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Kafka Connect

General Setup

Step 1: Install And Run Zookeeper And Kafka

Step 2: Setup The Directory for Connector Plugins

  • For connecting with a certain data store, you may use a specific connector plugin. For loading those connector plugins, you have to create a directory.

    mkdir <kafka_root_directory>/plugins
  • For letting Kafka Connect know where is the plugin directory, you have to change the configuration of Kafka Connect worker.


Step 3: Configure Kafka Connect worker

  • The Kafka Connect worker is configured by the configuration file
  • The config directory has the file by default, you can modify it directly.
  • Avaliable properties:
    Property Description
    bootstrap.servers A list of Kafka brokers that Connect will work with. All workers with the same group ID are part of the same Connect cluster.
    key.converter The converter for keys.
    value.converter The converter for values.
    key.converter.schemas.enable Enable the schema for the key converter.
    value.converter.schemas.enable Enable the schema for the value converter. The hostname of the REST API for configuring and monitoring Connect.
    rest.port The port of the REST API for configuring and monitoring Connect.
    plugin.path A list of directories for loading connector plugins.
  • Example of

Step 4: Run Kafka Connect Worker

cd bin
sh ../config/

Step 5: Manage Connectors by Kafka Connect REST APIs

  • Common APIs
    Method URL Body Description
    GET http://localhost:8083/ Check the worker is running.
    GET http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins Display all the available connector plugins.
    POST http://localhost:8083/connectors Connector configuration (JSON) Add a new connector.
    GET http://localhost:8083/connectors Display all the running connectors.
    GET http://localhost:8083/connectors/<connector_name> Display the detailed info of a connector.
    DELETE http://localhost:8083/connectors/<connector_name> Delete a connector.

Connect to MySQL (Debezium)

Step 1: Download And Deploy MySQL Connector Plugin

  • Download the Debezium MySQL Connector plugin from here.
  • Extract the Debezium MySQL Connector plugin in the plugins directory.
    cd <kafka_root_directory>/plugins
    tar -zxf debezium-connector-mysql-1.1.2.Final-plugin.tar.gz

Step 2: Enable MySQL Binary Logging (binlog)

  • MySQL binary logging is not enabled by default. You have to enable it manually.
  • Add 2 properties into the mysqld section of the my.cnf.
  • Restart MySQL server.
  • Verify the binary logging is enabled by checking the log_bin variable is ON.
    show variables like 'log_bin';
  • Troubleshooting
    • You may need to create a new my.cnf file if it is not existing.
    • You can specify the path of the new my.cnf file in MySQL Workbench by clicking the wrench icon next to "INSTANCE".
    • You can use MySQL Workbench to create a new my.cnf file by clicking the "Options File" under "INSTANCE".
    • If restarting MySQL server cannot apply the new parameter values of the my.cnf file into the system variables, you need to start MySQL server by command-line.
      sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe
      (Press Control-Z)

Step 3: Create Database And Tables (For Demo Only)

  • Assume you have database (schema): testdb
  • Assume you have tables
    • customers
    • orders

Step 4: Create Connector

  • Compose the connector configration in JSON

      "name": "mysql-source-connector",
      "config": {
        "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
        "tasks.max": "1",
        "database.hostname": "localhost",
        "database.port": "3306",
        "database.user": "root",
        "database.password": "6ytow2-;S3lA",
        "": "001",
        "": "mysqlserver1",
        "database.whitelist": "testdb",
        "database.serverTimezone": "UTC",
        "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
        "database.history.kafka.topic": "schema-changes.testdb"  
  • Explanation of parameters

    Parameter Description
    name The unique name of the connector.
    connector.class The name of the Java class for the connector. Always use a value of io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector for the MySQL connector.
    tasks.max The maximum number of tasks that should be created for this connector. The MySQL connector always uses a single task and therefore does not use this value, so the default is always acceptable.
    database.hostname The IP address or hostname of the MySQL database server.
    database.port The port of the MySQL database server.
    database.user The username for connecting the MySQL database server.
    database.password The password for connecting the MySQL database server. The numeric ID of the MySQL database server. The name of the MySQL database server. This name is the logical identifier for the MySQL server or cluster of servers. This name will be used as the prefix for all Kafka topics.
    database.whitelist The list of databases (schemas) will be monitored. (comma-separated)
    database.blacklist The list of databases (schemas) will be be excluded from monitoring. (comma-separated)
    table.whitelist The list of tables will be monitored. (comma-separated)
    table.blacklist The list of tables will be be excluded from monitoring. (comma-separated)
    database.serverTimezone The timezone for the MySQL database server. If not specify, the MySQL database server will throw an error like "The server time zone value 'XXX' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support."
    database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers The list of the hostname and port pairs for Kafka brokers.
    database.history.kafka.topic The topic to store the schema change history of the database.

    For more parameters, check this page.

  • Make a HTTP request to Kafka connect worker to create this new connector

    Method URL Body
    POST http://localhost:8083/connectors Connector configuration (JSON)

Step 5: Verify

  • Insert new records to customers table and orders table (for this demo only).
  • List all the topics from Kafka, make sure you can see those topics (for this demo only):
    • mysqlserver1.testdb.customers
    • mysqlserver1.testdb.orders
  • If there is no record in the table, the connector will not create a topic for that table. The connector will only create a topic for that table only there is a change for that table.
  • Consume the messages in those topics, you can see the changes in those tables can be captured as JSON messages.
