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XBN Timestamp Project

Project overview

About this repository

XBN wants to put chapter markers in their podcasts, and there isn't any good software infrastructure yet to support that. This is the second part of the two-part system that generates various metadata to be embedded into podcast files or released alongside the podcast file. This repository is also the working directory where most of the reference/development files can be found.

What you'll find here:

  • - Audacity Marker Converter on the graph, generate CUE, LRC and simple timestamp files from an Audacity marker file
  • - new and improved version of PostShow developed by s0ph0s. Changelog can be found here
  • Gelo - Podcast chapter metadata gathering tool
  • mp3-chapter-scripts - S0ph0s's scripts to embed chapters into MP3s. Use in production
  • auxiliary-scripts - various scripts that aren't part of the main package
  • MarkerGen - Script that was used to extract approximate metadata from xananp's tweets. Kept for posterity reasons
  • old-reference-livescript.js - script that was previously used in production, now superseded by Gelo


Please refer to Gelo documentation for Gelo-specific usage instructions.

usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-m MARKERS] [-p PROFILE] [--no-encode]
                     wav outdir

Convert and tag WAVs and chapter metadata for podcasts.

positional arguments:
  wav                   WAV file to convert/use
  outdir                directory in which to write output files. Will be
                        created if nonexistent.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        configuration file to use, defaults to $HOME/.config/
  -m MARKERS, --markers MARKERS
                        marker file to convert/use. Only Audacity labels are
                        currently supported
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        the configuration profile on which to base default
  --no-encode           the MP3 file already exists, don't encode the WAV

example: -m fnt-200.txt fnt-200.wav output/folder/