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This project contains an example code of how to call DPA REST API and how to utilize "connectors" to push data from DPA to external systems.


Base url and account to access REST API:

"dpa": {
  "baseUrl": "",
  "userName": "admin",
  "password": "admin"

Connectors configuration:

"connectors": {
  "connectorName": {
    "type": "connectorType",
    "params": {
      "paramName1": "paramExpression1",
      "paramName2": "paramExpression3",
      "paramName3": "paramExpression4"

Get a list of equipment

dpaLinkTool.exe get equipment

The json result is sent to STDOUT.

Write data to CNC

dpaLinkTool.exe set value --equipmentId 112233 --url "/Channel/Parameter/R[123]" --value "3.14"

Set value 3.14 to R register №123 for Equipment with id 112233

dpaLinkTool.exe set value --equipmentId 112233 --url "Some_URL"

Set empty string value to Some_URL for Equipment with id 112233

Get a list of indicators

dpaLinkTool.exe get indicators

The json result is sent to STDOUT.

Get indicator values

dpaLinkTool.exe push indicators --from "20.10.2020 00:00:00" --to "20.10.2020 04:00:00" --cfg "cfg.xml"

Receives indicator values for the specified period [from, to], then utilizes connectors to transfer data to external system. The list of indicators and applied connectors are defined in "cfg.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfEquipmentConnectorCfg xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <Name>Alpha 700-IST-1</Name>
    <DepartmentName>Area №1 / Alpha location</DepartmentName>
        <Name>Feedrate Channel 1, mm/min</Name>
        <Device>Channel 1</Device>
        <Name>Feedrate override Chanel 1, %</Name>
        <Device>Channel 1</Device>
        <Name>Rapid traverse override Channel 1, %</Name>
        <Device>Channel 1</Device>

To generate a configuration file with a list of indicators and applied connectors

dpaLinkTool.exe createConnectorsConfig indicators --fileName "cfg.xml"

An example of CONSOLE connector configuration

"out1": {
  "type": "console",
  "format": "ID={p0} : {p1} : {p2} = {p4} ({p3})",
  "params": {
    "p0": "equipment.ID",
    "p1": "equipment.Name",
    "p2": "indicator.Name",
    "p3": "value.TimeStamp.LocalDateTime",
    "p4": "value.Value.ToString()"

An example of MSSQL connector configuration

"insert1": {
  "type": "mssql",
  "connection": "Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=IntegrationData;Server=.",
  "command": "INSERT INTO [dbo].[FloatIndicators] ([EquipmentID], [EquipmentName], [IndicatorID], [IndicatorName], [TimeStamp], [Value]) VALUES (@equipmentId, @equipmentName, @indicatorId, @indicatorName, @timeStamp, @value)",
  "params": {
    "@equipmentId": "equipment.ID",
    "@equipmentName": "equipment.Name",
    "@indicatorId": "indicator.ID",
    "@indicatorName": "indicator.Name",
    "@timeStamp": "value.TimeStamp",
    "@value": "value.Value.GetDouble()"

An example of INFLUXDB connector configuration

"influxdb1": {
  "type": "influxdb",
  "url": "",
  "token": "O-YmomQnsZhGf_Fa56e88871sPssp-v3jwFG8jG94kPhtXkcQlRndDaQ0CZfGkpsdpBf6QbI6DQ==",
  "org": "X-tensive",
  "bucket": "default",
  "params": {
    "equipment": "equipment.Name",
    "indicator": "indicator.Name"

To upload the data of the previous hour

$currentTime = Get-Date
$periodTo = $currentTime.Date.AddHours($currentTime.Hour)
$periodFrom = $periodTo.AddHours(-1)
$periodToStr = $periodTo.ToString()
$periodFromStr = $periodFrom.ToString()
dpaLinkTool.exe push indicators --from "$periodFromStr" --to "$periodToStr" --cfg "cfg.xml"


DPA REST API and integration code example






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