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All the software you need to run the weather station and attached sensors


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Weather sensor software

This respository contains all the software you need to run the hardware described in the accompanying hardware repository.

It is designed to run on a Raspberry Pi A+, but will also work on a Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and presumably a Zero (not tested).

Operating system download

First, we need to download the OS and flash this onto the SD card that the RPi unit uses. We use Jessie-lite because it only includes the basic components - for example we don't need the desktop. And the A+ can run into stability issues when too many processes are running.

OS X steps only:

Note: steps for other operating systems are provided in the Raspberry Pi links above

  • Unmount the SD card via disk utility

    • Take note of the disk number - you'll need that for the command in the next step
  • In terminal, run the following command (using the actual file name, and replacing YOURNAME with the path to your downloads directory)

    • Also, replace 'disk3' with the disk number from the previous step
    sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/YOURNAME/Downloads/2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/rdisk3

Operating system setup

You'll need to have a monitor connected to the RPi for this step, but afterwards you can use a network connection.

By default, the username will be 'pi' and the password is 'raspberry'

  • Step 3: Run raspsi-config and set a machine name and auto-login and password

    sudo raspi-config
    • User password is located in option 2
    • Machine name is located in Advanced settings -> A2 Hostname
    • Enable SSH: Go to 'Interfacing Options' -> P2 SSH -> Yes
    • While you're there, set the timezone to NZDT (or your local timezone): Internationalisation options -> I2 Change Timezone

You can now access this via the network via ssh pi@MACHINE_NAME (where MACHINE NAME is what you just set up)

  • Step 4: Update the operating system

    sudo apt-get update
  • Step 5: Upgrade any components

    sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Step 6: Install CouchDB. This isn't the latest version, but it's guaranteed to work with Jessie, and it's enough for what we need.

    sudo aptitude install couchdb
  • Step 7: Update the CouchDB ini settings to use the generic address. This allows us to access it remotely.

    sudo pico /etc/couchdb/local.ini

    change bind address to bind_address =

    then restart the service (just to make sure it's all working):

    sudo /etc/init.d/couchdb restart
  • Step 8: Set up basic Python and I2C bits.

    sudo apt-get install python-smbus
    sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
    sudo raspi-config

    Go to 'Interfacing Options' -> P5 I2C -> Yes -> Ok

    Exit raspi-config and now reboot:

    sudo reboot
  • Step 9: Disable the HDMI port. This will save ~20mA when idling, and we don't need the monitor connection anymore.

    sudo pico /etc/rc.local

    Add these lines:

    # WxOutside: turn off the HDMI port:
    /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o

    If you ever want to connect a monitor again, remove this line and reboot

Sensor support

  • Step 9: Install pip:

    sudo apt-get install python-pip
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO 
    sudo pip install python-dateutil
  • Step 9: Set up support for the am2315 sensor - this will take a long time, the download is very slow for some reason.

    sudo pip3 install --process-dependency-links aosong
  • Step 10: Set up support for the aquflex sensor. The script will support both Python 3.x and 2.x, but we'll settle for version 2.

    sudo apt-get install python-serial
  • Step 11: 3G dongle support. Steps taken from here: This will work for the e3131, any other dongle will need the equivalent file contents.

    sudo apt-get install sg3-utils

    create a new file "/etc/udev/rules.d/10-HuaweiFlashCard.rules" with the following content:

    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{modalias}=="usb:v12D1p1F01*", SYMLINK+="hwcdrom", RUN+="/usr/bin/sg_raw /dev/hwcdrom 11 06 20 00 00 00 00 00 01 00"

    Now configure the network interfaces to support this:

    sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces

    edit eth0 to say this:

    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp

    And now reboot:

    sudo reboot

Code support

  • Step 12: Create a directory called 'telemetry' in the pi user location:

    cd ~/
    mkdir telemetry

    Copy over all the sensor code from the latest release here:

  • Step 13: Set up weatherPiArduino

    cd ~/telemetry/sensors/weatherPiArduino
    chmod u+x

Database support

In a browser, go to http://MACHINE_NAME.local:5984/_utils, where MACHINE_NAME is what you set in step 3.

  • Step 14: create database called “telemetry”

    • Create a design document called 'records', with a view name called 'unsent', with the following map function:
    function(doc) {
      if(!doc.ignore && !doc.email_sent){
        emit(doc._rev, doc)
  • Step 15: create a database called 'hardware' with a design document titled with your machine name (MACHINE_NAME)

    • this can be left empty, it will be automatically populated

Crontab entries

  • Step 16: create entries in the crontab so telemetry readings will be taken and transmitted out:

    crontab -e

    Then added these lines:

Run sensors:

1 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/telemetry/sensors/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1 1 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/sensors/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1 2 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/sensors/weatherPiArduino/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1

minute 10 reserved for hardware stats

30 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/telemetry/sensors/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1 31 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/sensors/weatherPiArduino/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1


51 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/sendHardwareStats.log 2>&1 55 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/sendTelemetry.log 2>&1 50 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/checkEmail.log 2>&1

System hygiene scripts:

5 2 * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1 10 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/hardwareStats.log 2>&1 10 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/logger.log 2>&1 30 3 * * * bash /home/pi/telemetry/cron/ int > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1

@reboot /usr/bin/python /home/pi/telemetry/autorun/ > /home/pi/telemetry/logs/ +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S.log 2>&1


The weatherPiArduino hardware uses a slightly modified version of the weatherPiArduino libraries, provided by SwitchDoc Labs

AM2315 sensor class comes from Sopwith

Aquaflex code written with assistance from Streats Instruments


All the software you need to run the weather station and attached sensors







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