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Somewhat efficient but painless table networking for Garry's Mod.


  • Nettables are identified by a string id on server and client
  • net.WriteTable used by default, but specifying a protocol string to massively reduce payload size is first class supported
  • on-demand data requesting (no need to mess with PlayerInitSpawn hook, data is sent automatically when client first requests it)
  • Only sends changed data (using a table delta algorithm)
  • No table depth limits

Commented example

-- Creates a reference to 'shoutboxs' nettable on both SERVER and CLIENT. Nettables
--    with same IDs are connected on SERVER and CLIENT; in this case 'shoutboxs'.
-- 'proto' string is used to make nettable send binary data instead of slightly
--    inefficient net.WriteTable it is optional, so this example would work just
--    as fine if the 'proto' string was removed
--    Note: this example stores shouts in 'msgs' subtable instead of the nettable
--    itself, because protocol strings do not currently support the whole nettable
--    as an array. If 'proto' was removed, shouts could be stored directly in nettable.
local t = nettable.get("shoutboxs", {proto = "[str]:msgs"})

if SERVER then
	concommand.Add("shouts", function(ply, _, _, raw)
		-- Nettable is internally a normal table, so you can use table functions on it
		t.msgs = t.msgs or {}
		table.insert(t.msgs, raw)

		-- Calling 'commit' sends updates to all players if no 'filter' is specified
if CLIENT then
	hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Test", function()
		-- Again, nettable is a normal table so it can be iterated normally
		for i,v in pairs(t.msgs or {}) do
			draw.SimpleText(v, "DermaDefaultBold", 100, 100 + i*15)

See examples for more examples.


If specific nettable's data should only be sent to some players, you can pass a filter function in opts to nettable.get.

local secretTable = nettable.get("secret", {filter = function(ply) return ply:IsSuperAdmin() end})
secretTable.password = "hunter2"

Protocol strings

Protocol strings are a way of specifying what datatypes are sent and in which order. This allows sending only the data instead of numerous headers, type ids and other bloat.


  • The data types and their order must be exactly the same on both server and client. Names don't have to be the same on both realms, but should be the same to prevent confusion.
  • If a nettable key changes, and the key is not specified in the protocol string, it won't be committed. This can be used to advantage to prevent sending some values to clients, but should not be used as a foolproof security measure.


A protocol string is a space separated string containing data types and the associated key names.

Following table assumes that a nettable is defined as local nt = nettable.get("test")

Protocol string NetTable structure
u8:age str:name an unsigned byte for nt.age and a string for
{f32:duration str:title}:curmedia a float for nt.curmedia.duration and a string for nt.curmedia.title
[{str:author str:title}]:mediaqueue for each entry in nt.mediaqueue array: a string for author and for title

Protocol string data types

Type Explanation
int VLE integer (use this for arbitrary size integers)
u8/u16/u32 8/16/32 bit unsigned integer
i8/i16/i32 8/16/32 bit signed integer
f32 A float
f64 A double
bool A boolean
str A string
[] An array
{} A subtable
ply Garry's Mod: Player
ent Garry's Mod: Entity
vec Garry's Mod: Vector
ang Garry's Mod: Angle
color Garry's Mod: Color


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