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Releases: wwarthen/CPU280

Version 1.20.3

19 Mar 18:22
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Did some minor cleanup of redundant files in the source. Issuing a new release just to keep things in sync. No functional changes.

Version 1.20.2

02 Aug 17:27
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Minor updates to support IDE board. Disk images modified to include IDETEST.COM application. Minor changes to GENCPM.DAT configuration file.

Version 1.20.1

21 May 17:59
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This release is purely to correct GitHub's mangling of the line endings that Fritz discovered. There are no changes to the file contents other than line endings. The attached binary distribution is identical to the previous release, so don't bother trying to upgrade your EPROMs or diskette images if you were already running v1.20.

Version 1.20

13 Mar 22:02
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Implements a build process for creating the firmware and software. Minor fixes and enhancements have been included -- see system.his for more information.

Version 1.13 from Tilmann Reh

13 Mar 20:58
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This release captures the last public release of the CPU280 System Software from Tilmann Reh originally distributed on 14 Mar 1995. Please see the file "system.his" in the SYSTEM directory for additional historical release information.