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Year-Long LeetCode Challenge Plan


  • Solve a wide range of problems on LeetCode, including algorithms, data structures, and database management system (DBMS) questions.
  • Develop problem-solving skills, coding proficiency, and database querying abilities.
  • Document progress and solutions for future reference and sharing with others.


  • Daily Commitment: Solve at least one problem every day.
  • Weekly Themes: Focus on a specific topic each week (e.g., arrays, linked lists, SQL queries).
  • Monthly Reviews: Review progress and consolidate learning.
  • Documentation: Maintain a log of solved problems and solutions.

# Year-Long LeetCode Challenge

## Overview

Welcome to the Year-Long LeetCode Challenge! This repository documents my journey to solve LeetCode problems, with a special focus on both algorithmic challenges and DBMS (Database Management System) questions. The goal is to enhance problem-solving skills, improve coding proficiency, and master database querying.

## Objectives

- Solve a variety of problems on LeetCode, covering algorithms, data structures, and DBMS topics.
- Develop and refine problem-solving strategies.
- Enhance coding skills in languages such as Python, Java, and SQL.
- Build a comprehensive repository of solved problems and solutions for future reference and learning.

## Structure

### Daily Commitment

- **Solve at least one problem every day.**
- Each solved problem will be documented with its solution and an explanation.

### Weekly Themes

- Focus on specific topics each week to ensure a well-rounded understanding.
- Example weekly themes:
  - Week 1: Arrays
  - Week 2: Linked Lists
  - Week 3: Stacks and Queues
  - Week 4: Binary Trees
  - Week 5: DBMS - Basic SQL Queries
  - Week 6: DBMS - Advanced SQL Queries
  - Week 7: Graphs
  - Week 8: Dynamic Programming
  - Repeat with new topics or deeper dives into previous ones.

### Monthly Reviews

- **Review progress and consolidate learning** at the end of each month.
- Reflect on challenges faced and strategies developed.
- Plan for the next month based on the review.

## Documentation

### Directory Structure

├── algorithms/
│   ├── arrays/
│   ├── linked_lists/
│   ├── stacks_queues/
│   ├── binary_trees/
│   ├── graphs/
│   ├── dynamic_programming/
│   └── ...
├── dbms/
│   ├── basic_sql/
│   ├── advanced_sql/
│   └── ...

Problem Logs

  • algorithms/: Contains directories for different algorithmic topics with solved problems and explanations.
  • dbms/: Contains directories for DBMS topics with solved SQL queries and explanations.
  • A daily log documenting the problems solved, the time taken, and reflections.

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repository to start your own year-long challenge.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. Start solving problems on LeetCode and document your solutions.
  4. Commit your changes regularly to keep track of your progress.



  • Feel free to fork this repository and adapt it to your own challenge.
  • Contributions are welcome. If you have improvements or new strategies, please submit a pull request.
  • See file

Steps to Get Started

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Go to the GitHub repository page and click on the "Fork" button.
  2. Clone the Repository:

    • Open a terminal and run:
      git clone
      cd leetcode-year-challenge
  3. Solve Problems:

    • Start solving problems on LeetCode.
    • Document each solution in the appropriate directory.
  4. Commit and Push:

    • Regularly commit your changes:
      git add .
      git commit -m "Logged problem: [Problem Name]"
      git push origin main
  5. Maintain a Daily Log:

    • Update the file daily with the problems solved, reflections, and insights.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.