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Authenticate as a Service - Quick Start

ServiceStack Instance

Install the package to your second Service Stack Instance:

    PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Authentication.IdentityServer

Add the following to your AppHost:

public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
    public AppHost() : base("ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api", typeof (MyServices).Assembly) { }
        public override void Configure(Container container)

            this.Plugins.Add(new IdentityServerAuthFeature 
                AuthProviderType = IdentityServerAuthProviderType.ServiceProvider,  // Use the ServiceAuthProvider instead of the UserAuthProvider
                AuthRealm = "http://localhost:5000/",                               // The URL of the IdentityServer instance
                ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api",                             // The Client Identifier so that IdentityServer can identify the service
                ClientSecret = "6515372c-d1ab-457c-927a-13038007e977",              // The Client Secret so that IdentityServer can authorize the service
                Scopes = "servicescope"                                             // The Service must have a corresponding scope

To lock down a service so that the service has to be authenticated, again decorate it with the Authenticate Attribute.

public class SomeService : Service
    public object Any()

IdentityServer3 Instance

Add the following Client to the Identity Server Client data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Clients is being used).

new Client
    ClientName = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api",
    ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api",                             // The Client Identifier matching the AppSettings.SetClientId() call
                                                                            // in the ServiceStack AppHost Configure() method above        
    Enabled = true,
    AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,                              // The AccessToken encryption type
    Flow = Flows.ClientCredentials,                                     // Uses the Client Credentials flow

    ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
        new Secret("6515372c-d1ab-457c-927a-13038007e977".Sha256())     // The Client Secret matching AppSettings.SetClientSecret() call
    },                                                                  // in the ServiceStack Setup

    AllowedScopes = new List<Secret>                              // Ensure the scope for the new client is referenced.

Add the following Scope to the Identity Server Scope data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Scopes is being used).

new Scope
    Enabled = true,
    Name = "ServiceStack.Api.SelfHost",                                 // A Scope that matches the Client Id
    Type = ScopeType.Identity,

    ScopeSecrets = new List<Secret>                               // The Client Secret matching AppSettings.SetClientSecret() call
    {                                                                   // in the ServiceStack Setup
        new Secret("6515372c-d1ab-457c-927a-13038007e977".Sha256())

IdentityServer4 Instance

Add the following Client to the Identity Server Client data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Clients is being used). new Client { ClientName = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api", ClientId = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api", // The Client Identifier matching the AppSettings.SetClientId() call // in the ServiceStack AppHost Configure() method above
Enabled = true,

AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,                              // The AccessToken encryption type
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.ClientCredentials,                   // Uses the Client Credentials flow

ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
    new Secret("6515372c-d1ab-457c-927a-13038007e977".Sha256())     // The Client Secret matching AppSettings.SetClientSecret() call
},                                                                  // in the ServiceStack Setup

AllowedScopes = new List<Secret>                              // Ensure the scope for the new client is referenced.


Add the following ApiResource to the Identity Server Api Resource data store (example below is assuming IdentityServer In-Memory Api Resource is being used).
new ApiResource
    Name = "ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api",
    Enabled = true,
    ApiSecrets = new List<Secret>
        new Secret("6515372c-d1ab-457c-927a-13038007e977".Sha256())
    Scopes = new List<Scope>
        new Scope("ServiceStack.SelfHost.Api")

## What just happened?
Now when making a request to the exernal ServiceStack Instance the following should occur:

* Attempting to access a ServiceStack Service with the Authenticate attribute forces a redirect to the IdentityServer Auth Provider (added by the *IdentityServerAuthFeature()* plugin).
* The Auth Provider checks the current ServiceStack session for an *Access Token* issued by IdentityServer.
* Having yet to be issued with an Access Token, the Auth Provider needs to request an Access Token from IdentityServer
* The ServiceStack Auth Provider now uses the *Client ID* and the *Client Secret* to request an *Access Token* from IdentityServer using the [Token]( endpoint.

* *Token Endpoint*
   * Checks the Service Stack Instance *Client Id* and *Client Secret* are valid.
   * The IdentityServer Instance issues the *Access Token*.

* The ServiceStack Auth Provider now validates the *Access Token* with IdentityServer using the [Token Introspection]( endpoint.

* *Introspection Endpoint*
    * Checks the Service Stack Instance *Client Id* and *Client Secret* are valid.
    * Checks the *Access Token* is valid.