this.m10 * this.m21 - this.m11 * this.m20)

/** Flips the matrix over its main diagonale.
Result of transposing for rotation matrix is its inverse matrix. */
public function mat3.transpose() returns mat3
return mat3(this.m00, this.m10, this.m20,
this.m01, this.m11, this.m21,
this.m02, this.m12, this.m22)

/** Finds inverse matrix.
Returns tuple inverseresult33(bool success, mat3 matrix) where 'success' is true if the inverse matrix exists and 'matrix' is the inverse matrix.
If there's no inverse matrix 'success' is false and 'matrix' is zero matrix. */
public function mat3.inverse() returns inverseresult33
let d = this.determinant()
var inverse = inverseresult33(d.abs() > 0.002, ZERO33)
if d.abs().isBetween(0.998, 1.002)
inverse.matrix = this.transpose()
else if inverse.success
let tmp = mat3( this.m11 * this.m22 - this.m12 * this.m21,
this.m02 * this.m21 - this.m01 * this.m22,
this.m01 * this.m12 - this.m02 * this.m11,

this.m12 * this.m20 - this.m10 * this.m22,
this.m00 * this.m22 - this.m20 * this.m02,
this.m02 * this.m10 - this.m00 * this.m12,

this.m10 * this.m21 - this.m11 * this.m20,
this.m01 * this.m20 - this.m00 * this.m21,
this.m00 * this.m11 - this.m01 * this.m10)
inverse.matrix = 1 / d * tmp
return inverse

/** Extracts Euler-angles (Tait-Bryan) in radians from rotation matrix. Order of the result is X-Y-Z. */
public function mat3.toEuler() returns vec3
real yaw
real pitch
real roll
if this.m02 > 0.999
yaw = Atan2(this.m21, this.m11)
pitch = PI/2
roll = 0
else if this.m02 < -0.999
yaw = Atan2(this.m21, this.m11)
pitch = -PI/2
roll = 0
yaw = Atan2(-this.m12, this.m22)
pitch = Asin(this.m02)
roll = Atan2(-this.m01 , this.m00)
return vec3(yaw, pitch, roll)

public function mat3.toString() returns string
return "Matrix 3x3\n{0} {1} {2}\n{3} {4} {5}\n{6} {7} {8}".format(
this.m00.toString(), this.m01.toString(), this.m02.toString(),
this.m10.toString(), this.m11.toString(), this.m12.toString(),
this.m20.toString(), this.m21.toString(), this.m22.toString())

/** Creates 3x3 rotation matrix from axis and angle. */
public function vec3.toRotation(angle angl) returns mat3
var v = this.norm()
var x = v.x
var y = v.y
var z = v.z
var mcos = 1 - angl.cos()
var sin = angl.sin()
return mat3(1 + mcos * (x * x - 1), -z * sin + mcos * x * y, y * sin + mcos * x * z,
z * sin + mcos * x * y, 1 + mcos * (y * y - 1), -x * sin + mcos * y * z,
-y * sin + mcos * x * z, x * sin + mcos * y * z, 1 + mcos * (z * z - 1))

/** Creates 3x3 rotation matrix from axis and angle. */
public function angle.toRotation(vec3 axis) returns mat3
return axis.toRotation(this)

/** Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around X-axis from angle. */
public function angle.toRotationX() returns mat3
return mat3(1, 0, 0,
0, this.cos(), -this.sin(),
0, this.sin(), this.cos())

/** Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around Y-axis from angle. */
public function angle.toRotationY() returns mat3
return mat3(this.cos(), 0, this.sin(),
0, 1, 0,
-this.sin(), 0, this.cos())

/** Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around Z-axis from angle. */
public function angle.toRotationZ() returns mat3
return mat3(this.cos(), -this.sin(), 0,
this.sin(), this.cos(), 0,
0, 0, 1)

/** Creates 3x3 scaling matrix from a vector. */
public function vec3.toScaling() returns mat3
return mat3(this.x, 0, 0,
0, this.y, 0,
0, 0, this.z)

/** Creates translation 3x3 matrix from a vector that represents an offset.
Use it with vec3 that represents 2D point. */
public function vec2.toTranslation() returns mat3
return mat3(1, 0, this.x,
0, 1, this.y,
0, 0, 1)

/* =========== TESTING =========== */

public function mat2.assertEquals(mat2 expected)
let delta = 0.002
let compare = mat2( (this.m00 - expected.m00).abs(), (this.m01 - expected.m01).abs(),
(this.m10 - expected.m10).abs(), (this.m11 - expected.m11).abs())
let msg = "Expected {0} <{1}>, Actual <{2} with delta {3}>"
if compare.m00 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m00", expected.m00.toString(), this.m00.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m01 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m01", expected.m01.toString(), this.m01.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m10 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m10", expected.m10.toString(), this.m10.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m11 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m11", expected.m11.toString(), this.m11.toString(), delta.toString()))

public function mat3.assertEquals(mat3 expected)
let delta = 0.002
let compare = mat3( (this.m00 - expected.m00).abs(), (this.m01 - expected.m01).abs(), (this.m02 - expected.m02).abs(),
(this.m10 - expected.m10).abs(), (this.m11 - expected.m11).abs(), (this.m12 - expected.m12).abs(),
(this.m20 - expected.m20).abs(), (this.m21 - expected.m21).abs(), (this.m22 - expected.m22).abs())
let msg = "Expected {0} <{1}>, Actual <{2} with delta {3}>"
if compare.m00 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m00", expected.m00.toString(), this.m00.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m01 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m01", expected.m01.toString(), this.m01.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m02 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m02", expected.m02.toString(), this.m02.toString(), delta.toString()))

if compare.m10 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m10", expected.m10.toString(), this.m10.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m11 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m11", expected.m11.toString(), this.m11.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m12 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m12", expected.m12.toString(), this.m12.toString(), delta.toString()))

if compare.m20 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m20", expected.m20.toString(), this.m20.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m21 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m21", expected.m21.toString(), this.m21.toString(), delta.toString()))
if compare.m22 > delta
testFail(msg.format("m22", expected.m22.toString(), this.m22.toString(), delta.toString()))

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