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This is an adaptation of ccm26ToFoam from the original OpenFOAM(R), designed for those using the Debian/RPM installation packages of OpenFOAM. This adaptation in no way supported by the original authors and trademark holders, namely:

  • OPENFOAM and OpenCFD are registered trademarks of OpenCFD Ltd (ESI Group).
  • STAR-CCM+ is a registered trademark of CD-adapco.
Keep in mind that:

  1. The source code in this repository is provided under the GPLv3 license, for which more details are provided in the COPYING file.
  2. The license of the libccmio library is proprietary:
    • The scripts made available by this git repository would try to download the compatible libccmio 2.6.1 version from the VisIt public repositories... but it's no longer available there either... but apparently it's being now provided at the foam-extend project
    • Users wishing to make use of its functionality should have contacted CD-adapco for possible download and terms of use, but back in 2019 this was discontinued by them and they are focusing on supporting the CGNS format instead.
Support for this repository is provided here: star-ccm mesh to O\/F

Most of the original sources used in this repository, have been retrieved from:

This git repository was brought to you by Bruno Santos (wyldckat@github working at blueCAPE Lda).


The code contained in this repository is following the same license as OpenFOAM, namely the GNU General Public License v3.


Note: The code available in this repository has been tested on Linux. Nonetheless, further adaptations may be put into place when the time comes.

There are two ways of downloading and installing this code:

Using Git

Run the following instructions as normal user:

  1. Assuming you have git already installed and a working OpenFOAM or OpenFOAM+ installation, run:
    mkdir -p $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR
    git clone git://
    cd localCCM26ToFOAM
  2. Now check the list of branches that exist:
    git branch -a
    You should see something like this:
    * master
    The ones that start with of indicate for which versions of OpenFOAM this repository is currently working.
  3. So for example, if you are using OpenFOAM 2.1.1, then checkout the respective branch:
    git checkout of21
    On the other hand, if are using OpenFOAM 2.4, then you can simply use the of23 branch.
  4. Now you can launch the build process:
    It will do everything pretty much autonomous, although midway it asks for you to read the details and then press the Enter keyboard key. It will then download the libccmio library source code from VisIt repository.
  5. It should end with the last lines similar to these:
    The output above has been logged inside the file 'build.log'.
  6. If all went well, you can now learn how ot use this conversor by running the following command:
    ccm26ToFoam -help
    Or visit the following wiki page: ccm26ToFoam at

Using Zip or Tar

Run the following instructions as normal user:

  1. Assuming you have a working OpenFOAM installation, run:
    mkdir -p $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR
  2. Now, depending on the version of OpenFOAM you've got, download the respective package you need.
    • For OpenFOAM 2.0.0, 2.0.1 and 2.0.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of20.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of20
    • For OpenFOAM 2.1.0, 2.1.1 and 2.1.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of21.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of21
    • For OpenFOAM 2.2.0 to 2.2.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of22.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of22
    • For OpenFOAM 2.3.0 to 2.4.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of23.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of23
    • For OpenFOAM 3.0.0 to 3.0.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of30.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of30
    • For OpenFOAM 4.0 to 4.x, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of4.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of4
    • For OpenFOAM+ v1606+, run either one of the following group of lines:
      # If you want to download in tar format
      wget ""
      tar -xf of+v1606+.tar.gz
      Then go into the newly unpacked folder:
      cd localCCM26ToFOAM-of-v1606-
  3. Now you can launch the build process:
    It will do everything pretty much autonomous, although midway it asks for you to read the details and then press the Enter keyboard key. It will then download the libccmio library source code from VisIt repository.
  4. It should end with the last lines similar to these:
    The output above has been logged inside the file 'build.log'.
  5. If all went well, you can now learn how ot use this conversor by running the following command:
    ccm26ToFoam -help
    Or visit the following wiki page: ccm26ToFoam at