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Call C# from JavaScript
This recipe illustrates how to call C# class methods from JavaScript.
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WebView Tutorial


A screenshot of the demo app created by this recipe is shown below:

Create a JavaScript Interface Class

Create a C# class that contains methods to be called from JavaScript. If you are targeting Android API level 17 or later, this JavaScript-to-C# interface class must annotate each JavaScript-callable method with [JavascriptInterface] and [Export] as shown in the following example. If you are targeting Android API Level 16 or earlier, this interface class must implement Java.Lang.IRunnable as explained in Android API Level 16 and Earlier (later in this recipe):

  • Create a C# class that is derived from Java.Lang.Object. In the following example, we name our class MyJSInterface and implement a method to display a toast when it is called from JavaScript:
class MyJSInterface : Java.Lang.Object
    Context context;

    public MyJSInterface (Context context)
        this.context = context;

    public void ShowToast ()
        Toast.MakeText(context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show();
  • Annotate each method that is to be exposed to JavaScript with [Export] and [JavascriptInterface] (see IJavascriptInterface for more information about the JavascriptInterface annotation). In the following example, the ShowToast method is annotated so that it can be called from JavaScript. Note that you must include the Java.Interop and Android.Webkit using statements as shown in this example:
using Java.Interop;
using Android.Webkit;
public void ShowToast ()
    Toast.MakeText(context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show();
  • Add a project reference to Mono.Android.Export (so you can use the [Export] annotation):

    1. In Visual Studio, right-click References in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference.... In Visual Studio for Mac, right-click References in the Solution Pad and select Edit References....

    2. In the search field, enter Mono.Android.Export. When you have located it, enable the check mark next to it and click OK.

Call Methods in Your Interface Class from JavaScript

Next, invoke the ShowToast method from a JavaScript onClick event in an HTML document. Before we can do this, we must add our interface class to the WebView that displays this HTML content.

  • In the Activity OnCreate method, create a WebView instance and add it as the content view. Add the MyJSInterface class to this WebView instance as follows:

    1. Set the WebView's JavaScriptEnabled flag to true.

    2. Use AddJavascriptInterface to add an instance of MyJSInterface to the WebView as its JavaScript interface.

    3. Load the HTML content into the WebView.

    The following OnCreate example accomplishes these steps, passing in a simple HTML document to the WebView. Note that the call to AddJavaScriptInterface associates the JavaScript name "CSharp" with an instance of the MyJSInterface class (here it is called "CSharp", but you can use any name you like):

using Android.Webkit;
const string html = @"
    <p>Demo calling C# from JavaScript</p>
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

    WebView webView = new WebView(this);

    webView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true;
    webView.AddJavascriptInterface(new MyJSInterface(this), "CSharp");
    webView.LoadData(html, "text/html", null);

  • Call the C# ShowToast method from the HTML document. Add a button to the HTML document that invokes the JavaScript fragment Csharp.ShowToast() as shown in this example:
const string html = @"
    <p>Demo calling C# from JavaScript</p>
    <button type=""button"" onClick=""CSharp.ShowToast()"">Call C#</button>
  • Build and run the app. The WebView presents the HTML document with the "Call C#" button (see the screenshot above on the left). When you press this button, the ShowToast method is invoked, displaying the "Hello from C#" toast as seen in the screenshot above on the right.

Android API Level 16 and Earlier

In versions of Android at API Level 16 or earlier, your JavaScript-to-C# interface class must implement Java.Lang.IRunnable as shown in the following example.

  • Create a C# class that is derived from Java.Lang.Object and Java.Lang.IRunnable; this class implements a Run method that can be called from JavaScript. In the following example, we name our class MyJSInterface:
class MyJSInterface : Java.Lang.Object, Java.Lang.IRunnable
    Context context;

    public MyJSInterface (Context context)
        this.context = context;

    public void Run ()
        Toast.MakeText(context, "Hello from C#", ToastLength.Short).Show();
  • As explained earlier, add code to the OnCreate method to create a WebView instance, adding the MyJSInterface JavaScript interface class to this instance. However, to invoke our C# method from JavaScript, we must call the run method as shown in this example:
const string html = @"
    <p>Demo calling C# from JavaScript</p>
    <button type=""button"" onClick="""">Call C#</button>

Xamarin.Android creates an Android Callable Wrapper (ACW) for the MyJSInterface class because it derives from Java.Lang.Object. Calling AddJavascriptInterface connects the MyJSInterface JavaScript variable with the ACW. In this last example, the ACW has the name run (lowercase 'r') for its java.lang.Runnable implementation. This is why the JavaScript code calls run(). In turn, the ACW is bound to the C# class with the Run method (uppercase 'R').

Additional Information

Jon Pryor's StackOverflow post provides more detailed information about how Xamarin.Android (referred to as Mono for Android in the post) uses Android Callable Wrappers to make "JavaScript-within-Android" functionality possible.