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wysohn edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 7 revisions

What is Timings?

Timings provide you useful information to tune your server's performance. In timings, provided by the server, such as Spigot, PaperSpigot, Sponge, etc., the info of TriggerReactor is arbitrary since TriggerReactor does not fully run on the server thread. /trg timings command is introduced in 3.0.0 to discover this hidden information. Simple descriptions can be found in Commands and Permissions.

How to interpret?

First of all, make sure that the timings are on using /trg timings toggle. If it is on, give some time so that enough information will be gathered to get some estimation about each working Triggers in your server.

Then, when you type /trg timings print, you will see output like below:

 > Root[1] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)
   > CommandTrigger[1] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)
     > temp[2] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)
       > Code Interpretation -- (total: 4982ms, count: 1, avg: 4982ms)
       > Executors[1] -- (total: 221ms, count: 100, avg: 2.21ms)
         > #MESSAGE -- (total: 221ms, count: 100, avg: 2.21ms)  !!MainThread

Pretty neat. Let's take a look at each component one by one.

Root[1] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)

This line will always show up since it holds the total execution time of the TriggerReactor plugin. But don't be fooled by the high average! Timings include both execution in Server and Dedicated TriggerReactor Thread, so the high number of execution time doesn't necessarily mean your server is suffering a performance issue.

Intuitively, the total is the sum of every execution that happened in Triggers in your server, the count is the number of the executions, and the avg is simply the total divided by count.

So in the above case, on average, TriggerReactor uses about 100ms of CPU time executing one or more Triggers about 100 times either in server thread or TriggerReactor thread or both.

The number next to the Root means how many children belong to this tree.

CommandTrigger[1] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)

temp[2] -- (total: 10186ms, count: 102, avg: 99.86ms)

The direct children of the Root are the types of Trigger, and because I have a CommandTrigger, named temp, it shows that information. Just as you expected, it means the CommandTrigger, temp, is pretty much only Trigger exists in my server.

Code Interpretation -- (total: 4982ms, count: 1, avg: 4982ms)

Each Trigger interprets the code, and Code Interpretation measures how much time it took to interpret the code. Again, don't be fooled by the number since it's a very simple measure. What it means by simple is that it records the [end time - start time] of the execution, so if the internal call wait for some execution to be done, the execution time also increases.

For example, because each call of the Executor and Placeholder takes 1 tick in Server Thread, TriggerReactor must wait for the Executor or Placeholder to finish its work and each tick takes about 50ms. So if there are 10 calls to Executor or Placeholder, the interpreter must wait for about 500ms! You will see why the number is so high blow.

Executors[1] -- (total: 221ms, count: 100, avg: 2.21ms)

Intuitively, it shows how much Executors were used in this Trigger. There was only 1 Executor, and it was called 100 times. Now, you can pretty much see why the Code Interpretation took about 50ms*100.

#MESSAGE -- (total: 221ms, count: 100, avg: 2.21ms) !!MainThread

This is the actual Executor used. So #MESSAGE was called 100 times, and on average, each call used 2.21ms of execution time.

Notice the !!MainThread. It lets you know that the execution took place in your server thread! So this is where you have to keep your eyes on since if it takes too much time executing something in the server thread too long, the server will eventually crash. Each server tick is 50ms, so if the sum of tasks run in your server thread is more than 50ms, the TPS will drop. However, even if it's over 50ms, it doesn't necessarily mean that it was caused by TriggerReactor. Since the server thread is single-threaded, every resource (Mobs, AI, Chunk generation, Packets, Plugins, etc.) must share this 50ms of execution time together.

Special Cases

There are some cases, where the execution time might seem sky-high, and one possible scenario is using InventoryTrigger.

For example, one of the possible applications of InventoryTrigger is using the multi-threading capability to make a real-time animation GUI, and we use the WHILE loop to do that. As I already mentioned, the timings are very simple measure, so it only records [end time - start time]. It means that as long as the GUI is open, and the WHILE loop is running, the 'end time` will keep increase indefinitely. So don't be fooled by this information.

That pretty much sums up everything. I hope this is useful to tune your server while using TriggerReactor!

Plugin Description / 목차

1. Getting Started () (рус)

S.L. In-game Editor () (рус)

2. Triggers () (рус)

List and usage of Triggers / 트리거 목록과 사용 방법:

  • List of Executors / 실행자(Executor) 목록

4. Placeholders () (рус)

  • Using PlaceholderAPI / PlaceholderAPI 사용법
  • List of Placeholders / 플레이스 홀더(Placeholder) 목록

5. Conditions () (рус)

  • Creating Conditions / 조건식 만들기
    • Boolean Expressions / 부울 (Boolean) 표현 방법
  • Logical Operators / 연산자 사용법
  • IF statement / IF 조건문
  • Null Checking / Null 검사법
  • Switch Case / Switch Case 조건

6. Variables () (рус)

  • Local Variables / 지역 변수
  • Global Variables / 전역 변수


Timings () (рус)

7. Methods () (рус)

  • Using Methods / 메소드 사용법
  • Special Data Types / 특수한 데이터 형식
  • Reading Javadocs / Javadoc 읽기
  • Handling Enum / Enum 데이터 처리
  • Lambda Expresion / Lambda(람다) 식 사용법

8. Array () (рус)

  • Creating an empty array / 빈 배열 만들기
  • Storing data into array / 배열에 데이터값 저장하기
  • Read data from array / 배열에서 데이터 읽기(불러오기)

9. Loops () (рус)

  • WHILE loop / WHILE 반복문
  • FOR loop / FOR 반복문
    • Iterating Collection / Collection 형식의 변수 순회법
    • #BREAK executor / #BREAK 실행자
    • #CONTINUE executor / #CONTINUE 실행자

10. Sync Mode () (рус)

  • #CANCELEVENT executor / #CANCELEVENT 실행자
  • Setting Sync/Async Mode / 동기, 비동기 모드 전환
    • Custom Trigger
    • Area Trigger

11. Custom Executors () (рус)

12. Plugin Access () (рус)

  • Check And Use / 플러그인 존재여부 확인
    • Get Third Party Plugin / 제 3자 플러그인 불러오기
    • Check Eligibility / 호환성 확인하기
    • Use the Plugin / 플러그인 사용하기

13. IMPORT Statement () (рус)

  • Creating new instance / 새 인스턴스 생성하기
  • Accessing static method / 종속 메소드 불러오기
  • Accessing static field / 종속 Enum 불러오기

14. IS Statement () (рус)

  • Understanding / 이해하기
    • Understanding Instance / 인스턴스 이해하기
    • Understanding Superclass / 부모클래스 이해하기
    • Understanding Subclass / 자식클래스 이해하기
  • Using IS Statement / IS조건연산자 사용하기

15. TRY-CATCH Statement () (рус)

  • Understanding TRY-CATCH Exception Handling / TRY-CATCH 예외처리 이해하기


16. Interface Casting () (рус)

module x.x does not "opens x.x" problem

  • List of Custom Events



Trigger Example () (рус)

More Examples: Bukkit, Sponge

Case Specific

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