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Shooting bad guys, randomly generated levels, destructable terrain, what's not to love?

The original WarmVector was created with my 2D Java game engine, which mainly served as a learning experience while I experimented with Java multi-threading and OpenGL.

This new version is rewritten in Rust and built with the Bevy game engine; another learning opportunity!

Dev Setup

Install the following:


You have a few options:

  • Build for web development: yarn dev
  • Build for web production: yarn build
  • Build for desktop development: cargo run
  • Build for desktop production: cargo build --release

Known Bugs

  • TBD

Future Feature Ideas

  • Create more weapon/bullet types, e.g. rockets, explosives, magic??
  • Continue developing level difficulty progression
  • Add random boxes to middle of rooms (with enough space to move around them!)