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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Component: Logging
Component: Logging
Component: Music
Component: Music
Component: Network
Component: Network
Component: Picture
Component: Picture
Component: Players
Component: Players
For changed player parts within "./xbmc/cores"
Component: Profiles
Component: Profiles
Component: PVR
Component: PVR
Component: Python
Component: Python
Component: Settings
Component: Settings
Component: Skin
Component: Skin
Component: Speech
Component: Speech
Component: Strings
Component: Strings
Component: Subtitles
Component: Subtitles
Component: System
Component: System
Component: Teletext
Component: Teletext
Component: UPnP
Component: UPnP
Component: Video rendering
Component: Video rendering
Component: Video
Component: Video
Component: Visualization
Component: Visualization
Component: Windowing
Component: Windowing
Don't merge
Don't merge
PR that should not be merged (yet)
Feature branch: ODB
Feature branch: ODB
Feature branch: vpupdates
Feature branch: vpupdates
Feature: Video Versions/Extras
Feature: Video Versions/Extras
good first issue
good first issue
special GitHub label
Hacktoberfest tagging
help wanted
help wanted
special GitHub label
Ignored rules
Ignored rules
issue that does not follow the rules (no template, missing debug log, ...)
Infra work such as GitHub config files