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Folders and files

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12 Commits

Repository files navigation


  • Check action execution time
  • Get document dimensions, document aspect ratio, resolution, megapixel count,
  • Check how many documents are open
  • Close
  • Log any files processed in Photoshop into .csv e.g.: machine ID, user, username, filename etc. macOS
  • Get computer name and username on macOS
  • Save JPEG with Quality 12
  • Save TIFF into subfolder without changing filename
  • Save
  • Simple and default canvas resize
  • Resize Image based on the longest edge (If larger than 3000px then downscale it, if shorter then upscale it)
  • Set ruler units to PIXELS
  • Purge all cache
  • Resize image with Resample method of Bicubic Sharper and custom size
  • Delete alpha channel, delete guides, delete path items
  • Flatten the document
  • Reset swatch to black and white
  • Change Mode to RGB
  • Convert to sRGB
  • Select any tool in Photoshop / Select move tool/ Select blur tool / Select pen tool
  • Create folder with Todays Date/ Current Date. Check if it exists
  • Resize based on the longest edge based on input from the dialog box
  • Deselect All
  • Select any Layer by Name e.g. select and delete "Layer 0 copy"
  • Rasterize the layer
  • Duplicate active layer
  • Check if Selection Exists and if so Expand it by 30px
  • Select only transparent pixels
  • Make the image square
  • Expand Canvas / Canvas Manipulation
  • Check if image is vertical or horizontal based on the longest edge
  • Crop to selection "Without Delete Cropped Pixels"
  • Select Subject
  • Convert to smart object
  • If/else | Check filename extension, and run the command if it is true
  • Get 1st two characters from the filename
  • Get Document Name
  • Content Aware Fill - NOT simple "Fill.."
  • AutoCrop Utility by William Campbell
  • Save TIFF with JPEG Compression 10, ZIP
  • Select Gradient Tool
  • Get basic System Information

Check Action execution time

var totalTime = new TimeIt();

doAction("ActionName", "ActionFolderName");


function TimeIt() {

  // member variables
  this.startTime = new Date();
  this.endTime = new Date();

  // member functions
  // reset the start time to now
  this.start = function () {
        this.startTime = new Date();

  // reset the end time to now
  this.stop = function () {
        this.endTime = new Date();

  // get the difference in milliseconds between start and stop
  this.getTime = function () {
        return (this.endTime.getTime() - this.startTime.getTime()) / 1000;


  // get the current elapsed time from start to now, this sets the endTime
  this.getElapsed = function () {
        this.endTime = new Date(); return this.getTime();



Get document dimensions, document aspect ratio, resolution, megapixel count,

Photoshop Document Dimensions - MP Value - Aspect Ratio.jsx
v1.0, Stephen Marsh 13th February 2022

#target photoshop

var savedRuler = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;

var w = app.activeDocument.width.value;
var h = app.activeDocument.height.value;
var r = gcd(w, h);
var mp = w * h / 1000000;
var pix = w * h;
var ppiRes = app.activeDocument.resolution;
var ppcmRes = ppiRes / 2.54;
var ratio = w / h;
var docName =;
var wMetric = w / 72 * 2.54;
var hMetric = h / 72 * 2.54;
var wInches = w / 72;
var hInches = h / 72;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var w = doc.width.value;
var h = doc.height.value;

    'Document Info' + '\n' +
    'Document Name: ' + docName + '\n' +
    'Dimensions: ' + w + ' x ' + h + ' pixels' + '\n' +
    'Dimensions: ' + Math.round(wMetric * 100) / 100 + ' x ' + Math.round(hMetric * 100) / 100 + ' cm / ' + Math.round(wInches * 1000) / 1000 + ' x ' + Math.round(hInches * 1000) / 1000 + ' inches' + '\n' +
    'Resolution: ' + Math.round(ppiRes * 10) / 10 + ' ppi / ' + Math.round(ppcmRes * 1000) / 1000 + ' ppcm' + '\n' +
    'Megapixel Value: ' + Math.round(mp * 10) / 10 + ' MP' + ' (' + pix + ' pixels)' + '\n' +
    'Aspect Ratio:' + '\n' + ratio.toFixed(2) + ':1' + ' / ' + ratio.toFixed(2) * 2 + ':2 / ' + ratio.toFixed(2) * 4 + ':4' + ' (Basic)' + '\n' +
    w / r + ':' + h / r + ' (GCD)' + '\n' +
    aspect_ratio(w / h, 50).toString().replace(',', ':') + ' (Farey)'

app.preferences.rulerUnits = savedRuler;

function gcd(a, b) {
    /* */
    return (b == 0) ? a : gcd(b, a % b);

function aspect_ratio(val, lim) {

    var lower = [0, 1];
    var upper = [1, 0];

    while (true) {
        var mediant = [lower[0] + upper[0], lower[1] + upper[1]];

        if (val * mediant[1] > mediant[0]) {
            if (lim < mediant[1]) {
                return upper;
            lower = mediant;
        } else if (val * mediant[1] == mediant[0]) {
            if (lim >= mediant[1]) {
                return mediant;
            if (lower[1] < upper[1]) {
                return lower;
            return upper;
        } else {
            if (lim < mediant[1]) {
                return lower;
            upper = mediant;

Check how many documents are open

if (!documents.length) alert("No Open documents");
else alert(documents.length + " images opened");



Log any files processed in Photoshop into .csv e.g.: machine ID, user, username, filename etc.

//Make sure it is macOS
function isMacOS() {
  return ($.os.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') >= 0);

///////////////////////////////////////////Prepare for Logging///////////////////////////////////////////////
//Obtains the computers name/username. @returns {String} The name of the computers username.
function getUserName() {
  return (isMacOS()) ? $.getenv("USER") : $.getenv("USERNAME");

var userName = getUserName();

//Log Output
// Create the log file with Today's Date
var now = new Date();
var logfile_name = now.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0" + (now.getMonth() +1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2)

var f = new Folder(folderName + logfile_name);
if ( ! f.exists ) { //1st make sure the path exists, if not create it
        f.create(); //create folder
        var fileOut = new File(f+"/"+ userName +'-UploadedCR'+'.csv');
    //If "username-Uploaded.csv" already exists, then do nothing

//2nd make sure file is there, if not create one. And read through it. 
var fileOut = new File(f+"/"+ userName +'-UploadedCR'+'.csv');"r");

    var str ="";
    str += fileOut.readln();

var n = str.match(; //input what to search for

// Check if it was already exported
if (n) {
  //do nothing
} else {

      var fileOut = new File(f+"/"+ userName +'-UploadedCR'+'.csv');
      if (!fileOut.exists) {


        } else {    



Get computer name and username on macOS

//Make sure it is macOS
function isMacOS() {
  return ($.os.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') >= 0);

function getUserName() {
  return (isMacOS()) ? $.getenv("USER") : $.getenv("USERNAME");

var userName = getUserName();

Save JPEG with Quality 12

folderJpegSave = "/Volumes/Custom/Location/Jpegsubfolder/";
var saveJPEG = new JPEGSaveOptions();
saveJPEG.embedColorProfile = true;
saveJPEG.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
saveJPEG.quality = 12;
app.activeDocument.saveAs(new File(folderJpegSave + "/" +, saveJPEG);

Save TIFF into subfolder without changing filename

folderTiffSave = "/Volumes/Custom/Location/TIFFsubfolder/";

var saveTIFF = new TiffSaveOptions();
saveTIFF.embedColorProfile = true;
saveTIFF.layers = false;
saveTIFF.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW;
saveTIFF.alphaChannels = false;
app.activeDocument.saveAs(new File(folderTiffSave + "/" +, saveTIFF);


Simple and default canvas resize

app.activeDocument.resizeCanvas(3000, 3000, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER); //e..g anchor set to middle makes it square and expands it by 3k pixels

Resize Image based on the longest edge (If larger than 3000px then downscale it, if shorter then upscale it)

var docRef = app.activeDocument; 
var fWidth = 3000;
var fHeight = 3000;
if (docRef.height > 3000 || docRef.width > 3000 || docRef.height < 3000 || docRef.width < 3000) {
  if (docRef.height > docRef.width) {
  } else {

Set ruler units to PIXELS

app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;

Purge all cache


Resize image with Resample method of Bicubic Sharper and custom size

app.activeDocument.resizeImage(2000, 2000, 300, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER);

Delete alpha channel, delete guides, delete path items


//v2 - run only if they exist
var doc = app.activeDocument;
if (doc.channels.length > 3) {

if (doc.guides.length > 0) {

if (doc.pathItems.length > 0) {

Flatten the document


Reset swatch to black and white

app.backgroundColor.rgb.hexValue = "FFFFFF"; // will keep expanded background white
app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue = "000000";

Change Mode to RGB


Convert to sRGB

app.activeDocument.convertProfile( "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, true ); // Convert to sRGB

Select any tool in Photoshop / Select move tool/ Select blur tool / Select pen tool


// Replace selectTool(tool) where the "tool" is any tool name from the above list
function selectTool(tool) {
    var desc9 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var ref7 = new ActionReference();
        ref7.putClass( app.stringIDToTypeID(tool) );
    desc9.putReference( app.charIDToTypeID('null'), ref7 );
    executeAction( app.charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc9, DialogModes.NO );

Create folder with Todays Date/ Current Date. Check if it exists

var d = new Date(); 
var backupFolder = Folder("~/desktop/Backup"+"/"+""+d.getFullYear()+"-"+(d.getMonth()+1)+"-"+d.getDate()+"/"+"NewFolderName" );
if(!backupFolder.exists) {

Resize based on the longest edge based on input from the dialog box

//Resize the image based on the Longest Edge
//Ask for desired Longest Edge Size
//Resample with Preserve Detail 2.0

try {
	var doc = app.activeDocument;
} catch(e) {
    var noDocs = false;    
} if (noDocs== false){
    alert ("No documents open")
} else {

	// New UI window
	var cal = new Window ("dialog", "Resize x Longest Edge");
	var cal_char = cal.add("edittext", [25,40,135,60], "");

	// buttons
	var btnGroup = cal.add ("group");
	btnGroup.orientation = "row";
	btnGroup.alignment = "center";
	btnGroup.add ("button", undefined, "OK");
	btnGroup.add ("button", undefined, "Cancel");

	var myReturn =;

	if (myReturn == 1)
	    // set checkboxes and input here
	    var chars = cal_char.text;

	y = doc.width.value;
	x = doc.height.value;

	var longestEdge = x;
	var longestEdge = y;

	var longestEdge = chars;

	if (x > y) {
		//Resample 2.0 - If it is in Pprtrait mode - resize Longest edge to 2750px
		var idImgS = charIDToTypeID( "ImgS" );
			var desc35 = new ActionDescriptor();
			var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
			var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
			desc35.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPxl, longestEdge );
			var idscaleStyles = stringIDToTypeID( "scaleStyles" );
			desc35.putBoolean( idscaleStyles, true );
			var idCnsP = charIDToTypeID( "CnsP" );
			desc35.putBoolean( idCnsP, true );
			var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
			var idIntp = charIDToTypeID( "Intp" );
			var iddeepUpscale = stringIDToTypeID( "deepUpscale" );
			desc35.putEnumerated( idIntr, idIntp, iddeepUpscale );
			var idNose = charIDToTypeID( "Nose" );
			desc35.putInteger( idNose, 100 );
		executeAction( idImgS, desc35, DialogModes.NO );

	} else {
		//Resample 2.0 - If it is in Landscape mode - resize Longest edge to 2750px
		var idImgS = charIDToTypeID( "ImgS" );
			var desc46 = new ActionDescriptor();
			var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
			var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
			desc46.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPxl, longestEdge );
			var idscaleStyles = stringIDToTypeID( "scaleStyles" );
			desc46.putBoolean( idscaleStyles, true );
			var idCnsP = charIDToTypeID( "CnsP" );
			desc46.putBoolean( idCnsP, true );
			var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
			var idIntp = charIDToTypeID( "Intp" );
			var iddeepUpscale = stringIDToTypeID( "deepUpscale" );
			desc46.putEnumerated( idIntr, idIntp, iddeepUpscale );
			var idNose = charIDToTypeID( "Nose" );
			desc46.putInteger( idNose, 100 );
		executeAction( idImgS, desc46, DialogModes.NO );


Deselect all


Select any Layer by Name e.g. select and delete "Layer 0 copy"

// =============Delete Rasterized Layer=================
//Select specific layer and remove it 
select_layer("Layer 0 copy");

function select_layer(id, add, viz)
try {
    var d = new ActionDescriptor();
    if (viz == undefined) viz = false;
    var r = new ActionReference();
    if (typeof(id) == "string") r.putName( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), id);
    else                        r.putIdentifier( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), id);

    d.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), r );
    d.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "MkVs" ), viz );

    if (add == true) d.putEnumerated( stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifier" ), stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifierType" ), stringIDToTypeID( "addToSelection" ) );
    if (add == -1)   d.putEnumerated( stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifier" ), stringIDToTypeID( "selectionModifierType" ), stringIDToTypeID( "removeFromSelection" ) );
    var ok = true;

    try { executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "slct" ), d, DialogModes.NO ); } catch(e) { ok = false; }

    d = null;

    return ok;
catch (e) { alert(e); return false; }

Rasterize the layer

// =============Rasterize the layer=======================

Duplicate active layer

// =============Duplicate Smart Object=================
var newLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.duplicate();

Check if Selection Exists and if so Expand it by 30px

// =============Epand Selection by 30px=================
//Check if Selection Exists and if so Expand it by 30px
try {

        // test for active selection
        if (hasSelection(app.activeDocument)) {
            // expand selection
            app.activeDocument.selection.expand(new UnitValue (30, "px"))   
            // contract selection
            // app.activeDocument.selection.contract(new UnitValue (100, "px"))
        else {
            // alert ("ERROR: no active selection \n USAGE: the script requires an active selection")
catch (e) {
        alert ("ERROR: the script did not execute")

//////////// FUNCTIONS ////////////
function hasSelection(doc) {
  var res = false;
  var as = doc.activeHistoryState;
  if (as != doc.activeHistoryState) {
    res = true;
    doc.activeHistoryState = as;
    return res;

Select only transparent pixels

// =============Select only transparent pixels=================

function SelectTransparency(){
    var idChnl = charIDToTypeID( "Chnl" );

    var actionSelect = new ActionReference();
    actionSelect.putProperty( idChnl, charIDToTypeID( "fsel" ) );     

    var actionTransparent = new ActionReference();    
    actionTransparent.putEnumerated( idChnl, idChnl, charIDToTypeID( "Trsp" ) );

    var actionDesc = new ActionDescriptor();
    actionDesc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), actionSelect );
    actionDesc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "T   " ), actionTransparent );

    executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "setd" ), actionDesc, DialogModes.NO );


Make the image square

//Make CANVAS square

app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;

app.backgroundColor.rgb.hexValue = "FFFFFF"; // will keep expanded background white
app.foregroundColor.rgb.hexValue = "000000";

var doc = activeDocument;

Expand Canvas / Expand Canvas / Canvas Manipulation

//Now ready to manipulate the canvas
// replace pixels count within var "descXX.putUnitDouble" to your desired value
// =====================Canvas================================
// Bottom
var idCnvS = charIDToTypeID( "CnvS" );
    var desc42 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idRltv = charIDToTypeID( "Rltv" );
    desc42.putBoolean( idRltv, true );
    var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc42.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPxl, 1595.000000 );
    var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
    var idVrtL = charIDToTypeID( "VrtL" );
    var idBttm = charIDToTypeID( "Bttm" );
    desc42.putEnumerated( idVrtc, idVrtL, idBttm );
executeAction( idCnvS, desc42, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idCnvS = charIDToTypeID( "CnvS" );
    var desc47 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idRltv = charIDToTypeID( "Rltv" );
    desc47.putBoolean( idRltv, true );
    var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc47.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPxl, 530.000000 );
    var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
    var idVrtL = charIDToTypeID( "VrtL" );
    var idTop = charIDToTypeID( "Top " );
    desc47.putEnumerated( idVrtc, idVrtL, idTop );
executeAction( idCnvS, desc47, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
var idCnvS = charIDToTypeID( "CnvS" );
    var desc52 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idRltv = charIDToTypeID( "Rltv" );
    desc52.putBoolean( idRltv, true );
    var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc52.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPxl, 1558.000000 );
    var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
    var idHrzL = charIDToTypeID( "HrzL" );
    var idLeft = charIDToTypeID( "Left" );
    desc52.putEnumerated( idHrzn, idHrzL, idLeft );
executeAction( idCnvS, desc52, DialogModes.NO );

// =======================================================
// Right
var idCnvS = charIDToTypeID( "CnvS" );
    var desc114 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idRltv = charIDToTypeID( "Rltv" );
    desc114.putBoolean( idRltv, true );
    var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
    desc114.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPxl, 1558.000000 );
    var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
    var idHrzL = charIDToTypeID( "HrzL" );
    var idRght = charIDToTypeID( "Rght" );
    desc114.putEnumerated( idHrzn, idHrzL, idRght );
executeAction( idCnvS, desc114, DialogModes.NO );

Check if image is vertical or horizontal based on the longest edge

doc = app.activeDocument;
y = doc.width.value;
x = doc.height.value;
if (x > y) {
  // It is Portrait
} else {
  // It is Landscape

Crop to selection "Without Delete Cropped Pixels"

// =================Crop to Selection=================
// Crop to selection "Without Delete Cropped Pixels"
var doc = activeDocument;

try {
    var bound = doc.selection.bounds
    cropToSelection(bound[1], bound[0], bound[3], bound[2])
} catch (e) {}
function cropToSelection(top, left, bottom, right) {
    var idCrop = charIDToTypeID("Crop");
    var desc11 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idT = charIDToTypeID("T   ");
    var desc12 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idTop = charIDToTypeID("Top ");
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
    desc12.putUnitDouble(idTop, idPxl, top);
    var idLeft = charIDToTypeID("Left");
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
    desc12.putUnitDouble(idLeft, idPxl, left);
    var idBtom = charIDToTypeID("Btom");
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
    desc12.putUnitDouble(idBtom, idPxl, bottom);
    var idRght = charIDToTypeID("Rght");
    var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
    desc12.putUnitDouble(idRght, idPxl, right);
    var idRctn = charIDToTypeID("Rctn");
    desc11.putObject(idT, idRctn, desc12);
    var idAngl = charIDToTypeID("Angl");
    var idAng = charIDToTypeID("#Ang");
    desc11.putUnitDouble(idAngl, idAng, 0.000000);
    var idDlt = charIDToTypeID("Dlt ");
    desc11.putBoolean(idDlt, false);
    var idcropAspectRatioModeKey = stringIDToTypeID("cropAspectRatioModeKey");
    var idcropAspectRatioModeClass = stringIDToTypeID("cropAspectRatioModeClass");
    var idtargetSize = stringIDToTypeID("targetSize");
    desc11.putEnumerated(idcropAspectRatioModeKey, idcropAspectRatioModeClass, idtargetSize);
    executeAction(idCrop, desc11, DialogModes.NO);

Select Subject

// =================Select Subject=================
var idautoCutout = stringIDToTypeID( "autoCutout" );
    var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idsampleAllLayers = stringIDToTypeID( "sampleAllLayers" );
    desc10.putBoolean( idsampleAllLayers, false );
executeAction( idautoCutout, desc10, DialogModes.NO );

Convert to smart object

// =============== Convert to Smart Object=========
var idnewPlacedLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "newPlacedLayer" );
executeAction( idnewPlacedLayer, undefined, DialogModes.NO );

If/else | Check filename extension, and run the command if it is true

if () {
} else {

//e.g.: If extension is tif, jpg, or psd
if (defaultName.indexOf('_01.tif') != -1 
    || defaultName.indexOf('_01.psd') != -1 
    || defaultName.indexOf('_01.tiff') != -1
    || defaultName.indexOf('_01.png') != -1
    || defaultName.indexOf('_01.jpg') != -1) {

Get 1st two characters from the filename / get first 2 digits from the filename

doc = app.activeDocument;
defaultName =;

// Check Department
var firstTwoDigits =,2);

get document/file name

doc = app.activeDocument;
defaultName =;

Content Aware Fill - NOT simple "Fill.."

// ====================Content Aware Fill - NOT simpel "Fill.."===================================
cafWorkspace(false, false, false);

function cafWorkspace(cafSampleAllLayers, cafScale, cafMirror) {
    var s2t = function (s) {
        return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);

    var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();

    descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "cafSamplingRegion" ), s2t( "cafSamplingRegion" ), s2t( "cafSamplingRegionAuto" ));
    descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "cafSampleAllLayers" ), cafSampleAllLayers );
    descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "cafColorAdaptationLevel" ), s2t( "cafColorAdaptationLevel" ), s2t( "cafColorAdaptationDefault" ));
    descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "cafRotationAmount" ), s2t( "cafRotationAmount" ), s2t( "cafRotationAmountNone" ));
    descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "cafScale" ), cafScale );
    descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "cafMirror" ), cafMirror );
    descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "cafOutput" ), s2t( "cafOutput" ), s2t( "cafOutputToNewLayer" ));
    executeAction( s2t( "cafWorkspace" ), descriptor, DialogModes.NO );

AutoCrop Utility by William Campbell

  • Empty

Save TIFF with JPEG Compression 10, ZIP

//Save TIFF as JPEG Compression 10, ZIP

saveTIFFasJPEG ();

function saveTIFFasJPEG() {
    // Start======================================================
    save(10, File( app.activeDocument.path ), true);
    function save(extendedQuality, In, lowerCase) {
        var c2t = function (s) {
            return app.charIDToTypeID(s);

        var s2t = function (s) {
            return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);

        var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
        var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();

        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "byteOrder" ), s2t( "platform" ), s2t( "macintosh" ));
        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "encoding" ), s2t( "encoding" ), c2t( "JPEG" ));
        descriptor2.putInteger( s2t( "extendedQuality" ), extendedQuality );
        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "layerCompression" ), s2t( "encoding" ), s2t( "zip" ));
        descriptor.putObject( s2t( "as" ), c2t( "TIFF" ), descriptor2 );
        descriptor.putPath( c2t( "In  " ), In );
        descriptor.putInteger( s2t( "documentID" ), 219 );
        descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "lowerCase" ), lowerCase );
        descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "saveStage" ), s2t( "saveStageType" ), s2t( "saveBegin" ));
        executeAction( s2t( "save" ), descriptor, DialogModes.NO );

    // Finish======================================================
    save2(10, File( app.activeDocument.path ), true);
    function save2(extendedQuality, In, lowerCase) {
        var c2t = function (s) {
            return app.charIDToTypeID(s);

        var s2t = function (s) {
            return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);

        var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor();
        var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor();

        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "byteOrder" ), s2t( "platform" ), s2t( "macintosh" ));
        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "encoding" ), s2t( "encoding" ), c2t( "JPEG" ));
        descriptor2.putInteger( s2t( "extendedQuality" ), extendedQuality );
        descriptor2.putEnumerated( s2t( "layerCompression" ), s2t( "encoding" ), s2t( "zip" ));
        descriptor.putObject( s2t( "as" ), c2t( "TIFF" ), descriptor2 );
        descriptor.putPath( c2t( "In  " ), In );
        descriptor.putInteger( s2t( "documentID" ), 219 );
        descriptor.putBoolean( s2t( "lowerCase" ), lowerCase );
        descriptor.putEnumerated( s2t( "saveStage" ), s2t( "saveStageType" ), s2t( "saveSucceeded" ));
        executeAction( s2t( "save" ), descriptor, DialogModes.NO );

Select Gradient Tool

function selectTool(tool){
    var desc9 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var ref7 = new ActionReference();
        ref7.putClass( app.stringIDToTypeID(tool) );
    desc9.putReference( app.charIDToTypeID('null'), ref7 );
    executeAction( app.charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc9, DialogModes.NO );


Get basic System Information: PSVersion, Operating System, GPU

//Get basic System Info

// alert(app.systemInformation)

var PSversion = app.systemInformation.split("\r", 1);
var OS = app.systemInformation.split("\r")[2];
var OpenCL = app.systemInformation.split("\r")[36].split("\n")[14];
var GPU = app.systemInformation.split("\r")[36].split("\n")[18];

alert(PSversion + "\n" + OS + "\n" + OpenCL + "\n" + GPU);

Big inspo


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