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Split the NBD library into Lwt and non-Lwt versions.
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Signed-off-by: Jon Ludlam <>
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Jon Ludlam committed Apr 25, 2012
1 parent 040b10d commit a751c38
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Showing 9 changed files with 287 additions and 164 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions nbd/
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,11 @@ description = "NBD client library"
requires = "bitstring,stdext"
archive(byte) = "nbd.cma"
archive(native) = "nbd.cmxa"

package "lwt" (
version = "@VERSION@"
description = "Lwt version of the NBD client library"
requires = "nbd,lwt,lwt.unix"
archive(byte) = "nbd_lwt.cma"
archive(native) = "nbd_lwt.cmxa"
30 changes: 22 additions & 8 deletions nbd/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
include ../

OBJS = lwt_mux nbd
OBJS = lwt_mux nbd_lwt nbd
INTF = $(foreach obj, $(OBJS),$(obj).cmi)
LIBS = nbd.cma nbd.cmxa
LIBS = nbd.cma nbd.cmxa nbd_lwt.cma nbd_lwt.cmxa
FLAGS = -package bitstring.syntax,lwt -syntax camlp4o -I ../stdext
LWTFLAGS = -package bitstring,lwt,lwt.syntax,lwt.unix -I ../stdext -I ../uuid -syntax camlp4o
PROGRAMS = nbd_test
Expand All @@ -13,14 +13,20 @@ bins: $(PROGRAMS)

libs: $(LIBS)

nbd_test: nbd.cmxa
nbd_test: nbd.cmxa nbd_lwt.cmxa
$(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLOPT) $(LWTFLAGS) -o $@ -linkpkg uuid.cmxa stdext.cmxa $^

nbd.cmxa: $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmx)
$(OCAMLOPT) $(FLAGS) -a -o $@ $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmx)
nbd.cmxa: nbd.cmx
$(OCAMLOPT) $(FLAGS) -a -o $@ nbd.cmx

nbd.cma: $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmo)
$(OCAMLC) $(FLAGS) -a -o $@ $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmo)
nbd.cma: nbd.cmo
$(OCAMLC) $(FLAGS) -a -o $@ nbd.cmo

nbd_lwt.cmxa: lwt_mux.cmx nbd_lwt.cmx
$(OCAMLOPT) $(LWTFLAGS) -a -o $@ $^

nbd_lwt.cma: lwt_mux.cmo nbd_lwt.cmo
$(OCAMLC) $(LWTFLAGS) -a -o $@ $^

lwt_mux.cmx :
Expand All @@ -29,7 +35,15 @@ lwt_mux.cmo :
$(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLC) -c $(LWTFLAGS) -o $@ $<

lwt_mux.cmi :

nbd_lwt.cmo : nbd.cmi

nbd_lwt.cmx : nbd.cmi

nbd_lwt.mli : nbd.cmi

$(OCAMLFIND) $(OCAMLC) -c $(FLAGS) -o $@ $<
Expand Down
121 changes: 0 additions & 121 deletions nbd/
Expand Up @@ -176,125 +176,4 @@ let connect hostname port =
(socket, sz, flags)

module Lwt = struct
let (>>=) = Lwt.bind

let global_id = ref 0L
let global_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ()
let get_id () = Lwt_mutex.with_lock global_mutex
(fun () ->
let x = !global_id in
global_id := Int64.add 1L !global_id;
Lwt.return x)

let really_read_string sock len =
let str = String.make len '\000' in
let rec inner left = sock str (len - left) left >>= fun n ->
if n=left then Lwt.return str else inner (left - n)
inner len

let bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock max =
really_read_string sock max >>= fun s -> Lwt.return (Bitstring.bitstring_of_string s)

module NbdRpc = struct
type transport = Lwt_unix.file_descr
type id = int64
type request_hdr = Request.t
type request_body = string option
type response_hdr = Reply.t
type response_body = string option

let recv_hdr sock =
really_read_string sock 16 >>= fun str ->
let reply = parse_reply (Bitstring.bitstring_of_string str) in
Lwt.return (Some reply.Reply.handle, reply)

let recv_body sock req_hdr res_hdr =
if res_hdr.Reply.error <> 0l then (Failure "Error returned") else
match req_hdr.Request.ty with
| NBD_cmd_read -> really_read_string sock (Int32.to_int req_hdr.Request.len) >>= fun s -> Lwt.return (Some s)
| _ -> Lwt.return None

let send_one sock req_hdr req_body =
let msg = construct_request req_hdr in
Lwt_unix.write sock msg 0 (String.length msg) >>= fun n ->
if n<>String.length msg then (Failure "Short write!") else
match req_body with
| None -> Lwt.return ()
| Some b -> begin Lwt_unix.write sock b 0 (String.length b) >>= fun n ->
if n <> String.length b then (Failure "Short write!") else
Lwt.return ()

let id_of_request req = req.Request.handle

let handle_unrequested_packet t reply =
Lwt.return ()

module Mux = Lwt_mux.Mux(NbdRpc)

type t = Mux.client

let negotiate sock =
let buf = String.make 256 in
really_read_string sock 8 >>= fun str ->
Printf.printf "Read init_passwd\n%!";
if str <> init_passwd then (Failure "Bad magic in negotiate") else
bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 8 >>= fun bs ->
Printf.printf "Read magic\n%!";
let magic = get_int64 bs in
if magic=opts_magic then (Failure "Unhandled opts_magic")
else if magic <> cliserv_magic then (Failure "Bad magic") else
bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 8 >>= fun bs ->
Printf.printf "Read size\n%!";
let sz = get_int64 bs in
bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 4 >>= fun bs ->
let flags = get_int32 bs in
Printf.printf "Read flags\n%!";
bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 124 >>= fun bs ->
Mux.create sock >>= fun t ->
Lwt.return (t, sz, flags_of_flags (Int32.to_int flags))

let connect hostname port =
let socket = Lwt_unix.socket Lwt_unix.PF_INET Lwt_unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Printf.printf "Created socket\n%!";
Printf.printf "Looking up host: %s\n%!" hostname;
let x = Lwt_unix.gethostbyname hostname in
Printf.printf "here...\n%!";
x >>= fun host_info ->
Printf.printf "Gothostbyname\n%!";
let server_address = host_info.Lwt_unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
Lwt_unix.connect socket (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (server_address, port)) >>= fun () ->
Printf.printf "Connected\n%!";
negotiate socket

let write t str from =
get_id () >>= fun id ->
let req_hdr = {
Request.ty = NBD_cmd_write;
len=Int32.of_int (String.length str);
} in
let req_body = Some str in
Mux.rpc req_hdr req_body t >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return ()

let read t from len =
get_id () >>= fun id ->
let req_hdr = {
Request.ty = NBD_cmd_read;
} in
let req_body = None in
Mux.rpc req_hdr req_body t >>= fun res ->
match res with
| (_,Some res) -> Lwt.return res
| _ -> (Failure "No response!?")


54 changes: 34 additions & 20 deletions nbd/nbd.mli
@@ -1,30 +1,44 @@
val nbd_cmd_read : int32
val nbd_cmd_write : int32
val nbd_cmd_disc : int32
val nbd_cmd_flush : int32
val nbd_cmd_trim : int32
val nbd_request_magic : int32
val nbd_reply_magic : int32
val nbd_flag_has_flags : int
val nbd_flag_read_only : int
val nbd_flag_send_flush : int
val nbd_flag_send_fua : int
val nbd_flag_rotational : int
val nbd_flag_send_trim : int
val init_passwd : string
val opts_magic : int64
val cliserv_magic : int64
type flag =
| NBD_send_flush
| NBD_send_fua
| NBD_rotational
| NBD_send_trim

type cmd =
| NBD_cmd_write
| NBD_cmd_disc
| NBD_cmd_flush
| NBD_cmd_trim
val flags_of_flags : int -> flag list
module Request :
sig type t = { ty : cmd; handle : int64; from : int64; len : int32; } end
module Reply : sig type t = { error : int32; handle : int64; } end
val ty_of_int32 : int32 -> cmd
val int32_of_ty : cmd -> int32
val parse_request : string * int * int -> Request.t
val parse_reply : string * int * int -> Reply.t
val construct_request : Request.t -> string
val construct_reply : Reply.t -> string
val get_int64 : string * int * int -> int64
val get_int32 : string * int * int -> int32
val negotiate : Unix.file_descr -> int64 * flag list

val read : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> int32 -> string option

val write : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int64 -> int32 option

val connect : string -> int -> Unix.file_descr * int64 * flag list

module Lwt :
type t

val negotiate : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> (t * int64 * flag list) Lwt.t

val connect :
string -> int -> (t * int64 * flag list) Lwt.t

val write : t -> string -> int64 -> unit Lwt.t

val read : t -> int64 -> int32 -> string Lwt.t

121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions nbd/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
open Nbd

let global_id = ref 0L
let global_mutex = Lwt_mutex.create ()
let get_id () = Lwt_mutex.with_lock global_mutex
(fun () ->
let x = !global_id in
global_id := Int64.add 1L !global_id;
Lwt.return x)

let really_read_string sock len =
let str = String.make len '\000' in
let rec inner left =
lwt n = sock str (len - left) left in
if n=left then Lwt.return str else inner (left - n)
inner len

let bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock max =
lwt s = really_read_string sock max in
Lwt.return (Bitstring.bitstring_of_string s)

module NbdRpc = struct
type transport = Lwt_unix.file_descr
type id = int64
type request_hdr = Request.t
type request_body = string option
type response_hdr = Reply.t
type response_body = string option

let recv_hdr sock =
lwt str = really_read_string sock 16 in
let reply = parse_reply (Bitstring.bitstring_of_string str) in
Lwt.return (Some reply.Reply.handle, reply)

let recv_body sock req_hdr res_hdr =
if res_hdr.Reply.error <> 0l then (Failure "Error returned") else
match req_hdr.Request.ty with
| NBD_cmd_read ->
lwt s = really_read_string sock (Int32.to_int req_hdr.Request.len) in
Lwt.return (Some s)
| _ ->
Lwt.return None

let send_one sock req_hdr req_body =
let msg = construct_request req_hdr in
lwt n = Lwt_unix.write sock msg 0 (String.length msg) in
if n<>String.length msg then (Failure "Short write!") else
match req_body with
| None -> Lwt.return ()
| Some b -> begin
lwt n = Lwt_unix.write sock b 0 (String.length b) in
if n <> String.length b then (Failure "Short write!") else
Lwt.return ()

let id_of_request req = req.Request.handle

let handle_unrequested_packet t reply =
Lwt.return ()

module Mux = Lwt_mux.Mux(NbdRpc)

type t = Mux.client

let negotiate sock =
lwt str = really_read_string sock 8 in
Printf.printf "Read init_passwd\n%!";
if str <> init_passwd then (Failure "Bad magic in negotiate") else
lwt bs = bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 8 in
Printf.printf "Read magic\n%!";
let magic = get_int64 bs in
if magic=opts_magic then (Failure "Unhandled opts_magic")
else if magic <> cliserv_magic then (Failure "Bad magic") else
lwt bs = bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 8 in
Printf.printf "Read size\n%!";
let sz = get_int64 bs in
lwt bs = bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 4 in
let flags = get_int32 bs in
Printf.printf "Read flags\n%!";
lwt bs = bitstring_of_file_descr_max sock 124 in
lwt t = Mux.create sock in
Lwt.return (t, sz, flags_of_flags (Int32.to_int flags))

let connect hostname port =
let socket = Lwt_unix.socket Lwt_unix.PF_INET Lwt_unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Printf.printf "Created socket\n%!";
Printf.printf "Looking up host: %s\n%!" hostname;
lwt host_info = Lwt_unix.gethostbyname hostname in
Printf.printf "Gothostbyname\n%!";
let server_address = host_info.Lwt_unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
lwt () = Lwt_unix.connect socket (Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (server_address, port)) in
Printf.printf "Connected\n%!";
negotiate socket

let write t str from =
lwt id = get_id () in
let req_hdr = {
Request.ty = NBD_cmd_write;
len=Int32.of_int (String.length str);
} in
let req_body = Some str in
lwt _ = Mux.rpc req_hdr req_body t in
Lwt.return ()

let read t from len =
lwt id = get_id () in
let req_hdr = {
Request.ty = NBD_cmd_read;
} in
let req_body = None in
lwt res = Mux.rpc req_hdr req_body t in
match res with
| (_,Some res) -> Lwt.return res
| _ -> (Failure "No response!?")

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