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piece movement changes
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stopped moving coroutine from firing every frame, added softdamp to move to curve movement, added OnCompleteMove delegate event
  • Loading branch information
wysiwyggins committed Apr 29, 2020
1 parent f3ba06e commit 2a1027b
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Showing 153 changed files with 1,758 additions and 19,744 deletions.
21 changes: 7 additions & 14 deletions Prototype/.vs/Prototype/xs/UserPrefs.xml
@@ -1,26 +1,19 @@
<Properties StartupConfiguration="{B1235EE4-71EE-C815-28F8-C3378E5ADB84}|">
<MonoDevelop.Ide.Workbench ActiveDocument="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Script/Path.cs">
<MonoDevelop.Ide.Workbench ActiveDocument="Assets/Scripts/Piece.cs">
<File FileName="Assets/Scripts/Piece.cs" Line="75" Column="38" />
<File FileName="Assets/Scripts/GameController.cs" />
<File FileName="Assets/Scripts/Cursor.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Demo/Ant.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Demo/Mouse.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Demo/Peter.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Script/NavNode.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/SimpleTilePathfinding/Script/Path.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<File FileName="Assets/Scripts/Piece.cs" Line="1" Column="1" />
<Pad Id="ProjectPad">
<State name="__root__">
<Node name="Prototype" expanded="True">
<Node name="Assets" expanded="True">
<Node name="Scripts" expanded="True" />
<Node name="Scripts" expanded="True">
<Node name="Piece.cs" selected="True" />
<Node name="SimpleTilePathfinding" expanded="True">
<Node name="Demo" expanded="True" />
<Node name="Script" expanded="True">
<Node name="Path.cs" selected="True" />
<Node name="Script" expanded="True" />
Expand All @@ -30,7 +23,7 @@
<MonoDevelop.Ide.DebuggingService.PinnedWatches />
<MonoDevelop.Ide.Workspace ActiveConfiguration="Debug" />
<MonoDevelop.Ide.ItemProperties.Assembly-CSharp PreferredExecutionTarget="9e6d3057-faa8-431f-8e50-182dc00381f4" />
<MonoDevelop.Ide.ItemProperties.Assembly-CSharp PreferredExecutionTarget="0ed823ec-d964-4e40-9bb1-9c6e3e768c7f" />
<BreakpointStore />
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Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Prototype/Assembly-CSharp.csproj
Expand Up @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
<Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\GameController.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\MapTile.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\Piece.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\Scripts\PieceManager.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\SimpleTilePathfinding\Demo\Ant.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\SimpleTilePathfinding\Demo\Mouse.cs" />
<Compile Include="Assets\SimpleTilePathfinding\Demo\Peter.cs" />
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67 changes: 38 additions & 29 deletions Prototype/Assets/Scripts/Piece.cs
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
public class Piece : MonoBehaviour
//piece attributes
public delegate void PieceAction();
public delegate void PieceAction();
public static event PieceAction OnCompleteMove;

Vector3Int cellPosition;
public Vector3Int[] cellPositions;
public string pieceName = "unnamed";
public string pieceName = "unnamed";
public int strength = 0; // can take pieces with strength under this number
public int range = 1; //this is the move range
public bool isPlayer = true;
Expand All @@ -23,20 +24,28 @@ public class Piece : MonoBehaviour
private SimplePF2D.Path path;
private Rigidbody2D rb;
private float moveSpeed = 2; //speed for Moving()
private float moveSpeed = 6f; //speed for Moving()
private bool isStationary = true; //not using this yet
Coroutine MoveIE;

SimplePathFinding2D pf;

// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
grid = GameController.instance.grid;
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
SimplePathFinding2D pf = GameObject.Find("Grid").GetComponent<SimplePathFinding2D>();
pf = GameObject.Find("Grid").GetComponent<SimplePathFinding2D>();
path = new SimplePF2D.Path(pf);

private void OnDestroy()

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Expand All @@ -47,11 +56,7 @@ void Update()
Vector3 mouseWorldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
mouseWorldPos.z = 0.0f;

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) //click the mouse
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && path.IsGenerated() == false) //click the mouse

Vector3Int coordinate = grid.WorldToCell(mouseWorldPos); //get a hex cell coordinate from a mouse click
Expand All @@ -60,40 +65,44 @@ void Update()
path.CreatePath(position, mouseWorldPos); // generate a path

if (path.IsGenerated()) //once there's a path
if (path.IsGenerated() && !following) //once there's a path

isStationary = false;


bool following = false;

IEnumerator followPath()
following = true;
List<Vector3Int> cellPositions = path.GetPathPointList(); // a list of grid positions in the path
for (int i = 0; i < cellPositions.Count; i++) //Loop through them (lists have a "count", not a "length")
MoveIE = StartCoroutine(Moving(i));
yield return MoveIE;

Debug.Log("Get path point");
Vector3 targetPos = path.GetPathPointWorld(i);

IEnumerator Moving(int positionNumber)
Vector3 vel =;
while (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetPos) > 0.01f)
transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, targetPos, ref vel, 0.5f, moveSpeed);

// transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPos, Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

Debug.Log("Reached path point");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.05f);

while (transform.position != path.GetPathPointWorld(positionNumber)) //as long as you're not at the destination (world point converted from grid point)
Debug.Log("Moving to: " + path.GetPathPointWorld(positionNumber));
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, path.GetPathPointWorld(positionNumber), moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); //this is not happy
//transform.position = path.GetPathPointWorld(currentPosition);
yield return null;
isStationary = true;

if (OnCompleteMove != null)
path = new SimplePF2D.Path(pf);
following = false;


23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions Prototype/Assets/Scripts/PieceManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public static class PieceManager
public static List<Piece> AllPieces = new List<Piece>();

public static Piece GetPieceAtPos(Vector3 aPos)
foreach (Piece aPiece in AllPieces)
//if the piece is at aPos, return that piece
// return aPiece;
return null;

//public static Piece[] GetAllPiecesOfKind()
// //do some stuff
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Prototype/Assets/Scripts/PieceManager.cs.meta

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Binary file modified Prototype/Library/ArtifactDB
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