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Qubed SelfAdmins


  • desktop compartmentalization
  • "browser far from agent"
  • usable linux desktop
  • goal to make selfadmin migration about as complicated as moving desktop to any other unfamiliar desktop oriented linux flavor



  • 2core, 8GB, 50GB+
  • basicly any NUC will do


  • 4core, 16GB, vt-x, ssd
  • maxed NUC


  • 4core, 32GB, vt-[dx], tpm, 2+ ssd, nvme, 2+ usb controller
  • supernuc or deskmini 110

basicly anything semirecent will do


  • strongly recommended, but can be used without
  • requires ignoring some errors and switching all vms with hardware access to less-secure pv mode virtualization
  • default hw vms: sys-net sys-usb



  • verification (of download)


  • anything 5gb+
  • just dd to usb
  • verification (of copy)

boot installer (basicly fedora anaconda)

optional ignore no-vt-d warning

pick timezone / language / kbdlayout

optional uncheck whonix installation (old version, but you can also just install and delete it later...)


  • reasonable defaults, just pick a physdev and lukspw
  • optional shrink root
  • optional raid setup

start install

pick your dom0 username ("admin") and pw (used for login/unlock)

wait a longish time

first boot

Q menu top-left

  • terminal emulator
  • system tools -> qube manager

optional no-vt-d workaround

  • ignore error about sys-net start
  • start dom0 terminal ---- dom0$ qvm-prefs sys-net virt_mode pv ---- dom0$ qvm-start sys-net
  • or start qube manager and click around

install templates

  • dom0$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean qubes-template-fedora-28
  • very optional templates ---- dom0$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community-testing qubes-template-centos-7 ---- dom0$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean --enablerepo=qubes-templates-itl-testing qubes-template-fedora-29

update all templates (even the ones you just installed)

  • optional dom0$ qvm-prefs template-XY maxmem 1000 ---- can easily update all templates in parallel

  • qube manager: rightclick (fedora-X, debian-Y) templates - update qube

  • or dom0$ qvm-run --service template-XY qubes.InstallUpdatesGUI

  • optional dom0$ qvm-run --user root -p template-XY "fstrim -av" ---- just needed once after install and update to get rid of pkg-blockdevice-import-crud ---- run it after updates completed, before shutting down the template

update dom0

  • dom0$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --clean

when you are done updating (and no longer need network)

apply new template

  • dom0$ qubes-prefs default_template fedora-28
  • shutdown all running appvms (except dom0)
  • switch the appvms template to fedora-28 in qubes manager (and adjust memory limits as needed, see recommendations below)
  • or use qvm-prefs in dom0


second boot

create usb-qube

  • dom0$ sudo qubesctl state.sls qvm.sys-usb
  • dom0$ sudo qubesctl state.sls qvm.usb-keyboard
  • optional and "less secure", but easier recovery if you dont have easy access to non-usb kbd/mouse ---- dom0$ qvm-prefs sys-usb autostart False ---- this means you need to manually start sys-usb after each boot
  • optional no-vtd-d: dom0$ qvm-prefs sys-usb virt_mode pv
  • without ps2 or nonusb notebook keyboard you have one chance to get this right
  • dom0$ qvm-start sys-usb

optional restore backup

optional mirage fw + agent

optional aem/fde/mfa

  • dom0$ qvm-create -l purple -t debian-9 build-mirage-deb9
  • dom0$ qvm-run build-mirage gnome-terminal & ---- sudo sh

optional import old desktop

  • create an import/legacy appvm, attach old FS, copy over home/data as needed
  • you can basicly keep working "as is" out of that appvm
  • move out parts of your workflow to other vms at your own pace

general orientation

things to try in a dom0 console:

  • qvm-ls, qvm-prefs, qvm-start, qvm-shutdown, qvm-kill, xentop, xl list, xl console

qubes manager

  • default vms ---- services ----- sys-net ----- sys-firewall ----- sys-usb ---- templates ----- debian + fedora ---- untrusted

vm creation/clone/destroy

  • easy/quick enough to "just do it"


  • like regular c-n-p with an additional shift-ctrl-c / shift-ctrl-v step for copying between vm-cnp-buffer and inter-vm-cnp-buffer

vm disk layout

  • root ---- inherited from template (writeable snapshot at boot)
  • private ---- mounted on /rw, contains /home and /usr/local
  • volatile ---- swap and writeable root scratchspace ---- discarded on each appvm start ---- in default configuration 9GB free for additional swap or tmpfs


  • browser vm 2GB-4GB ram
  • ssh vm 500MB-1GB ram
  • hvm vm +150MB ram +10% cpu fuer stub
  • services linux 500MB-1GB ram
  • services mirage 20MB-40MB ram
  • template 10GB disk

virt modes

  • pv == software virtualization (less secure) ---- requires guest os with pv support ---- do not use ----- exceptions no-vt-d and special guests (mirage,bsd)
  • pvh == hardware virtualized memory with software drivers ---- requires cpu vt-x/SLAT support ---- requires guest os with pvh support ---- best+default for non-hardware vms
  • hvm == full hardware virtualization ---- usecase exotic guests (no xen support required) ---- usecase vms with delegated hardware (net, usb) ----- requires system with vt-d/IOMMU support ---- will use a pv-mode stub domain to run qemu ----- adds 150M mem and 10% cpu to requirements ----- adds qemu/pv attack surface

qubes layout

scopes like work, priv, build, onenetwork

  • per scope colors: on orange, work blue, priv yellow, build pink ...

subname according to function

  • work-agent ---- not network connected

  • work-ssh

  • work-mail ---- optional mua/mta separation

  • work-browser ---- optional int/ext separation

  • work-vault ---- not network connected

  • on-tun

  • on-ssh

  • on-browser

  • on-rdp

  • optional on-agent

  • srv-cups

  • build-qubes (feodra templated)

  • build-mirage (debian templated)

  • build-solaris (can basicly run anything in hvm mode)

  • priv (optional agent/ssh/browser separation like for work-*)

  • untrusted (general browser and traceroute/dig usage)



split ssh

split gpg

split usb

storage pools

  • discard
  • nvme ---- usecase template ---- usecase volatile


common rc.local

whonix/tor evaluation

standard problems

crashed netvm

ipc limits



Qubed SelfAdmins






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