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Releases: xbnstudios/Gelo


05 Aug 06:06
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Bugs Fixed

  • HttpPusher now retries requests reliably on failure, and handles peer disconnects gracefully


27 Jun 21:37
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Bugs Fixed

  • AudacityLabels, NowPlayingFile, and Tweeter would all fail to start because I forgot to update them along with the rest of the plugins.
  • A logic error in IRC caused some configuration validity checks to be skipped.
  • Omitting disabled keys in some plugins caused type errors.


27 Jun 20:02
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Breaking Changes

The configuration file is now TOML, not INI. To get a sense for what changed, you can diff your config against the example one. Alternatively, here are the changes in list form:

  • If you are using the default configuration file location, you will need to rename the configuration file to gelo.toml.
  • You will need to go through the configuration and add quotes around the name of each plugin section. For example, [plugin:HttpPoller] becomes ["plugin:HttpPoller"].
  • You will also need to go through and add quotes to every string value in the configuration. I found sed -re 's/=( ?)(.*)/=\1"\2"/g' gelo.toml > gelo-quotes.toml to be helpful, since there are many more string keys than non-string keys.
  • You will need to ensure any boolean keys use TOML boolean values: true and false. Previously, the configuration parser would interpret many different values as true-y or false-y.
  • If you are using repeat_with in the IRC plugin, you will need to convert it from a string with commas into a first-class TOML array.
  • If you are using the HttpPusher plugin, you will need to move the webhook configuration parameters into a new TOML table called ["plugin:HttpPusher".webhooks.your_webhook_name]
  • If you have used semicolons to indicate comments, this is technically no longer supported. However, it shouldn’t break anything to leave them in because TOML interprets the semicolon as part of the key name. Best practice would be to change them to number signs (#).

New Features

  • HttpPusher now supports multiple webhooks! Configure them by duplicating the TOML table from the example config file and renaming to suit your use case.
  • HttpPusher now supports passing the show slug and episode number to webhooks! Just as with the current setup, they will be added to the query string on a GET request and encoded as form values on a POST request.
  • HttpPusher now supports extra_delay per webhook, similar to OneEightyOneFM and SomaFM. This allows you to set up webhooks with no delay (for internal use) as well as webhooks with any configured delay. We’re using this internally to update our live stream lower thirds instantly, but delay updates to a Telegram bot by the same amount as our broadcast delay.

Bugs Fixed



21 Jul 05:53
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Breaking Changes

All plugin files, modules, and configuration header sections must now match the class name. This is necessary to support yapsy 1.12. Note: after installing this update, you will need to modify your configuration file. See the section headers in the example config for the changes.

New Features


Bugs Fixed

All plugins failed to load when using yapsy 1.12.


28 Jul 20:53
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Bugs Fixed

  • Tab completion for plugins was case-sensitive, which kinda sucks to use


  • The stream source plugins can now prefix a track with some arbitrary string, which is helpful for ensuring that listeners know what's going on.


28 Jul 16:29
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New Features

  • Stream source plugins! Two are included: one for and one for They both work with literally any SHOUTcast-style MP3 stream though, so if you don't mind confusing names, you can put any MP3 stream URL in their configuration sections.

Bugs Fixed

  • Squashed error message about writing to a file with the wrong type of content in Python 3.7.0. It turns out that if you want to write a string to a file using a specific encoding, you need to open the file in binary mode.

Outstanding Bugs

  • None that I know about!


01 Jun 04:05
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Bugs Fixed

  • It's not really my bug, but now the NowPlayingFile plugin saves the file as latin-1, which will hopefully prevent further misbehavior on butt's part.


31 May 04:06
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No code changes from v3.0.1, except now it has the right version in :/


31 May 03:54
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Bugs Fixed

  • NowPlayingFile now eats U+2014 EM DASH and replaces it with U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, because butt doesn't handle characters that are outside of ASCII very well.

Features Added

  • Tab completion for all commands, as well as macros.

Bugs Outstanding

None that I know of!


14 May 04:02
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New Features

  • Broadcast delay! Now you can tell Gelo to make specific plugins wait to announce the markers, so that they line up with what your audience sees while they're watching live. This required a version bump to 3.0.0 because delayed is now an additional parameter for plugins to supply when subscribing to marker channels.
  • Activating debug logging is less stupid. One -v for INFO, two for DEBUG, and zero for CRITICAL.

Bugs Fixed

None that I know of.

Outstanding Bugs

Please open an issue if you find any!