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This is a C++ argument parser library.

It's type-safe and it doesn't use strings or similar techniques to retrieve results. Arguments are represented by actual objects which are passed by lvalue-reference to the parser.

There are a few pre-made arguments (LambdaArg, MapLookupArg, Flag) and parsers (ArgParser, FlagParser) for common usage, but it's completely extensible (see LambdaArg and FlagParser respectively for easy examples).

A challenge has been to avoid type erasure, dynamic allocations and virtual methods. I think I almost achieved it except for the to_str method, which is used for error reporting. No dynamic allocations are performed either (except for vectors of parsed results or strings, which need to be dynamically resized) and type erasure is not performed at all, all types are known everywhere at compile-time.


Conditions are in the namespace args::condition which is not specified for brevity. I recommend putting using namespace args::condition in the function that declares and uses parsers. The source for this example can be found at readme_example.cpp and compiled with make example (you will need to build the library first with make libargs)

Argument declarations:

  • Flag that expects no parameters. Shortopt is -f and longopt is --flag:
    auto flag = args::flag('f', "flag")
        .description("a flag"); // description to show in the help message
  • Flag that expects an integer. Has no shortopt and longopt is --integer:
    auto integer_flag = args::flag<int>("integer")
        .metavars("INT") // parameter name to display in the help message
        .description("takes an integer");
  • There's no limit to the number of parameters for a flag (only string, bool and int are predefined, specialize ParamParser for custom types):
    auto multi_param_flag = args::flag<int,bool,std::string>('m', "multi-param")
        .metavars("INT BOOL STR")
        .description("this is used to show how multiple parameters can be passed");
  • Requires -f or --flag:
    auto requires_flag = args::flag('r', "requires-flag", True(), requires(flag))
        .description("does nothing, but requires -f or --flag");
  • Help flag. Note that max(0) is used as a postcondition so that -h is considered an error and will not report further errors. Postconditions are evaluated when all elements in argv have been parsed.
    auto help_flag = args::flag('h', "help", True(), max(0))
        .description("print this message and exit");
  • Flag that must be specified at least once:
    auto once_flag = args::flag('o', "once", True(), min(1))
        .description("can only be specified once");
  • Either build or run. It must appear exactly once. This will only be considered it has not been given yet. Preconditions are similar to this pseudocode:
    if (precondition_ok())

Note that max(0) is used instead of max(1) because the condition is evaluated before parsing, in which case it would have been found 0 times:

    enum class Command { BUILD, RUN };
    auto command = args::map_lookup_arg<Command>({
        { "build", Command::BUILD },
        { "run",   Command::RUN   }
    }, max(0), min(1))
        .description("available commands");
  • Either all or current. It will only be considered after a command has been found and must appear exactly once:
    enum class Target { ALL, CURRENT };
    auto target = args::map_lookup_arg<Target>({
        { "all",     Target::ALL     },
        { "current", Target::CURRENT }
    }, all(after(command), max(0)), min(1))
        .description("available targets");
  • Group them by priority. Note that command and target will fail to parse immediately and args::parse() will return an error. Flags should also be put in the first place in order to be considered whenever an argument starting with "-" is found. The endopts flag ("--") is built-in and checked automatically.
    // flags require the flags() parser because they need extra logic for shortopts
    // and the endopts mark. anything else can be in a args() parser.
    // order in which they are specified is the order in which the parser will
    // try to parse them.
    auto flag_parser = args::flags(flag, integer_flag, multi_param_flag,
                                   requires_flag, help_flag, once_flag);

    auto argument_parser = args::args(command, target);
  • Parsing argv:
    // takes two InputIterators (args_begin and args_end). value_type must be
    // convertible to args::StrView (const char* or std::string)
    auto result = args::parse(argv+1, argv+argc, flag_parser, argument_parser);
  • Using the result:
    using std::cout;
    using std::boolalpha;

    if (result.is_ok()) {
        cout << "Flag has been given " << flag.multiplicity << " times\n";

        cout << "Found --integer values: ";

        // .result is a vector<T>. In the case of flags, T is a tuple
        // of the parameter types, in this case, tuple<int>
        for (const auto& i : integer_flag.result)
            cout << std::get<0>(i) << ' ';

        cout << "\n";

        cout << "Found --multi-param values: ";

        for (const auto& tup : multi_param_flag.result)
            cout << '('              << std::get<0>(tup) << ','
                 << ' ' << boolalpha << std::get<1>(tup) << ','
                 << ' '              << std::get<2>(tup) << ") ";

        cout << "\n";

        cout << "Found -r or --requires-flag? " << boolalpha <<
            (bool) requires_flag << '\n';

        cout << "Command is BUILD? " << boolalpha <<
            (command.result.front() == Command::BUILD) << '\n';

        cout << "Target is ALL? " << boolalpha <<
            (target.result.front() == Target::ALL) << '\n';

    } else if (help_flag) {
        cout << "Help flag found\n";

        cout << "Usage: "
             << argv[0] << " <flags> COMMAND <flags> TARGET <flags>"
             << "\n\n";

        cout << "Fixed arguments:\n";
        // indent with two spaces and put the description 4 spaces away
        args::print_help(argument_parser, {"  ", 4}, cout);
        cout << "\n";

        cout << "Flags:\n";
        args::print_help(flag_parser, {"  ", 4}, cout);

    } else {
        cout << "Error ocurred:\n";

        args::report_error(result, cout);

Another working example can be found in main.cpp, which I use for testing.


I hate writing documentation, so here it goes a brief explaination.

This library has two main components: arguments and parsers. Arguments describe actual arguments that should be taken into account when parsing. They also contain logic about how they should be parsed. Parsers just store references to arguments with the same priority and loop through them.

There are also three functions that are provided: parse, report_error and print_help. They are mostly for convenience, since parse will only initialize an OwnedParserState and loop through argv and the provided parsers until everything is matched or an error occurs. report_error will simply show an easy to read message describing the provided error and print_help will generate a common help message for the given parser with the specified HelpFmt.

All arguments derive from Arg<T, Derived>, where T is the type to be parsed (e.g. an enum member for commands or a Path for an input file) and Derived is the type itself for the CRTP. In order to provide an implementation for the argument, the methods ParseResult<T> parse_impl(ParserState&) and virtual std::string to_str() const have to be implemented. Although it's not necessary, a helper factory function makes usage easier to read and write. You can see lambda_arg.hpp, map_lookup_arg.hpp and flag.hpp for example argument implementations. If you only need to use the argument once, check out LambdaArg or MapLookupArg, they may be useful. Flags have a different extension mechanism, you should specialize ParamParser for your type instead of inheritance, Flags will automatically be able parse your type with it.

Arguments also contain preconditions and postconditions. These are functors that evaluate an argument with a ParserState and return either success() or a ParseError. The difference between preconditions and postconditions is that preconditions are evaluated before parsing and skip the argument in the parser pass if they fail, whereas postconditions are evaluated after parsing all arguments and the parser returns immediately. You can find pre-made conditions in conditions.hpp.

Parsers are just containers for arguments and they are also extensible if it's necessary to add special logic on top of arguments (see FlagParser in flag.hpp for an example) also deriving from ArgParser<ArgTs...>, where ArgTs are the types of the arguments to manage.


C++ argument parser



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