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Use of @BindSqlChildSelect child selects

xcesco edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 1 revision

@BindSqlRelation allows specifying that marked field is external to SQL table as a relationship with another model entity.

DAOs work with associated entities, so usually it can be used to insert/update/select/delete a specific type of bean. Suppose you have a data source which data model is composed of two entities: album and song. There is a one-2-many relation between them.

public class Album {
  public  long id;
  public String name;

  @BindSqlRelation(foreignKey = "albumId")
  public List<Song> songs;
public class Song {
  public long id;
  public String name;
  public long albumId;

albumId is the foreign key of the relation. songs field, marked with @BindRelation, can contain all album's songs and it can not be stored in a table column. Every class is managed by its DAO. If you want, you can link associated DAO to load an album and its songs with the use of child selects.

public interface DaoAlbum extends DaoBase<Album> {
    @BindSqlChildSelect(relation="songs", method="selectByAlbumId")
  List<Album> selectAlbums();

public interface DaoSong extends DaoBase<Song> {

  List<Song> selectAll();
  List<Song> selectByAlbumId(@BindSqlParam("albumId") long dummy);

In the above DAO definitions, method selectAlbum load all albums and for each album, to valorize songs field, uses the DaoSong#selectByAlbumId.

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