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260 lines (222 loc) · 8.51 KB


A basic, easily extended component for quickly creating elegant typeaheads with any form text input.


Use v-model to bind the input value, and target to point to the ideal input element.

If you want to clear the v-model of typeahead, simply set it to null, the corresponding input value will also be cleared.

    <btn @click="model=states[0]" type="primary">Set to Alabama</btn>
    <btn @click="model=null">Clear</btn>
    <label for="input">States of America:</label>
    <input id="input" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" target="#input" :data="states" item-key="name"/>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  import states from '../../assets/data/states.json'

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: '',
<!-- typeahead-example.vue -->


A target can be:

  • Selector that can be recognized by querySelect.
  • Reference to Element.
  • Reference to Component.

Note that if you use a component reference, the corresponding component's root element must be an input element.

An example using element reference target:

    <label>States of America:</label>
    <input ref="input" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" :target="target" :data="states" item-key="name"/>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: '',
        target: null,
        states: // import states from '../../assets/data/states.json'
    mounted () { = this.$refs.input
<!-- typeahead-target.vue -->

Match start

Match from the head of item.

Note: Only work in local data query mode.

    <label for="input-2">States of America:</label>
    <input id="input-2" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" target="#input-2" match-start :data="states" item-key="name"/>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: '',
        states: // import states from '../../assets/data/states.json'
<!-- typeahead-match-start.vue -->

Force select

Force user to select from the options or the model will be empty.

    <label for="input-3">States of America:</label>
    <input id="input-3" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" target="#input-3" force-select :data="states" item-key="name"/>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: '',
        states: // import states from '../../assets/data/states.json'
<!-- typeahead-force-select.vue -->

Async query

You can simply use async-src to perform an AJAX query with built-in query function, or async-function for a custom one if you need more than that.

Note: ignore-case and match-start won't work in async query mode.

An example using async-src:

    <label for="input-4">Users of Github:</label>
    <input id="input-4" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" target="#input-4" async-src="" async-key="items" item-key="login"/>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: ''
<!-- typeahead-async-query.vue -->

Custom template

Use the item scoped slot to override the typeahead item's template.

  • Use slot-scope="props" in Vue 2.5+, otherwise scope="props".
  • The items list will be props.items.
  • The current active item index will be props.activeIndex.
  • Use to select item.
  • (Optional) Use props.highlight(item) to highlight search keywords in item.

An example with custom template and async-function:

    <label for="input-5">Users of Github:</label>
    <input id="input-5" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Type to search...">
    <typeahead v-model="model" target="#input-5" :async-function="queryFunction" item-key="login">
      <template slot="item" slot-scope="props">
        <li v-for="(item, index) in props.items" :class="{active:props.activeIndex===index}">
          <a role="button" @click="">
            <img width="22px" height="22px" :src="item.avatar_url + '&s=40'">
            <span v-html="props.highlight(item)"></span>
    <alert v-show="model">You selected {{model}}</alert>
  import axios from 'axios' //

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        model: ''
    methods: {
      queryFunction (query, done) {
        axios.get('' + query)
          .then(res => {
          .catch(err => {
            // any error handler
<!-- typeahead-custom-template.vue -->

API Reference


Name Type Default Required Description
v-model The input or selected value.
target The input element to bind with. Can be a select or reference to Element / Component.
data Array The local auto-complete query data.
item-key String Value of each data[key] to show, leave blank to use the data object.
append-to-body Boolean false Append the typeahead dropdown to body.
ignore-case Boolean true Ignore input case while matching. Only work in local data mode.
match-start Boolean false Match from the head of item. Only work in local data mode.
force-select Boolean false Force user to select from the options or the model will be empty.
force-clear Boolean false Clear the input if no valid options has selected in force-select mode.
open-on-focus Boolean true Open the typeahead dropdown on input focus.
open-on-empty Boolean false Open the typeahead dropdown to show suggestions even if input is empty.
preselect Boolean true Select the first item that matches the query automatically.
limit Number 10 Limit the options size.
async-src String The ajax url to fetch data using GET method, query string will be append to the end of this prop value, should return JSON object or array.
async-key String The async JSON key to render, leave blank to use the original json object (should be Array).
async-function Function The custom async query function with 2 params: query as the user input, and done as the callback function with array data (note that async-key won't work with this). See the example in Custom Template section for details.
debounce Number 200 Debounce the input for specify milliseconds while in async mode.


Name Description
item Use this scoped slot to override the typeahead item's template.
empty (0.25.0+) Slot content will be displayed while no results matched (if the slot exist).


Name Description
loading Async loading.
loaded Async load complete.
loaded-error Async load complete with error.
input Item selected