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Quick Note: If this is a new project, make sure to install the default user authentication provided with Laravel. php artisan make:auth

  1. Include the package in your project

    composer require "wyang14/chatter=0.3.*"
  2. Add the service provider to your config/app.php providers array:

    If you're installing on Laravel 5.5+ skip this step

  3. Publish the Vendor Assets files by running:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wyang14\Chatter\ChatterServiceProvider"
  4. Now that we have published a few new files to our application we need to reload them with the following command:

    composer dump-autoload
  5. Run Your migrations:

    php artisan migrate

    Quick tip: Make sure that you've created a database and added your database credentials in your .env file.

  6. Lastly, run the seed files to seed your database with a little data:

    php artisan db:seed --class=ChatterTableSeeder
  7. Inside of your master.blade.php file include a header and footer yield. Inside the head of your master or app.blade.php add the following:


    Then, right above the </body> tag of your master file add the following:


Now, visit your and you should see your new forum in front of you!


Make sure that your composer.json file is requiring the latest version of chatter:

"wyang14/chatter": "0.3.*"

Then you'll run:

composer update

Next, you may want to re-publish the chatter assets, chatter config, and the chatter migrations by running the following:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatter_assets --force
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatter_config --force
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chatter_migrations --force

Next to make sure you have the latest database schema run:

php artisan migrate

And you'll be up-to-date with the latest version :)

Markdown editor

If you are going to make use of the markdown editor instead of tinymce you will need to change that in your config/chatter.php:

'editor' => 'simplemde',

In order to properly display the posts you will need to include the graham-campbell/markdown library for Laravel:

composer require graham-campbell/markdown

Trumbowyg editor

If you are going to use Trumbowyg as your editor of choice you will need to change that in your config/chatter.php:

'editor' => 'trumbowyg',

Trumbowyg requires jQuery >= 1.8 to be included.

When you published the vendor assets you added a new file inside of your config folder which is called config/chatter.php. This file contains a bunch of configuration you can use to configure your forums



If you want to add additional style changes you can simply add another stylesheet at the end of your @yield('css') statement in the head of your master file. In order to only load this file when a user is accessing your forums you can include your stylesheet in the following if statement:

@if(Request::is( Config::get('chatter.routes.home') ) || Request::is( Config::get('chatter.routes.home') . '/*' ))
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/forums.css" />


Chatter is a Simple Laravel Forum Package







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  • PHP 38.0%
  • CSS 31.3%
  • HTML 25.9%
  • JavaScript 4.8%