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kubectl-diagnose (a.k.a. "Route 503")

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You just exposed your application running on OpenShift or Kubernetes to the outter world, but you’re getting a 503 Service Unavailable response when trying to access it? Damn’it! 😬

Say hello to kubectl-diagnose👋

This tool attempts to find which of the route, ingress, service, deployment, replicaset, statefulset, persistentvolumeclaim or pod is misconfigured or failing, so you don’t have to pull your hair out on such a problem.


You can either:

  • run go install and add $GOPAH/bin to $PATH or move $GOPAtH/bin/kubectl-diagnose in one of the directories of $PATH

  • clone this repository, run make install and add $GOPAH/bin to $PATH or move $GOPAtH/bin/kubectl-terminate in one of the directories of $PATH

Supported Cases

kubectl-diagnose may detect:

  • when the target service of an OpenShift route does not exist

  • when the target service of an OpenShift route has no matching port

  • when there is no pod matching the service selector

  • when there is no port in the pod containers matching the service target port

  • when one of the pod container is not running

  • when the statefulset replicas or deployment replicas is set to 0

  • when a persistent volume claim is stuck in pending phase


kubectl-diagnose can be run as a standalone command or as a plugin for kubectl and oc (for OpenShift 4 users) when the binary is in your $PATH.

kubectl-diagnose uses the same connection settings as the regular kubectl and oc commands:

  • via the --kubeconfig flag if specified

  • via KUBECONFIG env var if it exists

  • from the default location ($HOME/.kube/config on Linux and macOS or %USERPROFILE%\.kube\config on Windows).


The examples directory contains manifests with Routes, Services, Deployments and ConfigMaps for all supported cases, so you can try them by yourself on your OpenShift Cluster.

If you don’t have an OpenShift cluster, you can sign into Developer Sandbox and have a free access to an OpenShift cluster 30 days 😉

Using the deployment-service-account-not-found.yaml example:

$ oc apply -f examples/deployment-service-account-not-found.yaml created
service/deploy-sa-notfound created
deployment.apps/deploy-sa-notfound created
configmap/caddy-config-port-8080 configured

$ oc diagnose route/deploy-sa-notfound
👀 checking route 'deploy-sa-notfound' in namespace 'test'...
👀 checking service 'deploy-sa-notfound' in namespace 'test'...
👀 checking replicaset 'deploy-sa-notfound-59b5d8468f' in namespace 'test'...
👻 replicaset 'deploy-sa-notfound-59b5d8468f' failed to create pods: pods "deploy-sa-notfound-59b5d8468f-" is forbidden: error looking up service account test/deploy-sa-notfound: serviceaccount "deploy-sa-notfound" not found


Feel free to open an issue describing a case that is not covered yet. It could help you and others in the future!🤩 If you’re in the mood to implement it, that’s awesome! 🙌 You can submit a pull-request along with tests written with Ginkgo and a ideally, title based on the Conventional Commits specification.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get an immediate response, this is a side-project 😅


kubectl-diagnose is available under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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