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eos smart contract based data exchange

code architecture

  • dataexchange/contracts: smart contract to running trustless data exchange
  • dataexchange/backend: running with the nodeos daemon and collection mongodb plugin data
  • dataexchange/client: request for blockchain data via calling v1/chain/get_table_rows api
  • dataexchange/tests: test scripts

how to run

build and deploy

build the cpp code and deploy it to blockchain:

cd dataexchange/contracts && sh dataexchange
cleos create account eosio dex EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
cleos set contract dex /dataexchange/dataexchange/dataexchange/contracts/dataexchange

create markets by script


note that only the contract owner can create a market.

verify the results

cleos get table dddd dddd datamarkets -l -1

remove market

removing market need both owner's permission and the marketid. note that only the market owner can remove a market.

cleos push action dddd removemarket '["bdibxtljzc",104]' -p bdibxtljzc

create a order with a giving marketid:

cleos push action dddd createorder '["eosio","bdibxtljzc", 0, 2,""]' -p eosio

remove previously created order

cleos push action dddd removeorder '["eosio","bdibxtljzc",0]' -p eosio

list opening orders in a market

➜  dataexchange git:(master) ✗ cleos get table dddd asdf marketorders -l -1
  "rows": [{
      "orderid": 1,
      "marketid": 0,
      "seller": "asdfasdfasdf",
      "price": 1,
      "dataforsell": "aasdf"
      "orderid": 2,
      "marketid": 0,
      "seller": "asdfasdfasdf",
      "price": 1,
      "dataforsell": "aasdf"
      "orderid": 3,
      "marketid": 0,
      "seller": "asdfasdfasdf",
      "price": 1,
      "dataforsell": "aasdf"
  "more": false

order and deal design

orders can be filled multiple times by calling makedeal abi, each time makedeal is called, a new deal is created with an unique dealid.
if an order is canceled by the seller, no more deals can be made anymore, but pending deals can be continue to finish.
anyone can remove finished deal data by calling erasedeal to reduce memory usage, this is very important for a dapp with large amount of active users.

bidirection order system

a user can put an order to the market, in current implemention there are two kinds of orders, which are ask order and bid order. we can the user proposed the order as a maker, and the user(s) calling the makedeal abi as a taker.
In a ask order, the maker is the seller, and the opposite side (aka taker) is the buyers;
In a bid order, the maker is the buyer, and the opposite side (aka taker) is the sellers.
In both ask and bid order, it is the maker's right to authorize a deal before the data source actually upload data hash.

deal state machine and dh key exchange

previously the deal is finished if the data source upload the ipfs hash to blockchain,
but actually the buy should confirm that the hash is valid and the hash is exist in the ipfs network,
also, the file should carefully encoded by the following formula:

Buyer's pubickey(shared_secret(raw data))

after the buyer download the ipfs file, he should first decode it by the private key registered to the blockchain,
then check whether seller_accountname is the correct seller, if so, he can call confirmhash to put the state machine to the next state.
we use dh key exchange to determine a shared_secret, and use this shared_secret to encrypt raw data.
In the new state machine design, the seller and data source negociate a share key end use it to encrypt raw data, the both encrypt it with
buyer's two different public keys registered to the blockchain, and both send it to the ipfs network. The buyer should first need to download both files from ipfs network,
and then decrypt with the corresponding private keys, if success, then we can safely conclude that the raw data is safely delivered to the buyer.
But the buyer can't decrypt the raw data because the shared secret is still unknown, which is only known to data source and seller.
We need a good design to avoid the buyer get the data without pay tokens to protect the seller and data source, but also need to prove the secret key shared by data source and seller can be seen by buyer.
So we reveal the shared key in a way that both the data source and seller reveal its own private key, and the block chain can check whether the two keys are qualified to dh key exchange rules.