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Internal format of LocalDate and LocalDateTime (#106)
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DeLaGuardo committed May 11, 2020
1 parent fa61fb5 commit 2ca01ac
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Showing 3 changed files with 87 additions and 75 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/axel_f/excel/coerce.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
(ns axel-f.excel.coerce
#?(:clj (:require [clojure.edn :as edn])))

(defmulti inst (fn [[t & _args]] t))

(defn excel-type [x & _]
#?@(:clj [(ratio? x) :ratio])
(number? x) :number
(string? x) :string
(boolean? x) :boolean
(nil? x) :null
(sequential? x) (first x)
:else (type x)))

(defmulti excel-number excel-type)
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109 changes: 56 additions & 53 deletions src/axel_f/excel/date.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,66 @@
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require #?(:clj [java-time :as jt]
:cljs [goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat])
[axel-f.excel.coerce :as coerce])
#?(:clj (:import java.time.ZoneOffset

#?(:clj (defmethod coerce/excel-number java.time.LocalDate [ld]
(.toEpochSecond (.atStartOfDay ld (ZoneId/ofOffset "UTC" (ZoneOffset/ofHours 0))))))
(defn format [date fmt]
#?(:clj (jt/format fmt (coerce/inst date))
:cljs (let [formatter (goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat. fmt)]
(.format formatter (coerce/inst date)))))

#?(:clj (defmethod coerce/excel-number java.time.LocalDateTime [ldt]
(.toEpochSecond ldt ZoneOffset/UTC)))
(defmethod coerce/inst "LocalDate" [[_ millis]]
#?(:clj (.. (java.time.Instant/ofEpochMilli millis) (atZone (java.time.ZoneId/systemDefault)) toLocalDate)
:cljs (js/Date. millis)))

#?(:cljs (defmethod coerce/excel-number js/Date [jsd]
(Math/round (/ (.getTime jsd) 1000))))
(defmethod coerce/inst "LocalDateTime" [[_ millis]]
#?(:clj (.. (java.time.Instant/ofEpochMilli millis) (atZone (java.time.ZoneId/systemDefault)) toLocalDateTime)
:cljs (js/Date. millis)))

#?(:clj (defmethod coerce/excel-string java.time.LocalDate
([ld] (str ld))
([ld fmt] (jt/format fmt ld))))
(defmethod coerce/excel-number "LocalDate" [[_ millis]]
(Math/round (double (/ millis 1000))))

#?(:clj (defmethod coerce/excel-string java.time.LocalDateTime
([ldt] (str ldt))
([ldt fmt] (jt/format fmt ldt))))
(defmethod coerce/excel-number "LocalDateTime" [[_ millis]]
(Math/round (double (/ millis 1000))))

#?(:cljs (defmethod coerce/excel-string js/Date
(coerce/excel-string jsd (case (.-AxelFType jsd)
:local-date "YYYY-MM-dd"
:local-date-time "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"
(throw (ex-info "Please specify format for date to string conversion" {})))))
([jsd fmt]
(let [formatter (goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat. fmt)]
(.format formatter jsd)))))
(defmethod coerce/excel-string "LocalDate"
([d] (format d "YYYY-MM-dd"))
([d fmt] (format d fmt)))

(defmethod coerce/excel-string "LocalDateTime"
([d] (format d "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"))
([d fmt] (format d fmt)))

(defn NOW*
"Returns the current date and time as a date value."
#?(:clj (jt/local-date-time)
:cljs (let [n (js/Date.)
ldt (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (.getUTCFullYear n)
(.getUTCMonth n)
(.getUTCDate n)
(.getUTCHours n)
(.getUTCMinutes n)
(.getUTCSeconds n)
(.getUTCMilliseconds n)))]
(set! (.-AxelFType ldt) :local-date-time)
#?(:clj (.toEpochMilli (.toInstant (.atZone (jt/local-date-time) (ZoneId/ofOffset "UTC" (ZoneOffset/ofHours 0)))))
:cljs (let [n (js/Date.)
ldt (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (.getUTCFullYear n)
(.getUTCMonth n)
(.getUTCDate n)
(.getUTCHours n)
(.getUTCMinutes n)
(.getUTCSeconds n)
(.getUTCMilliseconds n)))]
;; (Math/round (/ (.getTime ldt) 1000))
(.getTime ldt)))])

(def NOW #'NOW*)

(defn TODAY*
"Returns the current date as a date value."
#?(:clj (jt/local-date)
:cljs (let [n (js/Date.)
ld (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (.getUTCFullYear n)
(.getUTCMonth n)
(.getUTCDate n)))]
(set! (.-AxelFType ld) :local-date)
#?(:clj (.toEpochMilli (.toInstant (.atStartOfDay (jt/local-date) (ZoneId/ofOffset "UTC" (ZoneOffset/ofHours 0)))))
:cljs (let [n (js/Date.)
ld (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (.getUTCFullYear n)
(.getUTCMonth n)
(.getUTCDate n)))]
(.getTime ld)))])

(def TODAY #'TODAY*)

Expand All @@ -67,39 +69,40 @@
[^{:doc "The year component of the date."} year
^{:doc "The month component of the date."} month
^{:doc "The day component of the date."} day]
#?(:clj (jt/local-date (coerce/excel-number year)
(coerce/excel-number month)
(coerce/excel-number day))
:cljs (let [d (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (coerce/excel-number year)
(dec (coerce/excel-number month))
(coerce/excel-number day)))]
(set! (.-AxelFType d) :local-date)
#?(:clj (.toEpochMilli (.toInstant (.atStartOfDay (jt/local-date (coerce/excel-number year)
(coerce/excel-number month)
(coerce/excel-number day))
(ZoneId/ofOffset "UTC" (ZoneOffset/ofHours 0)))))
:cljs (let [d (js/Date. (js/Date.UTC (coerce/excel-number year)
(dec (coerce/excel-number month))
(coerce/excel-number day)))]
(.getTime d)))])

(def DATE #'DATE*)

(defn DAY*
"Returns the day of the month that a specific date falls on, in numeric format."
[^{:doc "The date from which to extract the day. Must be a reference containing a date, or a function returning a date type.
"} date]
#?(:clj (jt/as date :day-of-month)
:cljs (.getUTCDate date)))
#?(:clj (jt/as (coerce/inst date) :day-of-month)
:cljs (.getUTCDate (coerce/inst date))))

(def DAY #'DAY*)

(defn MONTH*
"Returns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format."
[^{:doc "The date from which to extract the month. Must be a reference containing a date, or a function returning a date type"} date]
#?(:clj (jt/as date :month-of-year)
:cljs (inc (.getUTCMonth date))))
#?(:clj (jt/as (coerce/inst date) :month-of-year)
:cljs (inc (.getUTCMonth (coerce/inst date)))))

(def MONTH #'MONTH*)

(defn YEAR*
"Returns the year specified by a given date."
[^{:doc "The date from which to calculate the year. Must be a reference containing a date, or a function returning a date type."} date]
#?(:clj (jt/as date :year)
:cljs (.getUTCFullYear date)))
#?(:clj (jt/as (coerce/inst date) :year)
:cljs (.getUTCFullYear (coerce/inst date))))

(def YEAR #'YEAR*)

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50 changes: 28 additions & 22 deletions test/axel_f/date_test.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,37 +6,38 @@

(t/deftest now
(t/testing "current date time"
(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDateTime
:cljs js/Date)
(let [[t m] (sut/NOW)]
(t/is (= "LocalDateTime" t))
(t/is (integer? m)))

(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDateTime
:cljs js/Date)
((af/compile "NOW()"))))))
(let [[t m] ((af/compile "NOW()"))]
(t/is (= "LocalDateTime" t))
(t/is (integer? m)))))

(t/deftest today
(t/testing "current date"
(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDate
:cljs js/Date)
(t/testing "current date time"
(let [[t m] (sut/TODAY)]
(t/is (= "LocalDate" t))
(t/is (integer? m)))

(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDate
:cljs js/Date)
((af/compile "TODAY()"))))))
(let [[t m] ((af/compile "TODAY()"))]
(t/is (= "LocalDate" t))
(t/is (integer? m))))))

(t/deftest date
(t/testing "desired date"
(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDate
:cljs js/Date)
(sut/DATE 1988 8 21)))
(let [[t m] (sut/DATE 1988 8 21)]
(t/is (= t "LocalDate"))
(t/is (integer? m)))

(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDate
:cljs js/Date)
((af/compile "DATE(1988, 8, 21)"))))
(let [[t m] ((af/compile "DATE(1988, 8, 21)"))]
(t/is (= t "LocalDate"))
(t/is (integer? m)))

(t/is (instance? #?(:clj java.time.LocalDate
:cljs js/Date)
((af/compile "DATE('1988', '8', '21')"))))))
(let [[t m] ((af/compile "DATE('1988', '8', '21')"))]
(t/is (= t "LocalDate"))
(t/is (integer? m)))))

(t/deftest day
(t/testing "get day"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +67,12 @@

(t/testing "local date time"
(t/is ((af/compile "NOW() > 0")))
(t/is ((af/compile "NOW() > DATE(1988, 8, 21)")))))
(t/is ((af/compile "NOW() > DATE(1988, 8, 21)"))))

(t/testing "complex"
(t/is ((af/compile " AND({'LocalDateTime', 1589256144123} >= .nbf, {'LocalDateTime', 1589256144123} < .exp)")
{"exp" 1589296144
"nbf" 1589209744}))))

(t/deftest format-test
(t/is (= "1988-08-21" ((af/compile ", 8, 21))"))))
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