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Generate advanced DTO Java classes from database

Generated classes based on database metadata (schema) with flexible settings.

Some common settings for generated code:

 "common": {
    "classPrefix": "",
    "classSuffix": "Data",
    "readOnlyFields": ["is_disabled"],
    "packageName": "nurs.db"
  • classPrefix - class name prefix
  • classSuffix - class name suffix
  • readOnlyFields - don't generate setters for these columnt
  • packageName - name of java package
  • columnsOrder - generate columns in this order
    • ALPHA - columns sorted by name
    • TABLE - order as in table
  • useDefaults - Use default column value as initial value from DB in generated classes

You have ability to set specific behavior from global sql types:

  "sqlTypes": {
    "cidr": "String",
    "_cidr": "String",
    "_text": "String",
    "_varchar": "String"
 "common": {
    "classPrefix": "",
    "classSuffix": "Data",
    "readOnlyFields": ["is_disabled"],
    "packageName": "nurs.db"

to specific tables:

  "tables": {
    "test_table_1": {
      "packageName": "dto.test1",
      "interfaces": ["dev.walgo.db2dto.TestInterface"],

And fields:

  • set field name:
      "fieldNames": {
        "real_field_name": "new_name"

for example, for interface conformity

  • add fields, not existing in table:
      "additionalFields": {
        "add_field": "Integer"
  • additional fields could be:

    • simple types: int, boolean, etc
    • object types: Integer, String, etc
    • collections: Map, List and Set
    • complex types - any compile-time reachable from this class, with full package name, e.g: other.package.BeanClass
  • set fields as enums:

      "enumFields": {
        "enum_field": "dev.walgo.db2dto.TestEnum"
  • generate toString method for all fields with exceptions:
      "toStringIgnoreFields": [
  • set some fields as readOnly_, i.e. without setters:
      "readOnlyFields": [
  • set specific default value to field (by field name)
      "fieldDefaults": {
        "test_array": "new ArrayList<String>()"
  • set specific default value to specific field type (by sql type)
      "typeDefaults": {
        "timestamptz": ""
  • set specific default valuea type to field (by field name)
      "fieldTypes": {
        "test_array": "dev.walgo.db2dto.TestType"

It's also possible to compile generated code immediatelly and create separate jar:

  "compile": true,
  "classOutputDir": "build/classes",
  "jarPath": "build/test-db-0.2.4.jar",

Code generated by predefined templates (Pebble), so, you have ability to use your own templates.

For code, generated with default templates, you have common interface:

public interface IData {
  // check that file changed
  boolean hasChangedField(final String fieldName);
  // Any fields changed
  boolean isChanged();
  void resetChangedField(final String fieldName);
  // reset fields changing flag
  void resetChanged();
  // return all fields 
  Set<String> getFieldNames();

and each generated class have for all table fields:

  • ability to set changed flag, e.g:
// status_type
  public StatusTypeData setStatusTypeChanged() {
    return this;
  • ability to check if field changed after last read from DB, e.g:
  public boolean isStatusTypeChanged() {
    return changedFields.contains("status_type");
  • prudent setters with change field property only when it really changed, e.g:
  public StatusTypeData setStatusType(final String newValue) {
    if (!java.util.Objects.equals(newValue, statusType)) {
      this.statusType = newValue;
    return this;
  • additional setters for set only non-null value, e.g:
  public StatusTypeData setStatusTypeNotNull(final String newValue) {
    if (!java.util.Objects.equals(newValue, statusType) && (newValue != null)) {
      this.statusType = newValue;
    return this;
  • changed state checker for each field, e.g:
  public String getStatusType() {
    return this.statusType;


  • via command line, e.g.:
# when all settings in db2dto.conf
java -cp postgresql-42.2.12.jar:db2dto-0.1.0.jar dev.walgo.db2dto.Main
# when you need to set connection data dynamically
java -cp postgresql-42.2.12.jar:db2dto-0.1.0.jar dev.walgo.db2dto.Main --url jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test_db --user testUser --password testPassword

dev.walgo.db2dto.Main command line:

* -c,--config <configFile>     Configuration file.
* -d,--url <dbUrl>             Database connection string.
* -h                           This help
* -p,--password <dbPassword>   Database user password.
* -s,--schema <dbSchema>       Database schema.
* -u,--user <dbUser>           Database user name.

For execute generator via command line, you need to download db2dto-x.y.z.jar separatelly from the site, or build from the source via ./gradlew shadowJar, or insert all dependencies into classpath.

  • via gradle task:
task dto(type: JavaExec) {
  classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
  main = 'dev.walgo.db2dto.Main'
  args '--url', 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test_db', '--user', 'testUser', '--password', 'testPassword'
  • via direct execution - allow to more flexible settings, but slighly harder, because of that you need to add libraries to gradle buildscript's classpath
task dto() {
  File file = new File('db2dto.conf') gson = new;
  dev.walgo.db2dto.config.Config config = gson.fromJson(file.text, dev.walgo.db2dto.config.Config.class);
// only for testing..
  config.dbURL = 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test_db'
  config.dbUser = 'testUser'
  config.dbPassword = 'testPassword'
  dev.walgo.db2dto.Processor proc = new dev.walgo.db2dto.Processor();


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