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>> SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Bill Binder <>
>> SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

Vizzyix - a portage package browser

This is a package browser which uses eix to search the package database, and a
Qt GUI to show the results. That's it really; it doesn't need permissions for
building packages because it doesn't do building, which means it can run with
normal user permissions.


Dynamically linked to:
    * Qt5 (Core, Gui, Svg)
    * Protobuf

Requires >=app-portage/eix-0.34.11 to be built with protobuf support, and for the
"eix.proto" file from the eix source archive to be installed at /usr/share/eix.

HtmlBuilder ( - A simple C++ header-only
HTML 5 Generator library, using a Document Object Model (DOM). MIT Licence.
Bundled with project for now.


Written in C++ (C++17).

The project is configured to use clang-format to manage format of the code. This
is controlled by the top level file, ".clang-format".


    * Using meson
         Create a new directory and cd into it
         Unpack the source archive and cd into it's top directory
         $ meson ../meson-build
         $ cd ../meson-build
         $ meson compile

    * Using qmake
         Create a new directory and cd into it
         Unpack the source archive and cd into it's top directory
         $ mkdir ../qmake-build
         $ cd ../qmake-build
         $ qmake ../vizzyix
         $ make

The qmake build is only for convenience when using qt-creator. Retaining
till qt-creator support for meson gets better; it's not good in 2022.


There are some basic tests - these may be run from the Tools | Test menu in
QtCreator, or in meson by running this in the meson build directory:

  $ meson test


The eix and vizzyix ebuilds are in the scripts/ directory. These are intended
to go in your overlay - rename to dd the required version numbers: the eix
version should be the same as the current gentoo version number, and the
vizzyix version should be one of the versions in github.