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WanderDesk | AirBnb for Digital Nomads

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Diversion from group Airbnb project. This project is an Airbnb portal for digital nomads, allowing users to list and book accommodations suitable for remote working around the world. Users can sign up, log in, list their properties, view available properties, and send, accept, cancel, and revoke booking requests.


demo gif

My Code

During the development of this project, me and my team members learned the following:

  • Web Development: Advanced CSS transitions and styling. HTML templates rendering.

  • Database Management: PostgreSQL configuration and queries.

  • Session Management: The project involved user authentication and session management with Flask, allowing users to log in and log out.

  • Files upload: Files upload configured with Flask.

  • Form Handling: I learned how to handle user input through forms and validate user information.

  • Testing: Implemented end-to-end testing for your application using Playwright to ensure its functionality.

  • Collaboration: This project was a group effort, which helped me to practice collaborative coding and version control using tools like Git.

Getting Started

To run this application on your local machine, you'll need to install the necessary dependencies and configure your environment. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository_url>
  2. Install the required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up your database and make any necessary configuration changes in the file.
  4. Start the Flask application: python3

Your Airbnb clone should now be accessible at http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.


  • User Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to the platform.

  • Property Listing: Users can list their properties, specifying details like name, description, price, photos, and availability dates.

  • Property Search: Users can view available properties listed by other users.

  • Booking Requests: Users can send booking requests for specific properties.

  • User Dashboard: Users have a dashboard where they can manage their property listings and booking requests.

  • Session Management: User sessions are maintained for logged-in users.

  • Testing: The application includes end-to-end tests to ensure its functionality.



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